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Development and Utilization of a Novel Prodosomed-Electrolyte and Phytochemical Formulation Technology to Restore Metabolic Homeostasis
Published in Debasis Bagchi, Manashi Bagchi, Metal Toxicology Handbook, 2020
Bernard W. Downs, Manashi Bagchi, Bruce S. Morrison, Jeffrey Galvin, Steve Kushner, Debasis Bagchi
As already mentioned, excretion of electrolytes mandates replacement to maintain physiological homeostatic properties.5–7 If electrolyte intake is insufficient, the body will repartition (steal) mineral ions from non-critical biological compartments (i.e. saliva) and structural substances (i.e. muscles, organs, and bones) to supply electrolytes for critical functions for life support, such as pH homeostasis in the blood and intracellular compartments.5,8 In the blood, maintaining the ideal pH is crucial to ensure the effective and efficient utilization of oxygen and water. In multiple physiological conditions, extreme shifts in blood electrolyte levels, becoming too high or low, induce an electrolyte imbalance. Both low and high electrolyte levels can have a harmful effect on human health and can be fatal in selected cases.6,7 During vomiting, diarrhea, or excessive sweating (such as from extreme physical exertion), severe dehydration can occur.5,8 It is advisable to consume both water and electrolytes, especially sodium, chloride, and potassium during and following excessive sweating.13,14 However, loss of electrolytes from sweat varies from person to person. Moreover, long periods of exercise, particularly in a hot climate, can cause significant electrolyte loss.15 Endurance athletes, who are exercising for longer hours or exercising in extreme heat, should consider electrolyte-enriched drinks to replace their electrolyte losses.15,16 An electrolyte imbalance may occur due to various dysfunctions and physiological conditions including: Persistent diarrhea or vomitingExcessive sweating and high feverNot consuming enough foods or waterChronic degenerative diseasesEmphysema or chronic respiratory problemsMetabolic alkalosis (a physiological condition of higher than normal blood pH usually induced as an extreme alkaline buffering response to anaerobic/hypoxic conditions)Intake of pharmaceutical drugs including steroids, antibiotics, diuretics, or laxativesDehydration caused by desert climate of high temperature, vomiting, or diarrhea.
Bioremediation of an agricultural saline soil contaminated with endosulfan and Escherichia coli by an active surface agent induced in a Penicillium crustosum culture
Published in Preparative Biochemistry & Biotechnology, 2022
Anbu Landa-Faz, Refugio Rodríguez-Vázquez, Teresa-Guadalupe Roldán-Carrillo, María-Eugenia Hidalgo-Lara, Ricardo Aguilar-López, Mariano-Enrique Cebrián-García
The BASA applied to the salty agricultural soil with a high content of E. coli (2.5 × 105) had a 99.8% decrease in the population after 8 days and a 100% decrease after 12 days. That could be explained by the accumulation of BASA in the cell wall of the microorganism, which implies an electrolyte imbalance due to the entry of a greater amount of Ca+2 and H+ ions into the cell. It also could be associated with the intercalation of the phospholipid bilayer in the membrane, altering the protein formation and the transport and generation of energy, leading to cell death.[40] Additionally, anionic surfactants could interact with macromolecules, such as peptides and enzymes, altering the biological function of microorganisms.[41]
Neuromuscular anomalies following oral exposure to 3-nitro-1,2,4-triazol-5-one (NTO) in a one-generation study with Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica)
Published in Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A, 2018
Allison M. Jackovitz, Keith A. Koistinen, Emily M. Lent, Desmond I. Bannon, Michael J. Quinn, Mark S. Johnson
In the absence of neuroendocrine effects, the putative neurological effects observed in birds exposed to high doses of NTO coupled with its low molecular mass suggest that NTO likely penetrates the blood–brain barrier. Alternatively, there may be an indirect or physiological effect, such as an electrolyte imbalance. Birds are known to be especially sensitive to acid-base balance and the dynamic response to maintain such a balance (Karunajeewa and Barr 1988; Parsons, Edmonds, and Baker 1984), but clinical chemistry data presented does not suggest an electrolyte imbalance (Table 5). Additional investigation is warranted to elucidate the mechanism by which NTO induces the neurologic deficits and the vacuoles within the cerebellum and brainstem noted in these birds and whether these are causative or associative in the observation of neuromuscular spasms. Follow-up studies may also investigate whether NTO might cross the blood–brain barrier. Neither brain vacuoles nor convulsions were seen in past studies with NTO in rodents.
Bioaccumulation of trace metals in Mediterranean mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) from a fish farm with copper-alloy mesh pens and potential risk assessment
Published in Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal, 2018
Murat Yigit, Barbaros Celikkol, Sevdan Yilmaz, Musa Bulut, Baris Ozalp, Robert L. Dwyer, Masashi Maita, Bayram Kizilkaya, Ümüt Yigit, Sebahattin Ergün, Kaan Gürses, Yesim Buyukates
Ahmed et al. (2015) reported that Zinc is an essential micronutrient for both animals and humans and acts as a cofactor for around 300 enzymes, responsible for certain biological functions in all marine organisms. However, excessive dietary intake of Zn has been reported to cause electrolyte imbalance, nausea, anemia, or lethargy (Prasad 1984). In the present study, highest concentration of 17.10 and 22.25 mg/kg for Zn were recorded in the edible part of the mussels (wet weight basis) collected from the CF and CB locations, while lower Zn levels of 7.33 and 9.90 mg/kg were measured in the samples from the US and DS stations. The upper limit of Zn reported by FAO/WHO (1989) is 40 mg/kg, which is far beyond the values measured in the present study. Similar to our findings, Brooks et al. (2012) reported Zn concentrations between 13.3–15.2 mg/kg (wet weight basis) in whole Mediterranean mussels.