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The ankle and foot
Published in David Silver, Silver's Joint and Soft Tissue Injection, 2018
This muscle arises from the lateral part of the posterior surface of the tibia, the interosseous membrane and the adjoining part of the fibula. It is thus the deepest muscle in the calf. The tendon then becomes more superficial and grooves the posterior surface of the lower end of the tibia and lies behind and directly below the medial malleolus. It then passes forward under the flexor retinaculum into the sole of the foot. It is inserted into the tuberosity of the navicular bone and gives off slips, which pass to the calcaneum, the cuboid, the three cuneiform bones and the bases of the second, third and fourth metatarsals.
Test Paper 6
Published in Teck Yew Chin, Susan Cheng Shelmerdine, Akash Ganguly, Chinedum Anosike, Get Through, 2017
Teck Yew Chin, Susan Cheng Shelmerdine, Akash Ganguly, Chinedum Anosike
A 20-year-old man was seen in the A&E department after an injury to his foot during a football game. On examination, there was tenderness on palpation in the forefoot. A plain film performed showed a step in the alignment of the medial aspect of the second metatarsal bone and middle cuneiform bone. The second to fourth metatarsal had moved laterally. Normal alignment was noted at the articulation between the first metatarsal and medial cuneiform bone. Which type of fracture is demonstrated on the plain film? March fractureJones fractureLover’s fractureHomolateral Lisfranc fracture dislocationDivergent Lisfranc fracture dislocation
Bones and joints
Published in David Heylings, Stephen Carmichael, Samuel Leinster, Janak Saada, Bari M. Logan, Ralph T. Hutchings, McMinn’s Concise Human Anatomy, 2017
David Heylings, Stephen Carmichael, Samuel Leinster, Janak Saada, Bari M. Logan, Ralph T. Hutchings
Which of the following statements is anatomically accurate with regard to the ankle region?The calcaneus, talus and cuboid form the medial longitudinal arch.The upper surface of the calcaneus and sustentaculum tali articulate with the head and lower aspect of the body of head of talus to facilitate inversion and eversion.The upper surface of the calcaneus and sustentaculum tali articulate with the two malleoli to form the joint that facilitates the movements of inversion and eversion.The calcaneus and cuboid and cuneiform bones form the lateral longitudinal arch.The talus and calcaneus both articulate with the two malleoli to form the joint that facilitates inversion and eversion.
Cascaded statistical shape model based segmentation of the full lower limb in CT
Published in Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 2019
Emmanuel A. Audenaert, Jan Van Houcke, Diogo F. Almeida, Lena Paelinck, M. Peiffer, Gunther Steenackers, Dirk Vandermeulen
A statistical shape model-based approach that is initiated from a minimal sample of manual segmentations (n ≤ 10) was implemented and the shape model was gradually updated and refined as more segmentations became available. The following osteological structures were segmented: D12-L5 vertebrae, sacrum, pelvis, femur, patella, tibia, fibula, talus, calcaneum, navicular, cuboid and cuneiform bones.
Lateral collapse of the tarsal navicular in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: Implications for pes planovarus deformity
Published in Modern Rheumatology, 2018
Takumi Matsumoto, Yuji Maenohara, Song Ho Chang, Jun Hirose, Takuo Juji, Katsumi Ito, Sakae Tanaka
The tarsal navicular is a boat-shaped bone located between the head of the talus and the three cuneiform bones. The tarsal navicular serves as a keystone in the medial column of the foot. It links the midfoot with the hindfoot, allowing for force transmission and push-off during gait. Repetitive compressive forces expose the tarsal navicular to the risk of stress fracture or collapse.
Augmented reality learning environment for physiotherapy education
Published in Physical Therapy Reviews, 2018
David Kelly, Thuong N. Hoang, Martin Reinoso, Zaher Joukhadar, Tamara Clements, Frank Vetere
A skeleton mannequin, which was provided in the practical classroom as teaching material, was constantly referred to by the students during their P2P practice, to verify skeletal structure. The researcher noticed this especially in the class where the students were instructed to identify the cuneiform bones on the arch of the feet.