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Cognitive Engineering
Published in David O'Hare, Introduction to Safety Science, 2022
Vicente noted a variety of other projects that utilised cognitive work design principles to uncover information not currently utilised in interface design. These projects included systems management for the Lockheed Hercules C-130 aircraft, computer network management, software specifications for the TCASII (Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System described in Chapter 4), military command and control and others. However, comprehensive evaluations involving experienced operators had not been conducted on any of these systems. The fact that evidence for the effectiveness of EID largely comes from novice operators on simulated process control systems means that the question of the effectiveness of EID designs for large-scale industrial systems with experienced operators has not been demonstrated.
ANSI/EIA 709.1, IP, and Web Services: The Keys to Open, Interoperable Building Control Systems
Published in Barney L. Capehart, Timothy Middelkoop, Paul J. Allen, David C. Green, Handbook of Web Based Energy Information and Control Systems, 2020
Michael R. Tennefoss, Alex Chervet
One of the control networks specified within BAC-net for communications between sensors and actuators is the ANSI/EIA 709.1 protocol. The ANSI/EIA 709.1 protocol allows all manner of control devices to communicate with one another through a commonly shared protocol. Communication transceivers and transport mechanisms (ANSI/EIA 709.2 power line signaling, ANSI/EIA 709.3 twisted pair signaling, ANSI/EIA 709.4 fiber optics) are standardized, as are object models and programming/troubleshooting tools to enable the rapid design and implementation of interoperable, ANSI/EIA 709.1-based devices. Network management software, protocol analyzers, internet protocol (IP) servers, network interface cards, and development tools are available off-the-shelf to speed development and reduce time to market. In short, ANSI/EIA 709.x offers a system level approach to interoperability, and comprises a complete set of tools and products. Roughly 30,000,000 ANSI/EIA 709.1 compliant devices have been shipped to date by thousands of product manufacturers.
Network Communication
Published in Jerry C. Whitaker, Microelectronics, 2018
Once a problem has been monitored and identified, it must be analyzed and diagnosed. This is the second major task of network management software. Diagnosis is often done by a class of devices known as protocol analyzers or by the more common name, sniffers. These devices are attached to the LAN and watch, measure, and in some cases, record every bit of data that passes their way. By using multiple sniffers at various points on a LAN, otherwise known as distributed sniffers, bottlenecks can be identified and performance degradation factors can be pinpointed. LAN testing devices must be able to test and isolate the three major segments of any LAN: (1) the wire or cable of the network, (2) the network adapter cards, which interface between the cable and the workstation, and (3) the workstation or PC that generates the network activity.
Motivations for the IT Professional Turnaway Intention: A Delphi Approach
Published in Information Systems Management, 2019
Luiz Antonio Joia, Mariela Fontenelle Sily de Assis
The type 1 antecedents are linked to the IT career and the way organizations manage their IT personnel. Thus, they should be addressed by public policies and human resource strategies of organizations. That way, we recommend that governments foster the training and intake of professionals into the IT arena and develop policies to ensure that they will remain in this area to reduce the turnaway phenomenon. In particular, we recommend that countries develop regulatory policies that make it possible for IT professionals, as well as society in general, to perceive IT as a profession rather than a mere occupation. For example, governments could give IT professionals a well-defined professional and social status in addition to their specific duties and rights. Regarding the former, some of the IT professional’s duties may be network management, software development or database administration. Besides, IT specialists may also provide technical support to a business or an organization’s employees and train non-technical workers on the business’ information systems (Csorny, 2013). Concerning the latter, the IT professionals rights are related to career growth, namely “progression through a sequence of jobs, involving continually more advanced or diverse activities and resulting in wider or improved skills, greater responsibility and prestige, and higher income” (Bloomsbury Business and Management Dictionary, 2007, p. 1353).
Software-Defined Networking Techniques to Improve Mobile Network Connectivity: Technical Review
Published in IETE Technical Review, 2018
Several challenges must be taken into consideration in OpenFlow deployments such as security, availability, compatibility, failure recovery, capital expense (CAPEX), operational expense (OPEX), as well as the challenge of implementation that will improve mobility. Further, Naito and Oki [20] even consider energy efficient software-defined wireless access point with OpenFlow framework. In their works, users’ traffic condition obtained from OpenFlow controller is used to power on and off access point adaptively. Therefore, increase in the number of users would result in high network traffic which will turn on neighboring wireless LAN compared to low traffic condition in wireless LAN so that utilization rate is mitigated in high traffic scenario, meanwhile, maintaining energy efficiency when traffic is low. Whenever the threshold is met, alert will be triggered by Network Management Software, and OpenFlow controller signals the access point to turn on.
Overview of the challenges and solutions for 5G channel coding schemes
Published in Journal of Information and Telecommunication, 2021
Madhavsingh Indoonundon, Tulsi Pawan Fowdur
5G is the generation of mobile network technologies which is expected to satisfy the high demand for a fast, responsive, reliable and high capacity network. For this purpose, there is a race to develop robust standards for the network infrastructure. Among the most active groups involved in this field of research is the 5G Architecture Working Group which is part of the 5G Infrastructure Public Private Partnership (5G-PPP) Initiative. The group played an important role in setting up standards in its Phase 1 projects in areas such as the overall structure, network management, software networks and the physical layer.