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Prostatic Hypertrophy/Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy (BPH)
Published in Charles Theisler, Adjuvant Medical Care, 2023
Beta-sitosterol (e.g., Super Beta Prostate), a phytosterol, 60-130 mg/day in a systematic review decreased symptoms of BPH and increased urinary output, but did not shrink enlarged prostates.9,11 Because pumpkin seeds contain beta-sitosterol some studies recommend taking 10 gm of pumpkin seed extract daily for BPH symptoms.12
Catalog of Herbs
Published in James A. Duke, Handbook of Medicinal Herbs, 2018
Many alkaloids are reported from this species: 1,2-dehydroaspidospermidine, eburna-menine, eburnamine, eburnamonene, epivincamine, 14-epivincamine, isoburnamine, iso-vincarnine, methoxyminovincine, 16-methoxy-20-oxo-l-vin-cadifformine, methoxy-vincamine, yV-methylaspidospermidine, minorine, minovincine, minovincinine, mino vine, perivincine, pubescine, quebrachamine, reserpine, strictamine, vincadifformine, vincadine, vincamidine, vincamine (0.062 to 0.168% in cultivars, 0.033 to 0.073 in wild), vincaminine, vincaminoridine, vincaminorine, vincarorine, vincine, vincinine, vincoridine, vincorine, vinine, vinoxine, and vintsine. The alkaloidal content of the leaves, according to Hungarian analyses, varied from 0.11 to 7.06% (dry matter), and vincamine content from 0.02 to 1.75% (also dry matter). The total alkaloidal content of the roots from different countries varied from 1.24to 1.98%. Nonalkaloidal constituents include a number of acids, 1-glutamate carboxylase (leaves), 1-bornesitol and the enzyme forming the same, dambonitol, ornol, phenols, rubber (2.0 to 2.2% in the plant; 1.1% in the leaves), ursolic acid (0.24 to 1.34% in the plant; 0.14 to 3.7% in the leaves), beta-sitosterol, saponin, 3-beta-d-gIucosyloxy-2-hydroxybenzoic acid (leaves, an amorphorus and bitter but odorless glucoside called vin-coside, 1%), flavonoid glycosides including robinin (present in the flowers, 0.4%) and delphinidin-3,5-diglycoside.1 The decoction contains tannin. The leaf ash yields the glucoside C-beta-i/-glucosyloxy-2-hydroxybenzoic acid as well as ursolic acid. Flowers yield 0.4% robinoside. Leaves contain the anticancer agent beta-sitosterol.
Functional Properties of Milk Yam (Ipomoea Digitata L.)
Published in Megh R. Goyal, Hafiz Ansar Rasul Suleria, Ramasamy Harikrishnan, The Role of Phytoconstitutents in Health Care, 2020
K. M. Vidya, N. S. Sonia, P. C. Jessykutty
The synonyms of Ipomoea digitata L. are I. mauritiana Jacq., I. paniculata, I. paniculata var. paniculata, I. eriosperma, I. rubrocincta, I. rubrocincta var. brachyloba, Quamoclit digitata, Batatas paniculata, Convolvulus paniculatus [26, 29, 34, 48, 103, 116, 118]. Milk yam (Ipomoea digitata L.: Figure 5.1) is an underutilized medicinal plant having immense therapeutic and nutraceutical potential [14, 24, 26]. The common names are: milk yam, Vidhari Kand, alligator yam, giant potato, finger leaf morning glory, palmate morning glory, etc. It is an extensive perennial climber found all over India, commonly in Eastern Bihar, West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh, and the west coast from Konkan to Kerala [63, 111]. It has been traditionally used as a medicine in India and parts of Southeast Asia as a general tonic, to treat diseases of the spleen and liver and to prevent fat accumulation in the body. The presence of fixed oil, carbohydrate, tannins, phenolic compounds, alkaloids, saponins, sterols, and flavonoids has been reported in the tubers of the plant. The herb is also known as a lacto-stimulant and libido enhancer. The tubers of the herb contain beta-sitosterol, which is an antioxidant. Ergonovine, an alkaloid found in the herb, is used to stop menstrual bleeding [34, 41, 44, 50, 98, 101]. The root has alterative, aphrodisiac, tonic, stimulant properties and used in male infertility and inflammations. Aqueous infusions of the roots are used for treating epileptic seizures and as an antioxidant in Ayurvedic medicine. Powdered tuber with honey is used for high blood pressure and heart diseases. It is a potential nutraceutical agent not completely explored and is a very useful and priority species facing extinction threats [104, 107, 108, 110].
Mexican hawthorn (Crataegus gracilior J. B. Phipps) stems and leaves induce cell death on breast cancer cells
Published in Nutrition and Cancer, 2020
Juan Maldonado-Cubas, Exsal M. Albores-Méndez, Eduardo San Martín-Martínez, Cinthya N. Quiroz-Reyes, Gerardo E. González-Córdova, Rocio G. Casañas-Pimentel
Beta-sitosterol is a main phytosterol that is considered a natural micronutrient in higher plants (34). Beta-sitosterol has been isolated from some Crataegus species, including C. orientalis (28) and C. pinnatifida (29). Used as a pure substance, this molecule has shown anticancer properties against leukemia, and against breast, prostate, colon, lung, stomach, and ovarian cancer (35). Previous studies have shown that β-sitosterol interferes with multiple cell signaling pathways, including those controlling the cell cycle, apoptosis, proliferation, survival, invasion, angiogenesis, metastasis, and inflammation (35). Beta-sitosterol has been shown to possess antioxidant and chemo-preventive activity in animal models of colon cancer (36). Ours is the first report describing the presence of β-sitosterol in a non-polar extract of the stems and leaves of C. gracilior.
Effects of Phytosterol Supplementation on Serum Levels of Lipid Profiles, Liver Enzymes, Inflammatory Markers, Adiponectin, and Leptin in Patients Affected by Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: A Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Randomized Clinical Trial
Published in Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 2018
Majid Mohammad Shahi, Mohammad Ali Javanmardi, Seyed Saeed Seyedian, Mohammad Hossein Haghighizadeh
Phytosterols have a long history of dietary cholesterol-lowering agents (17), in which the effects of cholesterol lowering by plant sterols were observed in the 1950s (18). Phytosterols are natural components of a diet that has a structure similar to cholesterol. The average of receiving phytosterols from usual diets is almost 250 mg/d, the majority of which is supplied from vegetable oils, seeds, grains, and fruits. The most abundant sterols in the human diet are beta-sitosterol, campesterol, and stigmasterol (19). Plant esters like cholesterol are taken up into enterocytes from intestinal lumen by transporter Niemann-Pick C1-Like 1. Most of these sterols are introduced in enterocytes and then pumped back into the lumen by an adenosine triphosphate (ATP) binding cassette transporter. As a result, they have much less intestinal absorption than cholesterol (20). New findings suggest that receiving too large a quantity of sterols decreases the effective absorption of cholesterol from the intestine and increases its excretion (21). It has also been observed that daily intake of 2.5 g of phytosterols decreases serum cholesterol by more than 10% (19).
Assessment of Antihyperlipidemic and Antitumor Effect of Isolated Active Phytoconstituents from Apium graveolens L. through Bioassay-Guided Procedures
Published in Journal of Dietary Supplements, 2019
Groups II–VII were given i.p. injection of Triton WR 1339 at a dose of 400 mg/kg body weight. After 24 h of Triton administration, animals of Group III received standard (beta-sitosterol) at the oral dose of 50 mg/kg. Groups IV, V, VI, and VII were treated with chloroform fraction, seselin, methoxsalen, and 3H-isobenzofuran-1- one at the oral dose of 50 mg/kg. The treatment was continued for 5 days with a view to see the effect on lipid profile.