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Food Allergy
Published in Pudupakkam K Vedanthan, Harold S Nelson, Shripad N Agashe, PA Mahesh, Rohit Katial, Textbook of Allergy for the Clinician, 2021
PA Mahesh, Hugo Van Bever, Pudupakkam K Vedanthan
OAS is considered a form of contact urticaria induced by exposure of the oral and pharyngeal mucosa to food allergens, being a consequence of a cross-reactivity between certain foods and pollen allergens (Carlson and Coop 2019). The syndrome is classified by some researchers under the group of gastrointestinal symptoms of FA. Affected patients may present with rapid onset of symptoms with increasing severity, from mild itching of the lips, mouth and throat, to lip and tongue swelling, to severe swelling of the throat, up to life-threatening emergencies, such as anaphylaxis. OAS is an important alarm manifestation in subjects at risk for severe allergic reactions. The triggering food may be dependent on geographically different nutritional habits and may thus vary from place to place. Patients with allergic rhinitis to certain airborne pollen (especially birch, mugwort and ragweed) are frequently afflicted with OAS (Europe, USA, seldom in Asia). Patients with birch pollen sensitization often have symptoms following the ingestion of stone fruits or after ingestion of vegetables such as carrots or celery, nuts and legumes. Patients with ragweed pollen sensitization may experience allergic symptoms following contact with certain melons (watermelon, cantaloupe, honeydew, etc.) and bananas.
Argentinian Wild Plants as Controllers of Fruits Phytopathogenic Fungi
Published in Mahendra Rai, Shandesh Bhattarai, Chistiane M. Feitosa, Wild Plants, 2020
María Inés Stegmayer, Norma Hortensia Álvarez, María Alejandra Favaro, Laura Noemí Fernandez, María Eugenia Carrizo, Andrea Guadalupe Reutemann, Marcos Gabriel Derita
M. fructicola is the causal agent of brown rot, a destructive pathogen on stone fruits worldwide, which also causes blossom blight and twig cankers (Mondino 2014, Dowling et al. 2019). In peach, M. fructicola is responsible for the main fruit losses during the growing season and in post-harvest. The reduction in yield is estimated to be between 20 and 80% in years conducive for disease (Hrustić et al. 2018).
Cyanogenic Glycosides
Published in Dongyou Liu, Handbook of Foodborne Diseases, 2018
Derived from the aromatic amino acid phenylalanine, amygdalin is a cyanogenic glycoside that can be hydrolyzed by intestinal β-glucosidase (emulsin) and amygdalase to yield gentiobiose and L-mandelonitrile (bencaldehyde-cyanohydrin). While gentiobiose is further hydrolyzed into glucose, the cyanohydrin of mandelonitrile decomposes to produce benzaldehyde (consisting of a benzene ring with an aldehyde substituent, and responsible for the bitter taste of these foods) and HCN (also known as prussic acid). It is estimated that 1 g of amygdalin could theoretically release 59 mg of HCN after complete hydrolysis. Amygdalin is found in stone fruit kernels of apricot (8%, containing 89–2170 mg total HCN per kg), peach (6%), bitter almond (5%, containing 2500 mg of HCN per kg), plum (2.5%), and apple [4].
Using existing knowledge for the risk evaluation of crop protection products in order to guide exposure driven data generation strategies and minimise unnecessary animal testing
Published in Critical Reviews in Toxicology, 2021
Paul Parsons, Elaine Freeman, Ryan Weidling, Gary L. Williams, Philip Gill, Neil Byron
Using this approach, the acute exposure predictions for the fungicide use scenario on soya bean in the USA indicated that the acute and chronic risk was likely not to pose an unacceptable risk, with the exception of the EPA’s aggregate exposure assessment for acute exposure which fell within the 50th–75th percentile of the reference dose range distribution, reflecting the higher contribution of all crops on the label. For the insecticide use scenario in the USA, the use on sweet corn alone at tolerance was concluded to not pose an unacceptable risk for acute and chronic exposure, however adding the drinking water contribution gave unacceptable levels of risk (i.e. exposure >75th percentile of aPAD range) for the acute exposure with drinking water alone, drinking water plus sweet corn at tolerance. For chronic exposure, the US EPA aggregate assessment gave exposure >95th percentile of the cPAD range indicating unacceptable risk and gave potentially unacceptable risk (exposure in the 50th–75th percentile of the cPAD range) for the drinking water plus sweet corn. The herbicide use scenario on cotton gave acceptable acute and chronic exposures at tolerance and in the aggregate assessment, however the drinking water contribution and dietary plus drinking water contribution resulted in exposures >25th percentile, thus additional refinements would be useful to increase the confidence that the exposures would not pose an unacceptable risk. The acute SDHI use scenarios on stone fruit and canola gave acceptable levels of risk (below 25th percentile), whereas for chronic exposure, the US EPA contribution of drinking water and the aggregate assessments indicated the need for refinements as exposures were above the 25th percentile.