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Simulation and Modeling Tools for Fog Computing
Published in Ravi Tomar, Avita Katal, Susheela Dahiya, Niharika Singh, Tanupriya Choudhury, Fog Computing, 2023
Antonio A. T. R. Coutinho, Elisangela O. Carneiro, Fabíola Greve
The following sequence of commands can be applied to a host Linux terminal, where the administrator user password can be requested to allow the sudo command to run: $ sudo apt-get install ansible git aptitude $ git clone https://github.com/fogbed/fogbed.git $ cd fogbed/ansible $ sudo ansible-playbook -i ”localhost,” -c local install _ metis.yml $ sudo ansible-playbook -i ”localhost,” -c local install _ docker.yml $ sudo ansible-playbook -i ”localhost,” -c local --skip-tags ”notindocker” install _ fogbed.yml Unless you are trying to get the best emulation performance, use a VM instead of installing in your own machine, since the Fogbed installation process changes the system settings and may mess with your native OS installation or damage it in any way if unsuccessful.
Host Computer: Raspberry Pi
Published in Volker Ziemann, A Hands-On Course in Sensors Using the Arduino and Raspberry Pi, 2018
where the first command updates the database of installed programs and finds out whether newer versions are available. The second command installs the upgrades after a question to approve its selection. First, the newer versions are downloaded and then installed. This may take quite a while—about 30 minutes if the time since the last update or the creation of the initial installation media is long ago. Note that the system-administration command is called apt-get, and we have to run it with superuser privileges by prepending sudo. After the upgrade is complete and the program returns to the command line prompt, we have an up-to-date system and are ready to install additional software.
A feminist server stack: co-designing feminist web servers to reimagine Internet futures
Published in CoDesign, 2022
As we see above, a feminist server approach differs in know-how and ability to use privilege and act on-the-fly to repair the server. In traditional ISP norms, users world never be given the password to execute commands as a #sudo because there are clear distinctions between the server manager and the user as client. #sudo is a command (meaning ‘super user do’) that temporarily elevates a user’s privilege to allow completion of super-sensitive server administration tasks on the *nix OS.9 In this way, #sudo allows an endorsed user to execute a high-level command in the webserver, according to specifications of the system administrators who are authenticated to do so. If a user/client is not listed with permissions of a ‘sudoers’ and tries to run a command using #sudo, it is considered an attempt to breach system security. An alert is sent to the administrator authorities of the server with a record log of location and timestamp and as a provision the user is locked from the system, until the situation is clarified.