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Microbial Capacities for Utilization of Nitroaromatics
Published in Ram Chandra, R.C. Sobti, Microbes for Sustainable Development and Bioremediation, 2019
Asifa Qureshi, Hitesh Tikariha, Hemant J. Purohit
Moreover, genomic islands can also be responsible for the evolution of a broad spectrum of bacteria due to their role in the dissemination of different genes such as antibiotic resistance and virulence genes, which might lead to the generation of new catabolic genes. This new gene can then intermingle with the existing machinery, or it proceeds to the formation of whole new metabolic pathways.
Taxonomic, metabolic traits and species description of aromatic compound degrading Indian soil bacterium Pseudomonas bharatica CSV86T
Published in Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A, 2023
Balaram Mohapatra, Prashant S. Phale
Overall, the taxono-genomic and metabolic analyses indicated that strain CSV86T is distinct from its closest relatives in the genus Pseudomonas. The ability to preferentially utilize various aromatics over glucose as well as co-metabolism of aromatics with organic acids illustrates a unique carbon source utilization hierarchy. Furthermore, the ability of strain CSV86T to assimilate various nitrogenous intermediates, reduce nitrate and nitrite, metabolize sulfur and sulfonate sources, resistance to heavy metals, and other eco-physiological traits highlighted its competitive survival features required to survive in contaminated and dynamic environmental conditions, as well as its suitability for bioremediation. The large genome size with multiple integrative conjugative elements and genomic islands encoding functional traits contribute to strain’s genome plasticity, thus allowing it to adapt at contaminated niches. As it lacks a plasmid, has well-characterized growth conditions, and genome sequence is available, it is amenable to metabolic engineering to improve its metabolic diversity and degradation capacity. In addition, aromatic metabolic routes of CSV86T can be further diversified by engineering peripheral routes (for example Carbaryl degradation enzymes) and lower pathways like gentisate route, to degrade wider range of genotoxic aromatic compounds.