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Passive Targeting of Solid Tumors: Pathophysiological Principles and Physicochemical Aspects of Delivery Systems
Published in Mansoor M. Amiji, Nanotechnology for Cancer Therapy, 2006
Given the potency and toxicity of modern pharmacological agents, tissue selectivity is a major issue. In the delivery of chemotherapeutic agents to solid tumors this is particularly critical, since the therapeutic window for these agents is often small and the dose–response curve steep. Therefore, the idea of exploiting the well-documented vascular abnormalities of tumors, restricting penetration into normal tissue interstitium while allowing freer access to that of the tumor, becomes particularly attractive.
In vitro antibiofilm, antibacterial, antioxidant, and antitumor activities of the brown alga Padina pavonica biomass extract
Published in International Journal of Environmental Health Research, 2023
Mofida E. M. Makhlof, Mostafa M. El-Sheekh, Abeer I. M. EL-Sayed
The FT-IR results of the crude seaweed (Figure 5) revealed the existence of several chemical groups in this investigation. The presence of alcohols is indicated by the high absorption bands at 3677–3408 cm−1 in the seaweed methanolic extract showing O-H stretching (Silva et al. 2014; Hu et al. 2016). The CH2 anti-symmetric stretch of methyl groups in lipids caused weak absorption bands at 2977–2852 cm−1 in the seaweed methanolic extract (Lu and Rasco 2012). By condensation processes, Jóźwiak et al. (2020) discovered various fatty acids with current anticancer medicines and heterocyclic moieties. In vivo and in vitro investigations, such conjugations, improved tissue selectivity and may have enhanced the effectiveness and safety of chemotherapy.
Active esophageal cooling during radiofrequency ablation of the left atrium: data review and update
Published in Expert Review of Medical Devices, 2022
Julie Cooper, Christopher Joseph, Jason Zagrodzky, Christopher Woods, Mark Metzl, Robert W. Turer, Samuel A. McDonald, Erik Kulstad, James Daniels
Further research holds the potential to restore normal sinus rhythm more effectively and with greater safety than currently possible. Pulsed field energy to induce irreversible electroporation in cardiac tissue was first used in the 1980s but was superseded by radiofrequency ablation due to complications from early iterations of the technology (primarily barotrauma and microbubble formation). Newer approaches to utilizing pulsed field energy have recently been developed, with the anticipation that tissue selectivity might eliminate collateral damage during ablation of cardiac tissue. At present, there has been some progress in this area, with the caveat that demonstration of both safety and long-term efficacy has not been completed. A recent large survey of the first 1,758 cases treated with one of the first successfully commercialized systems for pulsed field ablation found significantly more complications than expected, prompting the authors to note that the high frequency of complications underscores the need for improvement.
The emergence of nanoporous materials in lung cancer therapy
Published in Science and Technology of Advanced Materials, 2022
Deepika Radhakrishnan, Shan Mohanan, Goeun Choi, Jin-Ho Choy, Steffi Tiburcius, Hoang Trung Trinh, Shankar Bolan, Nikki Verrills, Pradeep Tanwar, Ajay Karakoti, Ajayan Vinu
It should be noted that the requirement of these nanoporous materials for the effective drug delivery for the lung cancer treatment is so complex that the pure nanoporous materials without proper functionalization cannot satisfy the need for the best drug delivery system. The unique surface properties together with the functional groups on the surface and their versatility in providing different surface platforms offer new opportunities for the efficient drug delivery. For example, the proper functionalization with the targeting molecules or other hybrids system can be one of the solutions to overcome the problem of site-specific delivery of the drugs. Therefore, the focus of the current research seems to be shaping towards the use of combination of different materials for combining different forms of treatment and controlling the release of the drugs. As can be explained in this review, stimuli responsive drug delivery using hybrid materials is a convenient method to control the release of the drugs and prevent its side effects. Among various hybrids, blending mesoporous silica-based NPs with active targeting moieties to improve the tumour tissue selectivity of drug loaded porous nanomaterials is a good strategy for increasing its efficacy. Photo therapeutics, such as, organic dyes like IR-780 or ICG can also be combined along with hybridized porous organic/inorganic/bio structures to get an improved photo-thermal as well as photo-dynamic therapeutic outcomes. One of the advantages of combining different materials for drug delivery is that it can offer unique opportunity for the development of theranostic materials for the treatment of lung cancer. Even though there have been tremendous improvements in theranostic approaches using wide variety of functional porous nanomaterials, it was noted that the major limitation associated with the theranostic approaches is the lack of pre-clinical assessments.