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Distillery and Sugar Mill Wastewater
Published in Arun Kumar, Jay Shankar Singh, Microalgae in Waste Water Remediation, 2021
There are a number of cyanobacterial strains such as Oscillatoria sp., Lyngbya sp., Synechocystis, Pithophora sp., Scenedesmus sp, Chlorella vulgaris and Spirulina platensis, which have been successfully used for the removal of color, solids, BOD from the waste water (Table 6.3) (Patel et al. 2001, Vijayakumar et al. 2005, Dhamotharan et al. 2009, Murugesan et al. 2010, Rao et al. 2011, Ganapathiselvam et al. 2011). Although microalgae are not found to be very effective in the degradation of lignin and tannins that are present in distillery and sugar mill wastewater. However many microalgal strains like Phormidium ambiguum, Chroococcus minutes, Oscillatoria willei, Phormidium valderianum and Anabaena azollae exist for the degradation of lignin and are also reported for the presence of laccase enzymes that known for the degradation of lignin in the microalgae (Semple and Cain 1996, Semple et al. 1999, Kalavathi et al. 2001, Papazi and Kotzabasis 2007, Anbuselvi and Jeyanthi 2009).
The Algae Problem in the Netherlands from a Water Treatment Perspective
Published in Aleksandar Vlaški, Microcystis aeruginosa Removal by Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF), 2020
Whilst cyanobacteria species are generally recognized as K-strategists, species differ with regard to their R or S character. The most widely spread cyanobacteria are Microcystis spp., which are characteristic for eutrophied lakes, and a typical S-species, able to dominate periods of late summer (high temperatures), and severe nutrient depletion. Their physiological and morphological characteristics make them a particular nuisance in water treatment. On the other hand, in the Netherlands concern grows about the incidence of the Oscillatoria spp. in some water resources. Oscillatoria spp. are known to possess an effective light-capturing mechanism across a wide band of the visible spectrum, as well as a buoyancy regulating mechanism. These make for a pronounced R-species, allowing the species to inhabit constantly mixed lake environments [5]. There is obvious differentiation between these two cyanobacterial genera, with respect to their shape, size, extra cellular organic matter (EOM) characteristics, nutrient uptake, buoyancy regulating mechanism, etc. On the other hand, they are both identified as cause of numerous problems in water treatment [4, 6, 8, 12, 16, 17, 18]. Therefore, they are of particular further interest to this study.
Published in M. Sengupta, Environmental Impacts of Mining, 2018
Initially the study intended to concentrate on blue-green algae (Cyanobacteria) of the genus Oscillatoria. Oscillatoria spp. was noted as being prevalent in several natural and manmade wetlands that displayed reductions in Mn levels from source to outflow and was the species noted in a previous section that exhibited Mn levels of 56,000 mg/kg of plant. However, during the period between the original proposal and the actual planting of the studied wetland, the predominant algae in the previously Oscillatoria-dominated wetlands became the green algae of the genus Mougeotia. Oscillatoria was still present, but not dominant.
Identification of Phytoplankton from Fresh Water and Growth Optimization in Potent Algae by Response Surface Methodology for Enhanced Biomass Production
Published in Smart Science, 2020
Santhosh Sigamani, Mohammed Habeeb Ahmed, Hemalatha Natarajan, Dhandapani Ramamurthy
The size of Chlorella sp. is spherical and single celled organism with a diameter of 2–10 micrometer [28] that falls under the order Chlorococcales and Chlorellaceae family [29]. In a growth condition of microalgae containing cellulose based cell wall that varies in its thickness and composition [30]. A microalgal strain can morphologically vary with age factors and the conditions of culture [31]. The second isolate in the present study belongs to the genus Oscillatoria which is a dominant cyanobacterium (Cyanophyceae) that grows in various habitats [32]. The thallus that is made up of single trichome (filament). This cyanobacterium are blue-green to violet-red in appearance where green color represents Chlorophyll a as carotenoids and accessory pigments, Blue color is found due to phycobiliprotein named phycocyanin. This distinct feature makes it different from other cyanobacteria. They also differ based on its motility and ability to conduct the anoxygenic photosynthesis. The long filamentous structures appear as discoid and surrounded by cell wall making it devoid of heterocyst. To survive their position in water planktonic species have gas vesicles. These gas vesicles are cytoplasmic inclusions that enable buoyancy to adjust their floating nature in water bodies in search of a suitable niche for survival and growth. Due to its oscillating movement this cyanobacteria derives its name as Oscillatoria. The phototactic movements caused due to slime secretion or surface undulation are also reported [33,34]. The third isolate Chlorococcum sp. had vegetative cells in solitary or temporary groups of indefinite form, not embedded in gelatin. Cells are ellipsoidal to spherical and vary in size and their cell wall is smooth. Their chloroplast is parietal with or without a peripheral opening but with one or more pyrenoids. Cells are generally uninucleate or multinucleate prior to zoosporogenesis. Reproduction is by zoospores, aplanospores, or isogametes. The cells are motile and contain two flagella that remained ellipsoidal after motility ceases. Physiological studies of its several species have determined the effect of various nutrients and inhibitors on growth. A serological study was performed to determine the relationship between Chlorococcum and Tetracystis which differs morphologically only in the ability of the latter to form tetrads by desmoschisis [35].