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Innovative Graphics – Enabling Change by Thinking Science
Published in Tarun Grover, Mugdha Thareja, Science in Design, 2020
This is very important, as contemporary cultures are saturated with displays of visual communication, in the form of advertising, information graphics, site-specific visual identities, and images related to entertainment or decoration. If a piece of graphic communication is to be displayed within this arena, the designer needs to be aware of how it relates to competing messages, and how the problems of image saturation or information overload might be resolved in order to communicate effectively.
The Role of bi-Directional Graphic Communication in Human-Unmanned Operations
Published in International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction, 2022
Tal Oron-Gilad, Ilit Oppenheim, Yisrael Parmet
The focus of Study I, was on the acceptance of graphic communication tools by executer SMEs. The UAS operator confederate ensured that missions were accomplished; troops reached their destination in the “lead troops” scenarios, and suspects were followed in the “track suspect” scenarios. We looked at how the team used the graphic communication tools and the number of graphic communication exchanges per scenario. As seen in Figure 5, the observer and the executers used the bi-directional graphical tools (Left). Temporary markings were used about three times more than anchored markings in both operational scenarios (Right). In the combined condition, when anchored and temporary markings were available, temporary markings were used on average ten times more than anchored ones (22.1 (SD = 9.7) vs. 2.1 (SD = 1.2)). Dot was used 55% of the time within the temporary markings, followed by arrow 30%, and polygon 15%. On a scale of 1–7, SME executers opted for the use of bi-directional graphic communication (5.6 (SD = 1.1)) over verbal communication alone (4.6 (SD = 0.8)) or anchored markings (2.8, (SD = 1.4), (see Oron-Gilad & Oppenheim, 2015).