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Constitutive Host Resistance
Published in Julius P. Kreier, Infection, Resistance, and Immunity, 2022
The polymorphonuclear leukocytes are also known as granulocytes because of the many granules found in their cytoplasm. The contents of the granules determine the cell′s staining properties and help to distinguish the different ceils of the granulocytic series. Three types of granulocytes based on staining characteristics have been described. These are neutrophils, eosinophils, and basophils. The stain most commonly used to distinguish the ceils is the Giemsa stain, an azure B eosinate. It is prepared by interaction between two basic dyes, azure B and methylene blue, and an acidic dye, eosin. The basophilic, or cationic, components react with the negatively charged molecules of the granules, staining them blue. The acidophilic, or anionic, component reacts with the positively charged molecules, staining them red. The granules of the neutrophil are not ionically charged at physiological pHs and thus do not stain; they assume a grey or neutral tint.
Eosinophils in Airway Hyperresponsiveness
Published in Devendra K. Agrawal, Robert G. Townley, Inflammatory Cells and Mediators in Bronchial Asthma, 2020
Sohei Makino, Takeshi Fukuda, Shinji Motojima, Tatsuo Yukawa
The most distinguishing morphological feature of the eosinophil is the cytoplasmic granule termed “specific granule”. These are stained a yellow-pink color by acid dyes such as eosin. These membrane-bound granules consist of an electron-dense crystalloid core with an electron-lucent matrix surrounding it.
The Hematologic System and its Disorders
Published in Walter F. Stanaszek, Mary J. Stanaszek, Robert J. Holt, Steven Strauss, Understanding Medical Terms, 2020
Walter F. Stanaszek, Mary J. Stanaszek, Robert J. Holt, Steven Strauss
When they are stained with Romanovsky stains, granulocytes are seen to contain granules in their cytoplasm, which is the source of their name. Also called myelocytes because they develop from myeloblasts, granulocytes may also be further subdivided into neutrophils, eosinophils, and basophils on the basis of the color of the granules when stained. In fact, the names of these granulocytes are derived from the color of the stained granules or the chemical properties of the stains they accept; for example, eosinophils contain granules that stain orange-red and are named for the red acidic dye eosin, while basophils accept basic stains.
Translational activity is uncoupled from nucleic acid content in bacterial cells of the human gut microbiota
Published in Gut Microbes, 2021
Mariia Taguer, B. Jesse Shapiro, Corinne F. Maurice
The use of relative nucleic acid content as a marker of bacterial activity was first introduced in aquatic systems, where the microbial community, when stained with a nucleic acid dye, clusters into two distinct populations based on their level of nucleic acid content.20 This was seen with a variety of nucleic acid dyes, such as SYBR Green I used in this study, which stains both DNA and RNA.21 The more fluorescent population consists of bacteria with higher nucleic acid content (HNA) than their low nucleic acid (LNA) counterparts. This phenomenon has since been widely studied, and is proposed to link together bacterial nucleic acid content to a gross level of bacterial metabolism, where the HNA bacteria are more metabolically active than the LNA. This has been demonstrated through higher leucine incorporation rates, ATP cell−1 concentrations, respiration rates, and proportions correlating with overall bacterial production,22–28 but these dynamics have been disputed as well.29
Capecitabine-loaded nanoniosomes and evaluation of anticancer efficacy
Published in Artificial Cells, Nanomedicine, and Biotechnology, 2019
R. Nazari-Vanani, K. Karimian, N. Azarpira, H. Heli
The droplet size of each nanoniosome was measured by a particle size analyzer (PSA) of Scatterscope, Qudix (South Korea). For recording field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM) images from b-Span 20 (as the selected formulation), the sample was diluted 20 times with distilled water and then mixed by a vortex. One drop of the niosomal dispersion was placed on a microscope slide. 1% aqueous solution of phosphotungstic acid dye was employed for staining following by air drying. Excess solution was taken off by a piece of filter paper. Next, they were washed twice with distilled water. Dehydration of the sample was done in an acetone gradient of 35%, 50%, 70%, 80%, 95% and 100%, respectively. After air-drying, the morphological observation of stained sample was performed by field emission scanning electron microscopy TESCAN Mira 3-XMU (Brno, Czech Republic).
Green synthesis of selenium nanoparticles with extract of hawthorn fruit induced HepG2 cells apoptosis
Published in Pharmaceutical Biology, 2018
Dongxiao Cui, Tingting Liang, Liqian Sun, Liqiang Meng, Congcong Yang, Liwei Wang, Taigang Liang, Qingshan Li
Apoptosis is considered one of the most important mechanisms of the anticancer effect of selenium. To quantitatively determine the apoptosis induced by HE-SeNPs, Annexin V-FITC/PI staining assay was employed to measure the cell apoptosis rates. Apoptosis rate (%) = ([number of apoptotic cells]/[number of total cells]) × 100%. PI is a nucleic acid dye that does not penetrate the intact cell membrane of normal cells or early apoptotic cells but can stain the cell nucleus through the membranes of apoptotic and necrotic cells. Therefore, Annexin V and PI can be applied together to distinguish between early apoptosis (Annexin V positive and PI negative) and late apoptosis (Annexin V/PI double positive). Combined with Figure 4(A,B), proportions of early apoptosis and late apoptosis cells were raised with increased incubation concentrations. Both early apoptosis rates and total apoptosis rates were higher when treated with HE-SeNPs at concentrations of 5, 10 and 20 μg/mL, compared with the control. These results revealed that HE-SeNPs induced significant apoptosis in HepG2 cells. Therefore, HE-SeNPs inhibited HepG2 cells growth mainly through induction of apoptosis.