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Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)
Published in Dag K. Brune, Christer Edling, Occupational Hazards in the Health Professions, 2020
Laboratory — All blood specimens should be handled as being contagious.100 Whenever possible open/manual laboratory methods should be replaced by mechanical pipetting devices, closed automatic procedures, etc. Gloves should always be used during handling of blood specimens and during cleaning and repair of analysis equipment. Glass pipettes should be avoided and mouth pipetting should not be allowed. “Biological safety cabinets (Class I or II) and other primary containment devices (e.g., centrifuge safety caps) are advised whenever procedures are conducted that have a high potential for creating aerosols or infectious droplets. These include centrifuging, blending, sonicating, vigorous mixing, and harvesting infected tissues from animals or embryonated eggs.”3 However, as there is no evidence of HIV transmission via aerosolized blood, masks and eye coverings, a face shield, or a protective perspex or glass shield attached to the workbench are budget alternatives that offer as good protection as specially ventilated safety cabinets. Potentially contaminated materials should be decontaminated, preferably by autoclaving, before disposal or reprocessing. For chemical disinfection of equipment, work surfaces, and spill of potentially infectious material, see the section entitled “Sterilization and Disinfection”.
Laboratory Safety
Published in Frank R. Spellman, Kathern Welsh, Safe Work Practices for Wastewater Treatment Plants, 2018
Frank R. Spellman, Kathern Welsh
Sulfuric, hydrochloric, nitric, glacial acetic, and perchloric acids and chromic acid cleaning solutions quickly destroy human tissue, clothing and wood. They are also extremely corrosive to metals and concrete. Use glassware or polyethylene containers. Always add acid to water, not vice versa. Avoid contact with metals. Pour and pipette acid carefully. Never pipette by mouth; use a pipette bulb. If spills occur, follow these safety procedures:Dilute the affected area with copious quantities of water. Clean up the diluted material.For spills on bench tops, wear gloves, and dilute and squeegee the spill into the sink.For spills on a person, immediately wash off with significant quantities of water.If spills of concentrated acid splash on your face, flood with generous amounts of chilly water. Notify the supervisor.If acid gets into your eyes, use the emergency eyewash station.
Development and performance of non-edible oil based green cutting fluid in manufacturing
Published in Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 2023
Rahul Katna, Mohd Suhaib, Narayan Agrawal
In the current research study, cold pressed non edible neem oil was chosen for use as cutting fluid. The cold pressed neem oil was sourced from the local market. Neem oil naturally contains antibacterial qualities which has been exploited since long and can help in reducing bacterial contamination for a long time. In order to make it soluble in water, Tween 20 and SPAN 80 were the surfactants that were selected for the study. These surfactants are classified as polysorbates and find application in food and pharmaceutical industry. Tween 20 has more hydrophilicity (16.7) than SPAN 80 (4.3).[75,83] Thus, to achieve good solubility of neem oil in water, a fine balance of hydrophilicity and lipophilicity in needed and the method is described for the same.[76,84] For this purpose, Tween 20 and SPAN 80 were mixed in varying concentrations and then blended with non-edible neem oil. The Eq. (1) has been used for calculating the hydrophilic lipophilic balance value of surfactant mixture in this study by the authors.[73,75,81] The required hydrophilic lipophilic balance for neem oil using the Tween 20-SPAN 80 mixture can be calculated by the formula in Eq. (1).[75,81] The required volume of non-edible neem oil, Tween 20 and SPAN 80 were measured with a volumetric pipette with least count of 0.1 ml and mixed in a 250 ml beaker and the mixture (Tween 20-SPAN 80) was then stocked in another beaker and labeled as shown in Fig. 1.
A thermogravimetric analysis application to determine coal, carbonate, and non-carbonate minerals mass fractions in respirable mine dust
Published in Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, 2020
Eleftheria Agioutanti, Cigdem Keles, Emily Sarver
For TGA samples made by scooping dust onto a clean filter, the dust was recovered by placing the filter into a clean glass tube with conical bottom and submersing it in 5–10 mL of isopropyl alcohol. (To minimize the required alcohol volume, 15-mL tubes with a 1-cm diameter were used and the filter was loosely rolled, dust-side in, to insert into the tube.) The tube was placed in an ultrasonic bath for 3 min at 30 °C to dislodge the dust, and then the filter was carefully removed from the tube. Next, the tube was centrifuged for 10 min at 2500 RPM in order to settle the dust. A volumetric pipette was used to pipette in (250-µL increments) the dust from the tube into a clean tared TGA pan and the pan was placed in a fume hood until the alcohol had completely evaporated. Finally, the pan containing the dust sample was weighed using the microbalance, such that dust recovery from the filter could be determined. (As noted above, it is likely that recovery for the samples reported here will be higher than for field samples, in which dust is deposited on the filter as dust-laden air is drawn through the filter. This is because there is likely to be more dust particle-filter interaction in the latter case.) The microbalance data also served as a check for initial TGA measurements.
Interactions of α -Lactalbumin and Cytochrome c with Langmuir Monolayers of Glycerophospholipids
Published in Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, 2011
Wilhelm R. Glomm, Sondre Volden, Marit-Helen Glomm Ese, Øyvind Halskau
Surface pressure-area measurements were recorded using a KSV Langmuir Minitrough doublebarrier system (KSV LTD, Finland) using the manufacturer's own software at 25°C. The trough was made of Teflon, with barriers made of Delrin. Subphases used were 0.1 M NaCl and 5 mM citrate/10 mM Na2HPO4-buffers at pH 5.0 with (for systems containing α-La III) or without (for systems containing Cyt c) 1 mM EDTA. The surface was swept with a vacuum pump-connected Pasteur pipette prior to introduction of the film material. Chloroform was used as a spreading solvent for the phospholipid samples. 15 µL of 1 mg/mL lipid samples were carefully spread onto the subphase using a 25 µL Hamilton syringe. The spreading solvent was allowed to evaporate for 15 minutes before the compression was initialized. Film compression was carried out with constant barrier speed at 5 mm/min while an electrobalance recorded the surface tension with a Wilhelmy plate. The surface tension of the film-free surface was used as a reference. Film-forming properties of unmixed phospholipids as well as 1:1 EYL:X molar ratios—where X = DOPG or PBPS—were studied.