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Extrusion Control Systems
Published in Isaac Ghebre-Sellassie, Charles Martin, Feng Zhang, James DiNunzio, Pharmaceutical Extrusion Technology, 2018
Stuart J. Kapp, Pete A. Palmer
Many AC drives have industrial networking capabilities. This allows the drive to digitally communicate to other drives, programmable controllers, and/or PC control systems. Digital communications to drives and devices bring numerous advantages. These include a reduction in interconnection wiring (one communications cable would replace most of the hardwired input/output to a drive or drives); the ability to display faults, settings, and feedback parameters on a central monitor for diagnostic purposes; and the increased accuracy of digital settings. Digital communications also eliminate drift associated with analog devices and inherent inaccuracies related with analog-to-digital converters. There are many different types of industrial network technologies used with digital drives. Some are proprietary and some are open networks. Open networks are accessible to anyone or any manufacturer that wants to make a product “talk” on that network. One of the more popular industrial networks is Ethernet communications using an industrial Ethernet protocol.
Networked Control Systems for Manufacturing: Parameterization, Differentiation, Evaluation, and Application
Published in Richard Zurawski, Networked Embedded Systems, 2017
James R. Moyne, Dawn M. Tilbury
In an effort to package Ethernet to be more suitable for industrial applications, a number of “industrial Ethernet” protocols have emerged. These include EtherNet/IP, Modbus/TCP, and PROFINET. While these protocol specifications vary to some extent at all levels of the OSI model, they all fundamentally utilize or recommend switched Ethernet technology as defined in the previous subsection. Thus, the differences in performance between Industrial Ethernet technologies lie more with the devices than the protocols. For example in an effort to understand the trade-offs between Industrial Ethernet technologies, two common Industrial Ethernet protocols, EtherNet/IP and PROFINET, were compared in the areas of architecture principles, technologies incorporated, performance, ease of use, diagnostics capabilities, and network management capabilities* [43]. As part of this effort, parallel multilayer switched Ethernet testbeds were developed utilizing each of these technologies, where the network layout was representative of the structure being utilized at a leading automotive manufacturer.
Ethernet and Ethernet/IP
Published in Sunit Kumar Sen, Fieldbus and Networking in Process Automation, 2014
Industrial Ethernet differs from standard Ethernet in traffic prioritization, robust equipment, hardware, and industrial-grade components although both use the same traditional Ethernet technology. Industrial Ethernet will have to withstand harsh industrial environments in the form of high temperature, hostile environment, dust, vibration, and shock. They also differ in power supply requirements and need a fault tolerant network. Industrial Ethernet applies Ethernet standards developed for data communications to industrial control networks and can handle data collisions in a better manner at the shop floor level. Cables and connectors for such networks are more robust in nature.
Response time evaluation of industrial-scale distributed control systems by discrete event systems formalisms
Published in International Journal of Control, 2022
Ouail Himrane, Alain Ourghanlian, Saïd Amari
EtherNet/IP is the name given to the implementation of the CIP protocol on standard Ethernet layers (IEEE 802.3 and TCP/IP Protocol suite). EtherNet/IP was introduced in 2001 and is today the most developed Industrial Ethernet protocol leading in the world of industrial automation.