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Role of Cryptography and Its Challenges in Integrating Secured IoT Products
Published in S. Velliangiri, Sathish A. P. Kumar, P. Karthikeyan, Internet of Things, 2020
D. Citharthan, M. Varatharaj, D. Palanivel Rajan
Cryptology is a study of encryption and decryption. Encryption is a technique used to convert plain (readable) text to cipher (unreadable) text and, decryption is a technique used to convert cipher (unreadable) text to plain (readable) text. There are two methods of encryption, namely symmetric encryption and asymmetric encryption. Symmetric encryption uses symmetric keys for encryption as well as decryption. Asymmetric encryption uses two independent (asymmetric) keys, namely public key and private key. In asymmetric encryption, any one of the keys will be used for encryption, and another key will be used for decryption. Before sending any plain text to the IoT device, it will be encrypted using a symmetric or asymmetric key and converted to cipher text in the sender side. On the receiver side, the cipher text is decrypted using the same symmetric key or asymmetric key pair and converted to plain text. Symmetric encryption is faster than asymmetric encryption. But the problem is that symmetric keys have to store securely, and secure channel is required to transfer the symmetric key. So, combining the symmetric and asymmetric encryption methods will be more efficient in IoT product [1]. Asymmetric encryption is used in the key deployment and can be used to encrypt communication. Symmetric encryption is used where performance is required or where the data has to transmit faster.
Cyber Defence and Countermeasures
Published in Stanislav Abaimov, Maurizio Martellini, Cyber Arms, 2020
Stanislav Abaimov, Maurizio Martellini
Two major techniques used in encryption are symmetric and asymmetric encryption. In symmetric encryption, one key is used to encrypt and decrypt the message. The decryption procedure is faster as the key is comparatively short, but it requires better security for the key itself. Asymmetric technique uses a public key to encrypt a message and a private key to decrypt it. Both systems have their strengths and weaknesses and the most appropriate solution should be identified based on the computer potential, type of data and access, key management strategies, costs and available funding, etc. A strong key management process is essential to prevent unauthorized access to sensitive information, as the key theft is one of the most wide-spread methods of attacking a cryptosystem.
Web Services for Embedded Devices
Published in Richard Zurawski, Industrial Communication Technology Handbook, 2017
Vlado Altmann, Hendrik Bohn, Frank Golatowski
Encryption prevents third parties from being able to read the content of a message. WS-Security requires the support of XML Encryption. Symmetric or asymmetric encryption mechanism can be used. Symmetric encryption is the use of the same key for encryption and decryption. The key has to be provided to the partners by some other means in order to make sure that the key is not disclosed to untrusted parties. Asymmetric encryption is the use of two keys: a public and a private key. The public key is used for encrypting a message. As the public key cannot be used for decryption, it can be sent in any message. The private key is used for decryption. It must only be known and belongs to the partner who has to decrypt a certain message or content. X.509 certificates can be used for that.
Integrate the hierarchical cluster elliptic curve key agreement with multiple secure data transfer modes into wireless sensor networks
Published in Connection Science, 2022
In general, the asymmetric key system is more secure than a symmetric key system. Therefore, Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) provides higher security level functions, but PKI consumes lots of computing resources. However, WSNs have insufficient computing resources. Thus, sensors could not properly execute security operations very well through the above methods. So far, many studies intended to enhance security for sensor nodes through ECDH security mechanisms. Nicolas et al. (2007) designed and implemented Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) on a hardware architecture. Piotr et al. (2008) surveyed the limit value of ECC, and confirmed that implementation of the public key cryptography on WSNs was achievable. An et al. (2008) developed an executable software and a function library for ECC.
An Empirical Evaluation of Various Digital Signature Scheme in Wireless Sensor Network
Published in IETE Technical Review, 2022
Pankaj Kumar, Saurabh Kumar Sharma
In 1977, the RSA algorithm was put forward by Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir and Leonard Adelman at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). This scheme is relying on the factorization of a very big pattern of numbers that ensure high-level security; thereby an intruder is not impelled to crack RSA by the factorization of larger and complex key. It works for the encryption/decryption of data and also for the signing and/or verification of data packets. RSA is an asymmetric-key algorithm, which uses two separate keys: a private key works for signature generation and a public key used for signature verification. Any user having the public key of sender’s message can verify the signatures; however, only sender having the private key can sign the data packets. The same function can be used for signing and verification by providing different arguments. The security of this algorithm is based upon the factorization of large and complex composite numbers. The composite number n = p × q, in which p and q represent two distinct large prime numbers. The basic idea is to multiply two prime numbers, which is a relatively easy task; however, factorization is more difficult. Multiplication could be done in polynomial time, while factorization can take exponential time depending upon the weightage of numbers [20]. Figure 3 illustrates the structural outline of RSA key generation, Figure 4 demonstrates the process flow diagram of signature generation and Figure 5 shows the steps for signature verification.
Efficient Key Generation Techniques for Securing IoT Communication Protocols
Published in IETE Technical Review, 2021
Amol K. Boke, Sangeeta Nakhate, Arvind Rajawat
In asymmetric key cryptographic algorithms, there are two types of keys: Public Key and Private Key. Each of the sender and receiver has their own private key and each other's public key. When the sender sends data it but before sending it he encrypts data with the receiver's public key and when the receiver receives data, he decrypts the data with the receiver's private key. Examples of asymmetric key cryptographic algorithms are given in Figure 3 out of which RSA and ECC (Elliptic Curve Cryptography) are widely used algorithms. Actually, the key size of RSA is quite large as compared to AES for a similar level of encryption. Hence ECC is preferred over RSA, as ECC could give the same level of encryption in very less sized key. Keyless Cryptographic Algorithms