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Sustainable Production of Aquatic and Wetland Plants
Published in Namrita Lall, Aquatic Plants, 2020
Like terrestrial plants, aquatic plants require carbon for photosynthesis. Floating plants and emergent species absorb carbon from the atmosphere, this is not possible for submerged species. The diffusion of carbon into water is difficult and slow, especially at high pH, requiring continuous aeration of the water, which may be accomplished using air or water pumps. Furthermore, inorganic carbon, necessary for submerged species, may be added through potassium bicarbonate along with other essential nutrients, including calcium, sodium, and magnesium (Smart and Barko 1984). This is a general practice in maintaining aquatic tanks for plant propagation.
Organic Matter
Published in Michael J. Kennish, Ecology of Estuaries Physical and Chemical Aspects, 2019
The concentration of inorganic material usually exceeds that of both DOM and POM. The total amount of dissolved salt in river water (120 mg/ℓ), for example, is significantly greater than the DOM content, which falls between 10 and 20 mg C per liter. Likewise, the dissolved salt content of seawater (35 g/ℓ) is many times greater than the DOM content (0.5 to 5 mg C per liter). Most of the carbon in seawater exists as dissolved inorganic carbon.19
Carbon Dioxide Sequestration by Microalgae
Published in Gokare A. Ravishankar, Ranga Rao Ambati, Handbook of Algal Technologies and Phytochemicals, 2019
G.V. Swarnalatha, Ajam Shekh, P.V. Sijil, C.K. Madhubalaji, Vikas Singh Chauhan, Ravi Sarada
Most of the algae and aquatic plants and all cyanobacteria possess mechanisms that conquer the limitations of RuBisCO (Beardall and Raven 2004) to CO2 limiting conditions. These are all referred to as CCMs even though they function with diverse mechanisms. The occurrence of a CCM is examined in several thousand species of cyanobacteria and eukaryotic algae (Giordano et al. 2005). The CCMs in algae and cyanobacteria involve active transport of HCO3− and/or CO2 across one or more membranes that separate medium from RuBisCO. The membrane across which active transport occurs has a low permeability to the dissolved inorganic carbon transported to the side of the membrane nearby to RuBisCO (Raven and Beardall 2003). In eukaryotic microalgae, plasma membrane or the inner plastid envelope membrane or both could be involved in the active transport of dissolved inorganic carbon (Moroney and Chen 1998; Raven and Beardall 2003). A range of CAs in eukaryotic algal cells is responsible for maintaining equilibration between CO2 and HCO3− in the various cell compartments (J. V. Moroney et al. 2001; Mitra et al. 2004). In cyanobacteria, plasmalemma or thylakoid membranes are involved in either CO2 or HCO3− transport as a part of CCM (Hewett-Emmett and Tashian 1996) and in higher plants. It plays a major role in decarboxylation reactions including photosynthesis and respiration (Smith and Ferry 2000). It is involved in transportation of inorganic carbon (Ci) to actively photosynthesizing cells or away from actively respiring cells (Henry et al. 1996). Even though there are several forms of CAs detected in cyanobacteria, many cyanobacterial genomes were known to lack identifiable CA genes (Badger and Price 2003).
Environmental post-processing increases the adhesion strength of mussel byssus adhesive
Published in Biofouling, 2018
Matthew N. George, Emily Carrington
pH electrodes were calibrated using NBS standards before use in each treatment. Bottle samples were collected at three time points throughout each 20-day treatment (1, 12, and 20 days) and poisoned with 0.02% saturated mercuric chloride (HgCl2) to halt all biological activity. All samples that contained mercuric chloride were handled and disposed of in accordance with NIOSH guidelines. For each bottle, total alkalinity (TA) was measured in μmol kg−1 using end-point titration (DL15 titrator, Mettler Toledo, Schwerzenbach, Switzerland; accuracy ± 50 μmol kg−1) following SOP 3b from Dickson et al. (2007). Treatment averages for pCO2 (μatm) and total dissolved inorganic carbon (TC) were calculated using CO2Calc (Van Heuven et al. 2011) with the following constants: CO2: Mehrbach et al. (1973); KHSO4: Dickson (1990); and Boron: Uppström (1974). Means (± SD) for each treatment are listed in Table 1.
Grouping of nanomaterials to read-across hazard endpoints: a review
Published in Nanotoxicology, 2019
L. Lamon, K. Aschberger, D. Asturiol, A. Richarz, A. Worth
The US-Canada Regulatory Cooperation Council (RCC) has developed an approach based on chemical composition. In this approach, seven classes of NMs are defined: carbon nanotubes (CNTs); inorganic carbon; metal and metalloid oxides; metals, metal salts, and metalloids; semiconductor quantum dots; organics and other classes. In addition, toxicologically relevant PC properties are identified for each of the classes to support (sub-)classification according to the likelihood of exposure to NMs and availability of toxicity tests (RCC 2013a, 2013b). RCC (RCC 2013b) defines a flowchart to identify different groups of NMs according to solubility, biopersistence, morphology and address oral, inhalation, and dermal exposure.
The photometric detection and decontamination of organochlorine compound in synthetic water sample using La:/ZnO/PAN nanofiber catalyst
Published in Toxin Reviews, 2022
Krishnasamy Lakshmi, Krishna Kadirvelu
The total organic carbon content was quantified by total organic carbon instrument; a reduction in TOC was showed in Figure S1. The TOC value was reduced from 1400 mg/L to 174.1 mg/L. The Mineralization of ESF was followed by quantifying the entire organic carbon (TOC), Inorganic carbon (IC) and Total carbon (TC) content. The TOC concentration may be minimized by increasing the irradiation time. The extremely conducting material ensures charge separation in La: ZnO/PAN nanofiber, thereby generating enough quantity of hydroxyl radicals which is necessary for the degradation of endosulfan. The reduction in organic carbon at intervals forty min indicated the formation of inorganic intermediates.