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What and How Should the Wrestler Eat Post-Weigh In?
Published in Charles Paul Lambert, Physiology and Nutrition for Amateur Wrestling, 2020
Under conditions of relatively severe dehydration, solutions such as Pedialyte which has a high sodium content but is still hypotonic should be ingested, while during less severe dehydration sports drinks such as Gatorade or Powerade can be consumed. If dehydration is not a factor, hypertonic solutions such as chocolate milk which will augment muscle glycogen storage and muscle protein synthesis should be consumed. Grape juice can also be consumed as it has a very high glycemic index, but this should be done if you are worrying about carbohydrate storage as it is not a protein source.
The effects of polyphenols on cognition
Published in Philip N. Murphy, The Routledge International Handbook of Psychobiology, 2018
Resveratrol and grape products have potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory actions which have the potential to offer both direct and indirect protection against CVD; that is, by scavenging free radicals and inhibiting inflammatory mediators directly (Donnelly et al., 2004; Jia et al., 2008) and by up-regulating endogenous antioxidant protection, for example by activating the Nrf2/antioxidant response element (ARE) pathway (Ungvari et al., 2010). By preventing the oxidation of LDL cholesterol the release and build-up of fat along the arterial wall, and the ensuing inflammation, is prevented. This is observed in healthy adults after two weeks’ supplementation with 10mg/kg body weight/day of Concord grape juice (O’Byrne, Devaraj, Grundy, & Jialal, 2002), and decreased inflammatory markers have also been reported after fourteen days’ supplementation of 7ml/kg body weight/day of this same juice product (Albers, Varghese, Vitseva, Vita, & Freedman, 2004).
Cannabis Use Treatment
Published in Jonathan C. Beazley, Stephanie Field, Cannabis on Campus, 2018
Jonathan C. Beazley, Stephanie Field
Can we compare the type of dependent relationship people create with cannabis to that of other substances? In other words, is addiction to marijuana about being unable to quit, or rather a constant struggle with the question: “is quitting really necessary?” If we were to poll those persons dependent on tobacco, alcohol, heroin, and methamphetamine, the majority would undoubtedly agree that compulsive use injures in many ways. Nor would they advocate for others to use their drug of choice in-kind. The knowledge of damage done to their lives by use is clouded by the psychological mechanisms of denial, rationalization, and blame—not built on a rational, evidence-based platform. They recognize that these substances are bad for people—information they ignore when they decide to use. There are no advocacy groups for heroin or methamphetamine or crack cocaine use for its own sake; decriminalization, even legalization, yes—but there are no political action organizations extolling the virtues of using such substances. The alcohol industry and Big Tobacco, both incredibly large entities, promote use of their products with the singular goal of increased profits, not out of some higher purpose to society. With the sole exception of the antioxidants found in wine and beer (all of which can be found in other non-alcoholic beverages such as grape juice and green tea), there are no longer campaigns touting the health benefits of smoking, chewing, and drinking.
Beverages Rich in Resveratrol and Physical Activity Attenuate Metabolic Changes Induced by High-Fat Diet
Published in Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 2021
Letícia Monteiro da Fonseca Cardoso, Juliana Arruda de Souza Monnerat, Isabelle Waleska Santos de Medeiros Silva, Raiza da Silva Ferreira Fiochi, Nina da Matta Alvarez Pimenta, Bruna Ferreira Mota, Manuela Dolisnky, Flavia Lima do Carmo, Sergio Girão Barroso, Carlos Alberto Soares da Costa, Milena Barcza Stockler-Pinto, Gabrielle de Souza Rocha
A study carried out with lactating rats observed that grape juice consumption increased antioxidant capacity and reduced blood level of IL-6 due to its high content of polyphenols and bioactive compounds conferring anti-inflammatory protection to grape juice (22). In relation to lipid peroxidation, Lacerda et al. (2018) divided male rats into four groups to receive a standard diet or HFD and/or conventional or organic grape juice for three months. The authors observed that HFD increased the lipid peroxidation in the rats serum and grape juice, both conventional and organic, prevented this increase (28).