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Hip preservation techniques
Published in K. Mohan Iyer, Hip Preservation Techniques, 2019
There are a wide variety of symptomatic labral tears, chondral lesions, injuries of the ligamentum teres, femoroacetabular impingement, capsular laxity and instability, and various extra-articular disorders, including snapping hip syndrome. With a careful diagnostic evaluation and technical execution of well-indicated procedures, arthroscopic surgery of the hip can achieve successful clinical outcomes.
Advances in surgery for bursitis of the hip joint in adults
Published in K. Mohan Iyer, Hip Joint in Adults: Advances and Developments, 2018
There are three types of snapping hip syndrome:Internal snapping hip: This first type of snapping hip occurs when a tendon slides over protruding bony structures at the front of the hip joint, creating tension and then releasing with a ‘snap’.External snapping hip: The more common extra-articular cause is similar to the luxation of the peroneal tendons at the ankle. The snap may be heard and felt when the knee is flexed and the hip joint is forcibly rotated medially. This may be seen at times as a tight band that slips backwards and forward over the greater trochanter. This may occur both in children and adults and is due to friction between the anterior border of the gluteus maximus and the trochanter or between a facial band and the bony prominence. This phenomenon is also encountered in arthritis or in an effusion in the bursa between the gluteus maximus and the femur. In such cases, a radiograph may be taken to rule out an osteoma or an osteochondritis. A snapping hip may become habitual, causing considerable discomfort in highly nervous people. If operative treatment becomes necessary, then dividing the offending band or tendon or surgical excision of the bony prominence may be necessary in some cases. Should an osteoma or exostosis be present, then complete excision offers complete cure. This syndrome is also associated with a tight IT band and so is sometimes called IT band syndrome.Intra-articular snapping hip: This is the most common cause of intra-articular snapping hip and may result from an acetabular labral tear, an injury to the articular cartilage or loose bodies of material in the hip.
Sex-related differences in hip and groin injuries in adult runners: a systematic review
Published in The Physician and Sportsmedicine, 2023
Bailey J. Ross, Greg M. Lupica, Zakari R. Dymock, Cadence Miskimin, Mary K. Mulcahey
In contrast, hip and groin injuries account for a relatively small percentage (<20%) of RRIs [4,10–13]. Muscle strains and tendonitis are the most common sources of hip and groin pain in runners and usually result from sudden changes in acceleration, eccentric contractions, or direction changes while running [14]. Other common types of hip/groin RRIs include stress fractures, acetabular labral tears, adductor strains, and greater trochanter pain syndrome (inclusive of trochanteric bursitis and snapping hip syndrome) [13–16]. Recent improvements in diagnostic capabilities and clinical awareness of hip/groin injuries have resulted in increased rates of diagnosis and may suggest underdiagnosis historically [17–19].