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Low carbon heating and cooling strategies for urban residential buildings — a bottom-up engineering modelling approach
Published in Vincenzo Costanzo, Gianpiero Evola, Luigi Marletta, Urban Heat Stress and Mitigation Solutions, 2021
However, outdoor climate variation has a very significant impact on space heating and cooling energy consumption, so the changing weather should also be considered. The two indices, Heating Degree-Day (HDD) and Cooling Degree-Day (CDD), are used to measure the sum of the daily variation of the temperature below or above a certain threshold and to adjust the predicted heating and cooling energy demand. As CSWD weather data are based on historical series, the HDD18 and CDD26 for 2010 and 2015 are modified with historic real weather data measurements. Furthermore, the climate change world weather file generator tool, CCWorldWeatherGen [34], is used to generate the climate weather file for 2020 and 2050 starting from the 2010 and 2015 data. The HDD18 and CDD26 for 2010, 2015, 2020, and 2050 as well as in the CSWD typical year are presented in Table 10.6. Comparing to the CSWD typical year weather file, the historic real weather of 2010, 2015, and predicted weather of 2020 and 2050 have lower HDD values and higher CDD values. It is also noted that, in 2050, the CCD will reach 431.8, which is 2.36 times the value for the CSWD typical year. According to the changing HDD and CDD, space heating and cooling EUIs for Chongqing urban residential building stock considering the weather adjustment are calculated and shown in Table 10.7.
Building Your Energy Reduction Plan
Published in Marvin T. Howell, Energy Centered Management:, 2020
The terms cooling degree days and heating degree days seem to be useful in verification and measurement. Cooling degree days (CDD) is the number of degrees that the average temperature is above 65°F and people start using their air conditioners to cool their facilities. The heating degree day is the number of degrees that the average temperature is below 65°F and people start using heat in their facility.
Define and Measure Performance
Published in Cynthia K. Belt, Energy Management for the Metals Industry, 2017
Heating degree days measures the amount of degrees and days that the ambient temperature is lower than a base temperature (normally 15.5°C, 18.5°C, or 65°F). A good source of these data is www.degreedays.net/.
ASHRAE RP-1814: Actual energy performance of secondary schools designed to comply with ASHRAE 90.1-2010, Part I – energy use and cost indices comparison
Published in Science and Technology for the Built Environment, 2023
Zhihong Pang, Maddie Koolbeck, Xiaohui Zhou, Zheng D. O’Neill
In the context of building energy usage, numerous factors may exert influence, yet only a few exert a significant impact on energy consumption. Most of the existing studies used the outdoor dry-bulb temperature as the sole indicator of the weather condition when they did the building energy normalization with an assumption that the building envelope load is the major component of the total building load. For instance, Eto (1988) conducted a simulation study to account for the effects of weather on annual energy use in office buildings. In this study, the temperature-based heating and cooling degree days were used to evaluate the dynamic variations of the weather condition. The results suggest that the degree-day-based energy normalization techniques performed well in relating gas energy consumption to heating degree day (HDD) but moderately in relating electricity consumption to cooling degree day (CDD). Fels, Reynolds, and Stram (1986) developed a degree-day-based benchmarking workflow, i.e., the PRInceton Scorekeeping Method (PRISM), to evaluate electrical and/or fuel consumption changes in buildings due to weather conditions. This assumes a linear relationship between HDD/CDD and energy consumption. This workflow was then extended to a computer program and applied in several studies, e.g., Haberl and Vajda (1988), Haberl, Smith, and Kreider (1988), Reynolds, Komor, and Fels (1990). Based on the case studies, it has been demonstrated that this method is capable of achieving a high level of accuracy.
Energy efficiency and economic profitability between standard and high energy performance dwellings in a semi-arid climate
Published in International Journal of Ambient Energy, 2022
Farid Boudali Errebai, Lotfi Derradji, Amel Limam, Mohamed Amara
The dwellings studied are located in the city Djelfa who represents a typical example of the steppe of North Africa. It is located in the center of northern Algeria, 300 km south of the capital Algiers (Figure 1(a)). It is located between the north latitude 33° and 35° and between the longitudes 2° and 5°. The climate is hot dry in summer and cold, dry in winter. The Heating Degree Day (HDD) for base temperature of 20°C and Cooling Degree Day (CDD) for base temperature of 27°C are 2216 and 265 respectively (Soufiane and Ewa 2018). The maximum temperature reaches 37°C for the months of June and August and it reaches 39°C for the month of July, while the minimum temperature varies between 16 and 25°C during these months. The maximum temperatures in winter are of the order of 12°C on average for the months of December and January. The minimum temperatures are very low and reach −5°C in the months of December and January (Figure 1(b)).
A transferable energy model for determining the future energy demand and its uncertainty in a country’s residential sector
Published in Building Research & Information, 2020
Aner Martinez-Soto, Mark F. Jentsch
The heating degree day method allows for using a different heating threshold temperature for each house archetype in order to account for different construction characteristics. However, there are uncertainties associated with the use of heating threshold temperatures due to variations in the buildings’ thermal insulation, internal temperature and orientation (Loga, 2004). Therefore, in order to ensure the transferability of the model to different countries, the relation between the heating threshold temperature and the useful area-specific heat loss (h [W/m2K]) is also taken into account. Here, the useful area-specific heat loss (h) is the quotient of the sum of the heat transfer coefficients for transmission and ventilation of a building (HV + HT) and the energy reference area (AEB), which in essence represents the effective floor space of a building. This follows the work of Loga (2004) which shows that the heating threshold temperature is higher for buildings with a high useful area-specific heat loss (h) than for buildings with a low useful area-specific heat loss (h). This is demonstrated in Figure 6, which shows correlations established for Germany. However, these may slightly differ for other countries, depending on the desired internal temperature and whether the whole house is heated as in Germany, since in other countries such as the UK and Chile often only individual rooms are heated.