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Altered level of consciousness
Altered level of consciousness refers to a state of reduced awareness or responsiveness to external stimuli, which can be caused by various factors such as intoxication, trauma, shock, or neurological events. Patients experiencing altered level of consciousness may have difficulty participating in examinations and may require monitoring of their respiratory function.From: Clinical Surveillance [2020], AIS scores in spine and spinal cord trauma: Epidemiological considerations [2018]
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Many CABG patients arrive from surgery with cardiovascular instabilities and co-morbidities in addition to complex acid-base disturbances which can affect the manner in which they metabolize oxygen and carbon dioxide. Patients who are able to be weaned rather directly from postoperative mechanical ventilation are normally those, as prescribed by clinical protocols and guidelines, who are free of these complicating factors. Furthermore, patients who are weaned from postoperative mechanical ventilation are those whose physiological and metabolic system parameters remain within normal ranges. Such patients are also free of acute neurological events (e.g.: coma or altered level of consciousness) and impaired autonomic nervous system activity that could otherwise disable spontaneous respiration [38].
Alcohol and risky behavior in traffic among motorcyclists involved in accidents in a city in northeastern Brazil
The HR was chosen for this study because it houses the main trauma unit of the state of Pernambuco. Hospitalized motorcyclists who were 18 years old or over were surveyed. Those who presented an altered level of consciousness that made them unable to respond to the questionnaire and whose Glasgow Coma Scale scores were moderate to severe were excluded.