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Interactive modeling of groundwater contamination: visualization and intelligent user interfaces
Published in Domy C. Adriano, Alex K. Iskandar, Ishwar P. Murarka, Contamination of Groundwaters, 2020
Kurt Fedra, Hans-Jörg Diersch, Frank Härig
For the expert user, ease and efficiency of use are important considerations. The various dedicated editing features and the transparent data handling provide a very efficient tool to set up and refine a problem. At the same time, the graphical representation of the model behavior can provide invaluable diagnostic information: most problems are immediately obvious if one can only see them. The expert user, of course, may want access to model control parameters that the casual user does not want or need to modify. For him two ready-to run scenario templates such as screening and high-resolution may be sufficient. The expert user, however, may want more degrees of freedom to tune model performance versus precision. Here the two-level interface provides a possible solution. In addition, the default configurations and set-ups are completely data driven, and these input and configuration files can of course be edited by the knowledgeable user, if necessary.
Foundations for a Fission Battery Digital Twin
Published in Nuclear Technology, 2022
Jeren Browning, Andrew Slaughter, Ross Kunz, Joshua Hansel, Bri Rolston, Katherine Wilsdon, Adam Pluth, Dillon McCardell
A MOOSE input file is organized as a hierarchical structure with parent and child nodes that contain parameters with an associated value. The template parser uses a template input file to generate a configuration file that specifies the parameters that can be changed in an input file. The template input file will be marked with a {{config}} comment, indicating the parameter can be changed. Once the changeable configuration parameters are determined, the full path to the node, the name of the parameter, and the data type of the parameter’s value are written to a configuration file. The purpose of the configuration file is to verify and validate the requests to change parameter values in events from Deep Lynx. The template parser can be run as an independent application through a command line interface or as a codependent application that relies on the event system of Deep Lynx.
A creation method of comprehensive cases and specifications for hardware and software combined test to detect undesirable events of an industrial product using HAZOP
Published in SICE Journal of Control, Measurement, and System Integration, 2022
Masakazu Takahashi, Kouji Ueno, Yunarso Anang, Yoshimichi Watanabe
The parameter, program part, and guide word group configuration files were created according to the procedure of the proposed method. In this application experiment, the hardware and software design information necessary to create the configuration files was created by the authors based on the information published by the robot manufacturer. The reason why the authors created the design information is that the software design information created by the robot manufacturers was insufficient. Figure 8 shows a part of the software design information (DFD) created by the authors. Figure 9 shows the parameter configuration file, Figure 10 shows the program part configuration file, and Figure 11 shows the guide word group configuration file.
Life-cycle cost optimization of a solar combisystem for residential buildings in Nepal
Published in Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering, 2022
Bishan Thapa, Weimin Wang, Wesley Williams
The GenOpt software allows the hybrid application of PSO and HJ in a single setup by specifying the number of simulations as one of the parameters to manipulate simulation-based optimization. The simulation number, however, includes the number of simulations called by both PSO and HJ. It is thus difficult to control how much efforts are taken by each of the optimization algorithms. To address this problem, the application of PSO and HJ are applied sequentially in two separate steps. The first step is to run the PSO which uses the number of generations as the stopping criterion. After the PSO is complete, the obtained optimum is manually specified as the starting point for the HJ, which uses the number of simulations as the stopping criterion. Table 4 shows the optimization parameters used in this paper. The coupling of GenOpt and TRNSYS needs a number of text input files, namely the simulation template file, the command file, the configuration file, and the initialization file. Based on the input files, GenOpt launches the TRNSYS simulation program, reads the function value being minimized from the simulation result file, checks possible simulation errors and determines a new set of input parameters for the next run. The output file contains the variable values and the corresponding LCC results for all iterations. Details of these GenOpt input and output files can be found in the user manual (Wetter 2016).