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Effects of mild hypoxia on decision making: a signal-detection approach
Published in Don Harris, Engineering Psychology and Cognitive Ergonomics, 2017
Dianne C. McCarthy, Odette T. Miller
The continuous performance task (CPT) is widely used as an index of sustained attention (McCarthy, 1991). This task typically involves the presentation of a random series of visual or auditory signals at a fixed and rapid rate. Exposure times are brief, and the subject’s task is to monitor these signals and respond whenever a predesignated target signal appears. In the present study, the CPT involved the random presentation of upper case letters on a computer screen. The subjects were instructed to attend to the signals, and to respond each time the target signal (the letter ‘X’) appeared on the screen. The CPT can thus be viewed as a detection task in which the subject is required to decide whether or not the target signal appeared on any given trial (cf, figure 1). Three experimental conditions were conducted: One in which the target letter had a low probability of occurrence, one in which it had a high probability of occurrence, and one in which there was an equal chance of the target letter appearing or not. Subjects performed this task at sea level (mean SaO2 = 97.5%) and at a simulated altitude of 8,000 feet (mean SaO2 = 93.6%). Overall, discriminability was high indicating that the subjects had little difficulty detecting the target signals (mean log d = 1.30 & 1.44 at sea level and at 8,000 feet, respectively).
Aviation Neuropsychology
Published in Carrie H. Kennedy, Gary G. Kay, Aeromedical Psychology, 2013
The following is a list of the tests included in the FAA core test battery for general neuropsychology cases: Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scales (that is, WAIS-IV or WAIS-III).CogScreen-Aeromedical Edition (CogScreen-AE).Trail Making Test (Halstead Reitan version).Paced Auditory Serial Addition Test (PASAT).Continuous performance testing (for example, Test of Variables of Attention (TOVA), Conners’ Continuous Performance Test, or Integrated Visual and Auditory Continuous Performance Test (IVA).Verbal memory testing (for example, Wechsler Memory Scale-IV (WMS-IV) subtests, Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test or California Verbal Learning Test-II).Visual memory testing (for example, WMS-IV subtests, Brief Visuospatial Memory Test-Revised, or Rey Complex Figure Test).Language testing including Boston Naming Test and verbal fluency testing (Controlled Oral Word Association Test and semantic fluency task).Psychomotor testing including Finger Tapping and Grooved Pegboard or Purdue Pegboard.Executive function tests including Halstead Category Test or Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST), and Stroop Color-Word Test.Personality testing including either the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI-2) or Personality Assessment Inventory (PAI).
Impacts of Attention Level on Manual Take-Over Performance in Automatic Driving on High-Speed Railways
Published in International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction, 2022
In Experiment 1, participants needed to conduct a continuous performance test (CPT), a common method of studying participants’ attention and vigilance (Shalev et al., 2011). A typical CPT task is to require participants to focus on a continuous stream of stimuli (a string of single letters, shapes, or numbers rendered consecutively) and to respond to a predetermined goal (Sostek et al., 1980). In this experiment, participants were told that their task was to monitor a series of target stimuli (green lights) from non-target stimuli (all lights except green lights). During the automatic driving of the train, signal lights whose positions were fixed relative to the ground appeared in the rail line scene ahead. As the train moved forward, the signal lights appeared in the scene and then disappeared. When the participants saw a non-target stimulus on the screen, they had to press the spacebar as soon as possible. When they saw a target stimulus, nothing needed to be done. The task consisted of 12 groups with 10 signal lights in each group, of which 10% were target stimuli and 90% were non-target stimuli. These stimuli were randomly presented for 3,000 milliseconds with an inter-stimulus interval (ISI) of 27,000 milliseconds in the group. Each group took about 5 min, and the total duration of the experiment was around 60 min. The reaction data for the participants were recorded during the experiment. The reaction time (RT) and RT variability (SD of RT) of the participants were checked after the experiment. The latter was considered a crucial indicator to measure attention performance. RT variability can reveal attention fluctuations that cannot be fully captured with only an accuracy check, and it has been applied in many studies (Cheyne et al., 2009; Petilli et al., 2018; Rosenberg et al., 2013; Weissman et al., 2006). The high deviation (very fast or very slow) between the RT and the mean value has proven to be linked to decreased attention and target recognition accuracy.
Males with chronic ankle instability demonstrate deficits in neurocognitive function compared to control and copers
Published in Research in Sports Medicine, 2021
Adam B. Rosen, Melanie L. McGrath, Arthur L. Maerlender
The Continuous Performance Test measures sustained attention, choice reaction time and impulsivity. The participants were presented one at a time with random letters with 200 letters in total, approximately 1.5s each. Participants responded only to the letter “B” (40 times randomly) while ignoring all other letters as the letters contuined to appear sequentially regardless of response.
A comparison of methods used for inducing mental fatigue in performance research: individualised, dual-task and short duration cognitive tests are most effective
Published in Ergonomics, 2020
Kate O’Keeffe, Simon Hodder, Alex Lloyd
Of the experimental conditions, two were designed to recreate potential ‘control’ conditions for mental fatigue studies (Figure 1(B)), and the remaining three experimental conditions aimed to induce mental fatigue using different cognitive tests (Figure 1(C)). Thus, the five experimental interventions were:Set-up control, in which participants sat resting for 2-min only. This condition was selected to recreate the process of preparation for an experimental study only.Documentary control, in which participants watched two documentaries in succession, lasting a total of 90-min as per previous research (Marcora, Staiano, and Manning 2009; Brownsberger et al. 2013). The documentaries were: The History of the Ferrari: The Definitive Story (Boulevard Entertainment Ltd. 2006) and The Venice Simplon Orient Express (Beardsall and Garofalo 2004).AX-CPT, a 90-min single-task continuous performance test. Participants were required to press the space bar when the letter X followed the letter A, among a series of randomly generated letter sequences. This test had a standardised letter presentation time of 1200-ms across all participants as per previous research (Marcora, Staiano, and Manning 2009; Brownsberger et al. 2013).TloadDback STD, a 16-min dual-task test, where the participant must perform two cognitive tasks at one time as described above (see Section 2.2.). In the current study, the TloadDback STD was performed with a standardised letter/number presentation time of 1200-ms in order to effectively compare to the AX-CPT, and elicit a low cognitive load (Borragán et al. 2017).TloadDback INDV, the same 16-min dual-task test as noted above, with the exception that the letter/number presentation time was individualised based on performance in the familiarisation trial (see Section 2.2.). All participants in this study had individualised speeds faster than the standardised speed (<1200 ms). Therefore, the individualised speeds induced a higher cognitive load on the individual than in the standardised condition (Borragán et al. 2017).