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Discussion on AI needs to become mainstream
Published in Saswat Sarangi, Pankaj Sharma, Artificial Intelligence, 2018
Then, around 2010, Michal Kosinski and David Stillwell, fellow doctoral students at Cambridge University, adapted and modified the Big Five model for social media websites. People leave behind an enormous amount of digital footprint in various social media websites. Kosinski and Stillwell published a series of research papers that used machine learning methods on online data from a large number of users, data that was obtained with their consent, and that accurately predicted their race, gender, sexual orientation, religious affiliation, political leaning, and even drug use. The level of accuracy in these predictions was very high, north of 80 percent in many cases. One can only imagine how effective these tools and data sets might have been in the hands of campaign analytics firms.
Crime in Real Time
Published in Anastasia Powell, Gregory Stratton, Robin Cameron, Digital Criminology, 2018
Anastasia Powell, Gregory Stratton, Robin Cameron
The ubiquity of communications technologies enables not only engagement but also active participation in the representation of crime events. When a crime occurs, the individuals involved have a detailed digital footprint prior to the events and are able to subsequently experience and respond via social media and digital platforms. The constant presence of technology means that, when a crime occurs, technology will be a fundamental ongoing element of the construction of crime scenes. At a broader level, the presence of technologies at crime events means that the wider public can become involved in a manner that is not possible without technology. Chapter 5 highlights the vital role that images can play in both perpetrating and extending the harms of crime, while Chapter 7 demonstrates how the public can pursue informal vigilante justice, for better or for worse.
Social Media in Popular Culture
Published in Michael Muhlmeyer, Shaurya Agarwal, Information Spread in a Social Media Age, 2021
Michael Muhlmeyer, Shaurya Agarwal
Internet memes are an excellent way to examine information spread because they leave behind a digital footprint of where they have been on social media and the internet at large. While some may die out and others become viral, they are reasonably easy to trace compared to other types of information. Additionally, because they are usually satire and not viewed as contentious information (memes are either shared or ignored), studying how internet memes spread simplifies many difficult and unpredictable elements encountered when studying other types of information propagation.
Cybersecurity for children: an investigation into the application of social media
Published in Enterprise Information Systems, 2023
Victor Chang, Lewis Golightly, Qianwen Ariel Xu, Thanaporn Boonmee, Ben S. Liu
The digital footprint is the content of information produced and observed under the profile of a user, typically on a social media platform, but this can also be on the wider internet. This content can be anything that makes it so dangerous because it can be open to interpretation by different users. Once it is under the profile (typically through posting or sharing), it can be very difficult to remediate the viewing of content attached to a user’s profile. An example of this could be if the user had an old profile and now does not have access to it or if the user shared it and people have been able to see it and link the content to the user before they had the chance to unattached themselves from the content.