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Identifiers in Communication Net Works
Published in Giovanni Bartolomeo, Tatiana Kováčiková, Identification and Management of Distributed Data: NGN, Content-Centric Networks and the Web, 2016
Giovanni Bartolomeo, Tatiana Kováčiková
Examples of the types of applications that can be stored in the UICC include the following: High-level applications based on standard APIs, such as Java Card appletsApplications based on service engines, using standard APIsNetwork access applications: USIM, ISIMApplications that require chips with optional features, such as Near-Field Communication (NFC) applications
Machine learning techniques to predict sensitive patterns to fault attack in the Java Card application
Published in Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence, 2018
Yahiaoui Chahrazed, Lanet Jean-Louis, Mezghiche Mohamed, Tamine Karim
The software fault injection simulator tool SmartCM (detailed in Section 2.3) allows to emulate and analyse the effect of the fault on the Java Card programs. It is based on brute force process to generate all possible mutants of a given Java Card program according to a card model. All the mutants are then checked to decide if the mutation is dangerous or not. Note that, the card model refers to the embedded countermeasures and the nature of the memories used by the smart card. The general framework of this tool has been evoked in (Machemie,Mazin,Lanet, and Cartigny, 2011). Our main intent is to complete the framework of this tool with a module which is a source code prevention. Specifically, our work consists of extracting, in a Java Card application, the sensitive patterns (vulnerable code) that could generate mutants at the byte code level. Thus, the idea is to thwart the identified dangerous patterns known to generate hostile applets. Indeed, our tool enables the Java Card developer to precisely locate the sensitive codes of an applet during the Java Card application development process (before this applet will be deployed in the card). Accordingly, the developer may harden the predicted sensitive pattern codes by adding applicative countermeasures.