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Pattern of Fungal Infections in Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media (CSOM)
Published in Cut Adeya Adella, Stem Cell Oncology, 2018
M.P.H. Harahap, A. Aboet, T.S.H. Haryuna
Otomycosis is a fungal infection of the ear that is usually an infection of the outer ear canal; in some cases this fungal infection may affect the middle ear in the case of perforation of the tympanic membrane (Chao et al., 2011). Chronicity of the discharge plays an important role in the causation of fungal otitis media as it causes humid conditions in the ear and alters the pH of the media to alkaline epithelial debris. Both these factors help in the growth of fungus (Dhingra et al., 2014). However, the disease is still a challenge and can even lead to frustration in both patients and ENT specialists because of prolonged treatment due to high recurrence (Chao et al., 2011; Ozturkcan, 2014).
Aspergillus niger inactivation in microwave rotary drum drying of whole garlic bulbs and effect on quality of dried garlic powder
Published in Drying Technology, 2019
Sudarshanna Kar, Arun S. Mujumdar, Parag P. Sutar
Improper transportation and storage facility support high respiration rate in microorganism leading to microbial spoilage which accounts for approximately 30% wastage of fresh garlic bulbs.[4] Black mold rot and bacterial rot are the two major diseases developed in garlic during its storage. Black mold rot is caused due to Aspergillus niger.[5,6] Aspergillus species belongs to xerophilic fungi which is the prime cause for food and feed contaminations[7] and it is a saprophytic mold that can grow upon a diverse range of organic substrate and deteriorates food material.[8] It is also an opportunistic fungus causing otomycosis and implicated in nosocomial infections, especially in immune-compromised and transplanted patients.[9,10] The fungus can be inactivated by chemical treatment but it leads to negative consumer perception. Hence, chemical treatment should be substituted by a proper alternative decontamination technology that can be nontoxic to human health.