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Male Methods
Published in Sujoy K. Guba, Bioengineering in Reproductive Medicine, 2020
Disorders of semen ejaculation is one of the causes of male infertility. The problems fall into four major groups: retrograde ejaculation; premature ejaculation; ejaculatory duct obstruction and ejaculatory failure.1 In retrograde ejaculation the seminal fluid travels to the bladder instead of being voided anteriorly via the urethra. Premature ejaculation involves seminal evacuation prior to vaginal intromission. Obstruction of the seminal flow pathways may be congenital or acquired and may result in reduced total spermatozoa count in the ejaculate or aspermia. Ejaculatory failure is on account of some abnormality in the activation and effectiveness of the propulsion mechanism. The first three types of problems are dealt with by drug therapy, surgery and psychiatric counselling. Technology has a role in the management of the fourth category, i.e., ejaculatory failure. Physical modalities to induce ejaculation have been developed.
Published in Philip Winn, Dictionary of Biological Psychology, 2003
(from Latin, intro: inward, mittere: to send) Intromission is the noun, intromit the verb: in general use intromission refers to any insertion, as the etymology implies. In biology, intromission refers to a component of SEXUAL BEHAVIOUR: the insertion of the PENIS into the VAGINA. In a single sexual interaction, a male rat will typically intromit several times before finally ejaculating.
The Challenge of Too Much: Inviting Laplanche’s Theory into the Realm of Couples Therapy
Published in Studies in Gender and Sexuality, 2022
The presence in messaging of adult sexuality comes through two modes: implantation and intromission (Scarfone, 2015). Implantation refers to a message that cannot be fully translated, thus existing in a territory split between the conscious and unconscious, between what can be translated and what must be repressed. Such an implanted message is traumatic, but nevertheless leads to psychic structuring. Intromission, on the other hand, represents the parental sexual entering the child in an intrusive, highly traumatic, and unmetabolizable way. This is a destructive form of enigmatic messaging that may issue from a psychotic level within a parent (Scarfone, 2015). What makes for intromission or implantation depends on the individual, the couple, and the therapist (Adrienne Harris, personal communication).
Revival of the Fundamental Anthropological Situation: Supervision, Intromission, Trans*, and the Sexual1
Published in Studies in Gender and Sexuality, 2022
Intromission shares affinities with the Ferenczian concept of intropression, that is, the introjection of the adult’s superego and the repression of the child’s ego resulting from parental violence and devastating education (Ferenczi, 1932/1955). Intromission also recalls the beta-elements conceptualized by Bion (1962) as raw sense impressions and emotional data experienced as bad internal “things,” “indigestible” objects refractory to any symbolization or representation. Listen to the genital consonance of the term “intromission”: Does it not imply psychic rape? “By putting ‘into the interior’ elements that are ‘resistant to all metabolization’ and thus fundamentally resistant to translation, intromission performs a kind of hijacking, crippling the apparatus of translation itself and generating enclaves which will strain the subject’s psychic development. Such a crude intrusion on the part of the adult replaces what should have been but a mere ‘proposition,’ however unconscious. In this case, the reference to perverse seduction is relevant even if, on the manifest level, there are no instances of sexual behavior as such” (Scarfone, 2013, p. 561). In short, intromission colonizes the mind with untranslatable signifiers and unbound excitement, thus annihilating any space for reflection, enigma, and interpretation.
Mass Trauma and Cultural Amnesia: A Case Study of a Society’s Untranslatable Excess
Published in Studies in Gender and Sexuality, 2022
Piotr’s exposure to the unearthed remains and to the names of Jewish children recorded upon a doorframe in the manor constitutes the type of implantation that Laplanche (1999b) refers to as intromission. Laplanche associates intromission with the origins of psychotic process in the child (Fletcher, 2007; Scarfone, 2013, 2015). Specifically, intromission involves the violent penetration of adult sexual wishes and fantasies that cannot be subject to the child’s ordinary processes of translation and repression. This is an extreme intrusion of sexual death drive derivatives that “puts into the interior an element resistant to all metabolization” (Laplanche, 1999b, p. 136), to any integrative or reality testing processes. These messages get partitioned off into a psychotic enclave where they remain as a persecutory excess, attacking the ego while pressing for discharge.