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A Decision Support System for Assessing Remedial Technologies for Metal-Contaminated Sites
Published in M.H. Wong, J.W.C. Wong, A.J.M. Baker, Remediation and Management of Degraded Lands, 2018
P.T. Chiueh, S.L. Lo, C.D. Lee
Spatial decision support system (SDSS) combines the technologies of geographical information system (GIS) and decision support system (DSS) to aid decision makers with problems that have spatial dimension (Walsh, 1993). A typical DSS consists of a user interface, model base and database (Richard et al., 1991; Turban, 1990). When linked with GIS, DSS can be converted into SDSS by using the spatial analysis and display capability of GIS (Cressie, 1993).
A cyberGIS-enabled multi-criteria spatial decision support system: A case study on flood emergency management
Published in International Journal of Digital Earth, 2019
Zhe Zhang, Hao Hu, Dandong Yin, Shakil Kashem, Ruopu Li, Heng Cai, Dylan Perkins, Shaowen Wang
Decision support systems (DSSs) have many definitions. Turban, Aronson, and Liang (2000) identified four key components of DSSs: a data management system (e.g. a database management system), a management subsystem (quantitative models that provide the system with analytical capabilities and software management), a knowledge-based management subsystem (an intelligent knowledge base that stores knowledge that can be used to make decision), and an interface subsystem (the user communicates with the DSS through this subsystem). According to above mentioned definitions of DSSs, a spatial decision support system (SDSS) can be defined as a framework for integrating analytical and spatial decision modeling capabilities (management subsystem), spatial and non-spatial data management (data management system), domain knowledge (knowledge acquisition and knowledge-based management system), spatial display capabilities and reporting capabilities (user interface) (Sugumaran and Degroote 2011). The next section introduces two types of decision-making models that were used in our MCSDSS management subsystem.