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Management of the Mining Work Environment
Published in Joel Lööw, Bo Johansson, Eira Andersson, Jan Johansson, Designing Ergonomic, Safe, and Attractive Mining Workplaces, 2018
Joel Lööw, Bo Johansson, Eira Andersson, Jan Johansson
Lately, the risk matrix and similar probability-based methods for assessment have been frequently criticized. Cox (2008) drew attention to the fact that, even though risk matrices are widely accepted and used, little research has been done towards validating their performance in improving risk management decisions. He continued by pointing out the limitations of risk matrices: at worst, when it comes to giving guidance in decisions, they are worse than random. He concluded that they should be used with caution and only with careful explanations of embedded judgements. Furthermore, demarcations can be arbitrary in nature, meaning that the requirement of intervention may be due to personal judgement. Despite this, risk matrices remain popular. Their application should, however, be characterized by carefulness and reflection regarding, among other factors, the estimation of the consequences and the probability as well as the consequence of misestimating these factors.
Risk-based Safety Management Systems
Published in Ron C. McKinnon, Risk-based, Management-led, Audit-driven, Safety Management Systems, 2016
A simple risk analysis of the hazard can be done using the risk matrix. For discussion purposes, a simplified risk matrix is used here. A risk matrix is a block diagram with two axes, the loss potential severity and probability of occurrence, both ranked low, medium, medium-high, high, and extreme. Figure 4.3 is an example of a simplified risk matrix that can be used for risk analysis.
Risk Management
Published in Gary L. Richardson, Brad M. Jackson, Project Management Theory and Practice, 2018
Gary L. Richardson, Brad M. Jackson
The Risk Matrix is a simple tool to help prioritize risks and is used to translate the qualitative risks into impact/probability groups that can be further analyzed. The normal approach would be to deal with all of the high impact events (dark gray), many of the middle tier, and probably few of the less significant ones (light gray) (Table 22.3).
Distress-based evidential reasoning method for pavement infrastructure condition assessment and rating
Published in International Journal of Pavement Engineering, 2021
Saleh Abu Dabous, Waleed Zeiada, Rami Al-Ruzouq, Khaled Hamad, Ghadeer Al-Khayyat
As discussed previously, determining Bpa is a fundamental step in the ER approach. It reflects the initial degree of belief or confidence of a subset in the frame of discernment (the rating grades in this case). When applying ER to a pavement condition rating problem, an expert determines Bpa after reviewing available inspection reports and pavement condition data. This approach may not produce consistent results due to subjectivity and bias inherent in human judgment. If two experts review the same pavement inspection report, each one will use her/his own judgment and experience, and therefore may submit a Bpa value different from the other expert. To provide uniformity in quantifying Bpa, an approach extended from risk management principles is used. In risk management, a risk matrix quantifies risk by assessing the probability of occurrence and the risk impact. The proposed approach adapted in this method is to quantify Bpa by assessing the extent and severity level of each distress by means of a condition matrix.
Risk analysis of maintenance ship collisions with offshore wind turbines
Published in International Journal of Sustainable Energy, 2018
Carla E. Presencia, Mahmood Shafiee
Using the classification of ship-wind turbine collision consequences in Table 4, the magnitude of collision consequences for each kind of maintenance ship is determined and presented in Table 5. Step 6: Quantification and ranking of ship-wind turbine collision risksIn order to quantify and evaluate the ship collision risks associated with wind farm O&M services, a semi-quantitative risk matrix is used. A risk matrix is a two-dimensional table displaying the various levels of risk as the combination of the probability of an event and its consequences. Each cell in a risk matrix is represented by a priority score. In this study, the risk of ship-wind turbine collision (R) is modelled as a function of the likelihood of occurrence of collision (L) and the magnitude of consequences (M) described in Tables 3 and 5, respectively. For evaluating the risk of ship-wind turbine collision, the risk matrix presented in Table 6 will be used where the risk values are ranked from 1 to 7 being 1 the lowest risk and 7 the highest risk.
Offshore wind decommissioning: an assessment of the risk of operations
Published in International Journal of Sustainable Energy, 2022
Mahmood Shafiee, Tosin Adedipe
A risk matrix is a technique used to categorise risks into different levels based on the combined likelihood and consequence rankings in order to rate the significance for prioritising mitigation/control actions. It is made up of two axes, with the likelihood on one axis and the consequence on the other axis. Each cell represents a risk rank or rating which is determined for every potential event being assessed. It is used to rate, evaluate and communicate the magnitude of different risks and determine how acceptable they are in order to set risk management priorities. The likelihood or consequence rating can be of three, four or five levels, making a 3×3, 4×4 or 5×5 matrix, respectively (BSI 2019b).