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Characterization of Biological and Environmental Particles Using Static and Dynamic Light Scattering
Published in Jacques Buffle, Herman P. van Leeuwen, Environmental Particles, 2018
Peter Schurtenberger, Meredith E. Newman
The cytoplasma in eye lenses contains a highly concentrated solution of lens-specific proteins, the crystallins.152,153 Their concentration increases from approximately 250 to 400 mg/ml across the lens, thus establishing the refractive index gradient required for the proper focusing of incident light. Despite the very high protein concentration, the lens cytoplasm is normally transparent because of short range ordering of the crystallins. Mammalian lenses contain primarily α-, β-, and γ-crystallins. Their relative proportions vary with age and location within the lens.
Computational analysis of nonenzymatic deamidation of asparagine residues catalysed by acetic acid
Published in Molecular Physics, 2021
Tomoki Nakayoshi, Kota Wanita, Koichi Kato, Eiji Kurimoto, Akifumi Oda
Asn-residue deamidation has been observed in various biological proteins. The formation of Asp residues through Asn-residue deamidation introduces a negative charge into peptides and proteins, and the formation of isoAsp residues results in backbone extension of peptides and proteins in addition to the negative charge. Therefore, Asn-residue deamidation affects the three-dimensional structures and associated properties of peptides and proteins. For example, the deamidation of Asn76 and Asn143 in γS-crystallin in eye lenses appears to enhance protein–protein interactions, and to promote aggregation [12]. Deamidated peptides and proteins are suspected to be related to age-related diseases, e.g. cataract [12–17] and Parkinson’s diseases [18]. In addition, Asn-residue deamidation has been observed not only in biological proteins but also in monoclonal antibodies and peptide drugs [6,7,19–26]. Thus, it is feared that changes in conformation and charges of peptides and proteins due to Asn-residue deamidation can undermine drug safety and efficacy. The formation of several types of Asp isomers by Asn-residue deamidation via Suc intermediates can contribute to the heterogeneity of these drugs.
Genetics of congenital cataract, its diagnosis and therapeutics
Published in Egyptian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 2018
Luqman Khan, Nargis Shaheen, Qaisar Hanif, Shah Fahad, Muhammad Usman
The crystallin lens of the eye has been a model system for the intricacies of tissue induction and morphogenesis as well as cell specification and differentiation. Crystallin is main essential constituents of the vertebrate eye lens and exhibit more than 90% of the water-soluble total lens proteins; they play important roles in maintaining the clearness and diversion function of the lens [14]. Crystallin has been categorised into α, β, γ crystallin [15]. They are soluble protein and own an important role in developing the transparency of the lens.