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Metabolic Syndrome
Published in Jahangir Moini, Matthew Adams, Anthony LoGalbo, Complications of Diabetes Mellitus, 2022
Jahangir Moini, Matthew Adams, Anthony LoGalbo
Excessive aldehyde production in the liver speeds up apoptosis of hepatocytes, along with necrosis and scarring of the liver. Most patients with NASH have elevated transaminases, a ballooning degeneration of the hepatocytes, Mallory hyaline bodies, and polymorphonuclear leukocyte infiltration. These features indicate that there is a chance of developing cirrhosis, and a chance of death within 10 years, either due to liver failure or hepatocellular carcinoma.
ExperimentaL Oral Medicine
Published in Samuel Dreizen, Barnet M. Levy, Handbook of Experimental Stomatology, 2020
Samuel Dreizen, Barnet M. Levy
There were no detectable structural changes in the submandibular gland in the first 24 hr. At 3 and 6 days following injection of Actinomycin D, the arrangement and shape of the cells and the location and morphology of some of the cytoplasmic structures and organelles were aberrant. Ballooning degeneration in many mitochondria and development of numerous vesicles, cytolysosomes, and myelin figures were prominent features. By the 9th day postinjection, there was evidence of early resumption of synthesis, and secretion granules were increasing in number. Whorled arrangement of endoplasmic reticulum was a distinctive feature in the treated cells.
Principles of Clinical Diagnosis
Published in Susan Bayliss Mallory, Alanna Bree, Peggy Chern, Illustrated Manual of Pediatric Dermatology, 2005
Susan Bayliss Mallory, Alanna Bree, Peggy Chern
DiagnosisClinical diagnosis with appropriate historyHistology: inter- and intracellular edema, vacuolization and ballooning degeneration of the epidermis
Lipid-lowering, anti-inflammatory, and hepatoprotective effects of isorhamnetin on acetaminophen-induced hepatotoxicity in mice
Published in Drug and Chemical Toxicology, 2023
Huseyin Gungor, Mehmet Ekici, Mehmet Burak Ates
The reactive metabolite NAPQI formed by CYP450 results in mitochondrial dysfunction and, eventually, hepatic necrosis (Butler 2018). Since cytochrome P450 enzymes are found in centrilobular liver cells, necrosis usually begins in the centrilobular region, and the first indication of this is balloon degeneration (Lefkowitch 2016). Most centrilobular hepatocytes in the livers of mice exposed to APAP are swollen, with significant cytoplasmic vacuolation and dense nuclei (Tan et al.2019). The histopathological findings of the current study showed the lesions changing from centrilobular degeneration to ballooning degeneration, as well as necrosis in the liver of the APAP-exposed mice. In addition, it is noteworthy that these ballooning regions contained inflammatory cells such as neutrophils. The data suggest that excessive ROS production may contribute to the centrilobular hepatic necrosis induced by APAP exposure (Chirumbolo 2014, Li et al. 2020). In addition, increases in liver enzymes suggest that mitochondrial damage may be associated with this cell necrosis (McGill and Jaeschke 2014, Ding et al.2016, Saeedi Saravi et al.2016, Wu et al.2017).
Histomorphological changes and molecular mechanisms underlying the ameliorative effect of resveratrol on the liver of silver nanoparticles-exposed rats
Published in Ultrastructural Pathology, 2022
Shaimaa A. Abdelrahman, Abeer A. Mahmoud, Abeer A. Abdelrahman, Walaa Samy, Ebtehal Zaid Hassen Saleh
Our results showed marked alteration in the hepatic architecture caused by aggregations of AgNPs in liver tissue that agreed with the results of Loeschner et al.12 and Sardari et al.37 Lam38 also reported the distribution of nano silver to the whole body to be finally accumulated in the liver, kidney, and spleen. In the present study we used AgNPs of sizes less than 100 nm as intracellular deposition of nanoparticles depends on their size and when they are present in aggregated form, they lose antibacterial activity, and modifies their bioavailability and toxicity.24,39 The ballooning degeneration observed in AgNPs-exposed hepatocytes, was consistent with Zhang et al.,8 who attributed it to induction of autophagosome formation and altering intracellular homeostasis and adaptation to stress. In the same context, Singh and Ramarao,40 reported intracellular degradation of AgNPs with release of Ag ions, which subsequently interfere with normal mitochondrial functions and stimulate apoptotic cell death so, they suggested that AgNPs are cytotoxic and proinflammatory.
In vivo studies on the ameliorative effect of coconut water against carbon tetrachloride induced toxicity in rats
Published in Biomarkers, 2021
Ifeanyichukwu Elekwa, Victor Chibueze Ude, Okezie Emmanuel, Victor Obioma Amachaghi, Eziuche Amadike Ugbogu
Administration of coconut water to the rats for 14 days stimulated a significant (p < 0.05) concentration-dependent increase in total protein and albumin compared to the negative control (CCl4 induced, but untreated with coconut water) in both male and female rats. The rats administered with coconut water also demonstrated a significant (p < 0.05) decrease in the liver biomarkers (AST, ALT, ALP, and bilirubin) in both male and female rats (Figure 1). However, the level of these liver enzymes was still significant (p < 0.05) when compared to the group that was not exposed to CCl4 in both male and female rats. The histological studies of the male and female liver showed that the normal control groups were normal, however, the positive control demonstrated enlarged central vein and sinusoids, multicystic space within the stroma and haemorrhagic necrosis (Figure 2). There was also ballooning degeneration of the hepatocytes within scanty and cystic space. The rats (both sex) treated with 2 mL/kg of coconut water after exposure to CCl4 showed a slightly enlarged central vein, multicystic space within the stroma and haemorrhagic necrosis. Also, the male and female animals treated with 4 mL/kg showed a slightly enlarged central vein, hepatocytes appear slightly distorted and several microcysts within the stroma were also observed. Whereas the group treated with 6 mL/kg only demonstrated enlarged central vein and unremarkable element only in the female rats (Figure 2).