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Oil and Gas Transportation
Published in Hussein K. Abdel-Aal, Economic Analysis of Oil and Gas Engineering Operations, 2021
Tank trucks tend to be very much oriented to specific local consumer markets. All gasoline and diesel service stations, for example, are supplied by tank trucks, as are all home heating oil customers. Rail transportation systems are not flexible enough to reach many small or medium-sized consumers of even commercial and industrial oil products. Large fuel users, such as electric utilities or steel plants, are likely to be supplied by individual pipelines from local refineries, barges if they are on the waterfront and railroad tank cars if they are both not available to water and too far away to justify a product pipeline. Heavy fuel oil is also sometimes too viscous to pump at ambient temperatures and thus requires heated delivery systems, whether pipelines, railroad tank cars, or tank trucks; this involves added capital and operating costs and is a significant factor in heavy fuel oil's competitive position with coal.
Biodiesel and Petrodiesel Fuels
Published in Ozcan Konur, Biodiesel Fuels, 2021
Chapter 49 (Issa and Ilinca, 2021) discusses petrodiesel and biodiesel fuels for marine applications. In the maritime market, fossil-derived fuels have been dominated by ‘heavy fuel oil’ (HFO), which is conventionally used in low-speed (main) engines, and more refined fuels such as ‘marine diesel oil’ (MDO), which is used in fast or medium-speed engines. Nonetheless, rising fuel costs and regulatory pressure, such as sulfur content restrictions, have increased interest in the use of alternate fuels. A variety of such fuels have been reported and which can be used in the maritime sector, including ‘straight vegetable oil’ (SVO) as an alternative to HFO in ‘low-speed engines’, biodiesel as a replacement for MDO/‘marine gasoil’ (MGO) in ‘low-to medium-speed engines’, and ‘bio-liquid natural gas’ (bio-LNG) in gas engines using LNG.
Feedstock Composition and Properties
Published in James G. Speight, Handbook of Petrochemical Processes, 2019
Heavy fuel oil comprises all residual fuel oils and the constituents range from distillable constituents to residual (non-distillable) constituents that must be heated to 260°C (500°F) or more before they can be used. The kinematic viscosity is above 10 centistokes at 80°C (176°F). The flash point is always above 50°C (122°F) and the density is always higher than 0.900. In general, heavy fuel oil usually contains cracked residua, reduced crude, or cracking coil heavy product which is mixed (cut back) to a specified viscosity with cracked gas oils and fractionator bottoms. For some industrial purposes in which flames or flue gases contact the product (ceramics, glass, heat treating, and open hearth furnaces) fuel oils must be blended to contain minimum sulfur contents, and hence low-sulfur residues are preferable for these fuels.
Optimization of Combustion and Emission Characteristics of a two-Stroke Marine Diesel Engine Based on Online Ultrasonic and Magnetization of Marine Heavy Fuel Oil
Published in Combustion Science and Technology, 2019
Xiangming Zeng, Qinming Tan, Zhiwen Tan
The marine diesel engine is kept working under stable condition for 1 hour under every operating conditions, and the data for the fuel consumption rate is saved every 10 seconds. It is then averaged and used as the basis to measure the economic performance of heavy fuel oil. As shown in Figure 8, 6S35ME marine two-stroke diesel engine, under low load condition with 25% of the engine rated power, the heavy fuel oil burning is not efficient, and the fuel consumption rate is up to 222 g/kW H. With the increase in load output and speed, the fuel oil consumption rate decreases gradually. Under 90% of the engine rated power, high temperature air in the cylinder is conducive for efficient fuel combustion, and the fuel consumption reduce to 188 g/kW· h. Processed by the heavy fuel oil ultrasonic and magnetizing optimization device, fuel consumption rate decreases under the same operating condition, especially under 25% of the engine rated power, where the fuel saving effect reaches 1.5%. The fuel saving effect is decreased with the load increased. However, most of the marine diesel engine works under the 80% of the engine rated power, in which the fuel saving effect is not ideal. This is reflected in the experiment. Therefore, the fuel optimization device in this study needs to be optimized more, for example through optimization of ultrasonic frequency and magnetization field intensity, etc.
Combustion of micro wax from polyethylene pyrolysis
Published in Combustion Science and Technology, 2018
J. Lasek, P. Hrycko, R. Wasielewski, M. Kopczyński, K. Bodora, G. Kaczmarzyk, M. Adamczyk
Combustion of micro wax delivered from commercial installation of LDPE pyrolysis was performed. Combustion process was stable during all the time of the experiment. Emission of SO2 was extremely low, while emission of other primary gaseous pollutants (NOx, CO) are comparable with the emissions obtained from combustion of other liquid fuels. Micro wax is recommended as a combustible material that can be used in stationary, atmospheric-pressure combustion chambers in energy sector. It presents very competitive properties comparing to heavy fuel oil, HFO. Thus, it can be considered as a substitute for HFO. However, it is necessary to meet a special requirement from the formal and legislative point of view. Nevertheless, this process is worth to be considered due to favorable results of combustion performance and emission.
Decarbonization and sustainable development goal 13: a reflection of the maritime sector
Published in Journal of International Maritime Safety, Environmental Affairs, and Shipping, 2021
Paul C. Ezinna, Emma Nwanmuoh, Barr. Uzochukwu I Ozumba
Shipping had been described as the most internationalized industry, and assuming it were a country, it would be the sixth biggest Green House Gas emitter. International vessels with “intricate web of multi-state ownership transverse the global commons of the high seas carrying goods that have been produced or extracted piecemeal all over the world for delivery to national and international markets. There is virtually nothing about the industry that is not international (Cowing 2017).” According to Schlanger (2018), “roughly 90% of all internationally traded goods are a massive source of greenhouse gases, in part because they use ‘bunker fuels,’ the dregs of the fossil-fuel refining process. It’s extremely cheap, one reason you can get international goods all over the planet. But it’s also one of the dirtiest diesel fuels, with much higher carbon content than the diesel fuel used in cars.” In the view of Green (2018), “ships are very fuel-efficient in terms of transporting cargo, but the Heavy Fuel Oil (HFO) used by 80% of the world’s shipping fleet is nasty stuff. It’s more carbon-intensive than other fuels and produces other Green House Gases as well as air pollutants such as sulfur dioxide, which causes acid rain.” According to International Council on Clean Transportation (ICCT) study, “HFO use increased by 75% between 2015–2019 (Gerretsen 2020).” Gallucci (2017), stressed that “the industry’s reliance on high-carbon fuel poses a major stumbling block for global efforts to rein in pollution and curb global warming. If left unchecked, its carbon footprint is expected to soar in coming decades, just as emissions from cars and power plants decline that of shipping could cancel out progress in other sectors.”