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The nervous system
Published in Laurie K. McCorry, Martin M. Zdanowicz, Cynthia Y. Gonnella, Essentials of Human Physiology and Pathophysiology for Pharmacy and Allied Health, 2019
Laurie K. McCorry, Martin M. Zdanowicz, Cynthia Y. Gonnella
The specialized function of the cerebellum is to coordinate movement by evaluating differences between intended movement and actual movement. It carries out this activity while a movement is in progress as well as during repetitions of the same movement. Three important aspects of the cerebellum’s organization enable it to carry out this function. First, it receives extensive sensory input from somatic receptors in the periphery of the body (proprioceptors) and from receptors in the inner ear providing information regarding equilibrium and balance. Second, output from the cerebellum is transmitted to the premotor and motor systems of the cerebral cortex and the brainstem, systems that control spinal interneurons and motor neurons. Finally, circuits within the cerebellum exhibit significant plasticity, which is necessary for motor adaptation and learning. Examples of motor learning include riding a bicycle, playing a musical instrument, and throwing a football.
The motor–cognitive connection
Published in Romain Meeusen, Sabine Schaefer, Phillip Tomporowski, Richard Bailey, Physical Activity and Educational Achievement, 2017
Nadja Schott, Thomas Klotzbier
Another recent study demonstrated that preadolescent children automatize the execution of longer movement sequences to a lesser extent than young adults, but exhibit similar performance gains with practice (Ruitenberg, Abrahamse, & Verwey, 2013). The authors explain their results with the dominance of a so-called cognitive processor in the execution of movement sequences; adults learn to use motor chunks which are dominated by an autonomous motor processor, while children still rely on the cognitive processor. Studies also show that children and adolescents with dysfunctions in the basal ganglia and cerebellum – as key players in motor adaptation and sequence learning – as is in DCD or autism, display learning difficulties for complex motor tasks, difficulties employing additional cognitive functions, such as explicit learning processes, and identifying related cues in the environment (Bo, Lee, Colbert, & Shen, 2016; Cantin, Ryan, & Polatajko, 2014).
Cortical Control of Motor Learning
Published in Alexa Riehle, Eilon Vaadia, Motor Cortex in Voluntary Movements, 2004
Camillo Padoa-Schioppa, Emilio Bizzi, Ferdinando A. Mussa-Ivaldi
It is of interest to ask what the properties of the internal model are, and in particular whether the model could generalize to regions of the state space where the disturbing forces were not experienced. Recent experiments by Gandolfo and coworkers13 were designed to test the generalization of motor adaptation to regions where training had not occurred. In these experiments, subjects were asked to execute point-to-point planar movements between targets placed in one section of the workspace. Their hand grasped the handle of the robot, which was used to record and perturb their trajectories. Again, as in the experiments of Shadmehr and Mussa-Ivaldi,
Association between the Effects of Positive Social-Comparative Feedback and Learners’ Competitiveness
Published in Journal of Motor Behavior, 2022
Kazunori Akizuki, Ryohei Yamamoto, Jun Yabuki, Kazuto Yamaguchi, Yukari Ohashi
This study was subject to several limitations. First, a balance task using an unstable board was adopted as the experiment task. Since this device is similar the one used by Lewthwaite and Wulf (2010) and Ong and Hodges (2018), we could reference the results reported by these studies when we interpreted our results. This is important for filling the gap in the results of previous studies. However, it has been established that, as a function of types of motor task, different neural systems and learning mechanisms were applied to motor skill learning. For example, Doyon et al. (2003) indicated that learning a motor sequence is dependent upon activity maintained in the cortico-striatal system, whereas learning motor adaptation skills is mediated through the cortico-cerebellar system. In addition, by conducting a systematic review and meta-analysis, Kiss et al. (2018) found that balance performance seems to be task-specific depending on balance types (statice/dynamic steady-state, proactive, and reactive balance). Therefore, there are limitations to the generalization of these findings when the intent is to adapt for other type of motor tasks.
Rehabilitation robotics after stroke: a bibliometric literature review
Published in Expert Review of Medical Devices, 2022
Giacomo Zuccon, Basilio Lenzo, Matteo Bottin, Giulio Rosati
The general strategy was to construct a comprehensive database of publications on rehabilitation robotics using the online databases Scopus and Web of Science. Since the focus of the present study is on robotic rehabilitation in engineering and medical disciplines, contributions in engineering, computer science, medicine, health professions, and neuroscience were selected. Source types were journals, conference proceedings, books, and book series. To extend the search as much as possible, a range of synonyms for robotics and rehabilitation were used as search terms recurring in title, abstract, or keywords. Synonyms of ‘robotics’ were robot, exoskeleton, assist device (or system), wearable device (or system), haptic device (or system), cable-driven device (or system), and cable-based device (or system). Synonyms of ‘rehabilitation’ were rehab, movement training, and motor adaptation.
Combining functional electrical stimulation and mirror therapy for upper limb motor recovery following stroke: a randomised trial
Published in European Journal of Physiotherapy, 2018
Sean Mathieson, John Parsons, Michael Kaplan, Matthew Parsons
During stroke recovery, the motor system responds to demands that are placed upon it in an attempt to relearn a previous level of performance [4]. The primary motor cortex has the capacity to relearn through practice and experience. Motor learning encompasses three components; motor adaptation, skill acquisition and decision making [5]. Motor adaptation integrates the learning between new and well-learned movements, skill acquisition involves locking in new patterns of movements while decision-making acknowledges the ability to appropriately select the specific movement required within the proper context [6]. Therapists need to be aware of these differences and alter their treatment interventions accordingly; as patients adapt, acquire new skills and begin to fine tune their decision making the upper limb interventions should become increasingly task specific.