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Reduction of nitrous gases from blast fumes in underground mines using water based absorbency solutions
Published in Vladimir Litvinenko, Scientific and Practical Studies of Raw Material Issues, 2019
A. Hutwalker, T. Plett, O. Langefeld
When the proposed spraying rig is used in an underground operation, the products as well as the excess absorbency will remain on the floor as fine solid crystals after the water is evaporated. Therefore, contact of the miners with the solid absorbencies and products cannot be precluded. Taking into account the potential hazards of sodium hydroxide and sodium sulfite, the sodium sulfite is even more favorable. There are no H- and P-phrases for Na2SO3, but several for NaOH. Furthermore, the products of the chemical reaction of NO2 with NaOH are sodium nitrite and sodium nitrate, with the sodium nitrite being a severe health hazard to humans (Chow 2002; NIH 2001). The product of the reaction of NO2 with sodium sulfite is sodium sulfate (Na2SO4), a harmless substance also known as Glauber’s salt.
Published in Glenn M. Tillman, Wastewater Treatment, 2017
Dechlorination is the removal of all traces of residual chlorine remaining after the disinfection process and prior to the discharge of the final effluent to the receiving waters.This is commonly accomplished by the use of sulfur compounds such as sulfur dioxide, sodium sulfite, or sodium metabisulfite.Sulfur dioxide is the most popular method for dechlorination because it uses existing chlorination equipment.
Carbon, Nitrogen, and Sulfur Chemistry
Published in Jerome Greyson, Carbon, Nitrogen, and Sulfur Pollutants and Their Determination in Air and Water, 2020
By boiling sodium sulfite with sulfur, one obtains sodium thiosulfate Na2SO3+S=Na2S2O3
Occupational skin disease in mining: an Australian case series
Published in Archives of Environmental & Occupational Health, 2021
Kate Dear, Ryan Toholka, Rosemary Nixon
Eight cases of OSD were identified in miners from our database, including two diagnosed with ACD to chromate (see Table 1). In one, the worker was exposed to unlined leather gloves worn at a silver, lead and zinc mine where he was employed. There was also considered to be some contributing irritant contact dermatitis (ICD) affecting the hands. The second worker was employed as a cable bolter at an underground copper and gold mine. He had a long history of cement exposure and was diagnosed with ACD to chromate in wet cement. A derrickman in an offshore oil rig presented with a facial rash and was diagnosed with ACD to a corrosion inhibitor containing sodium sulfite (and he also reacted to sodium metabisulfite) which started after he was mixing chemicals. In five other patients, the predominant diagnosis was ICD.
Comparison of different advanced oxidation processes for the removal of amoxicillin in aqueous solution
Published in Environmental Technology, 2018
Fernanda Siqueira Souza, Vanessa Vargas da Silva, Catiusa Kuchak Rosin, Luana Hainzenreder, Alexandre Arenzon, Liliana Amaral Féris
The solutions were prepared with distilled and deionized water. The reference substance, amoxicillin 99% purity (AMX), was purchased from Sigma–Aldrich (St. Louis, USA). Some basic characteristics of AMX are summarized in Table 2. Sulfuric Acid 1M (supplied by Synth) and/or Sodium Hydroxide 1M (supplied by Synth) were used to adjust the initial pH of the solution. For ozonation experiments, pure oxygen was used for ozone generation, and Potassium Iodide (supplied by Incasa) was used for reacting with residual ozone. The catalyst ferrous sulfate (FeSO4·7H2O) was obtained from Synth. To stop the ozone’s reaction, sodium sulfite (Merck, Germany) was applied. All reagents were of analytical grade. HPLC-grade acetonitrile (Panreac, Barcelona/Spain) and orthophosphoric acid (Neon, Brazil) were used for HPLC analyses.
Review of Recovery of Platinum Group Metals from Copper Leach Residues and Other Resources
Published in Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Review, 2018
M. Sadegh Safarzadeh, Mark Horton, Adrian D. Van Rythoven
In the early 1990’s, research was conducted for the recovery of gold, platinum, and palladium from the Coronation Hill deposit. The ore contained very little sulfide mineralogy, rendering traditional flotation and concentrate processing routes ineffective. The ore contained 5.2 ppm Au, 0.21 ppm Pt, and 0.56 ppm Pd. In this work, the ore was ground to 74 micron and subjected to room temperature cyanidation at pH 9.5 for 48 h (McInnes et al., 1994). Extraction was good for gold and palladium – 95% and 85%, respectively; however, platinum extraction was dismal at 30%. Experiments using thallium, sodium sulfite, sodium thiosulfate, lead salts, and hydrogen peroxide additives did not significantly improve the extraction of platinum. Pre-treatment of the ore with sodium chloride and hydrogen peroxide in an acidic medium followed by cyanidation increased platinum extraction to 37%. Au, Pt, and Pd extraction from the same ore was attempted by cyanidation at elevated temperature (Bruckard et al., 1992). Cyanidation of the ground ore (P80 of 74 micron) at pH 9.5 – 11, 1050 kPa and 125°C for 4 – 6 h increased the platinum extraction to 75%.