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Published in Vladimir Mitin, Taiichi Otsuji, Victor Ryzhii, Graphene-Based Terahertz Electronics and Plasmonics, 2020
M. Yu. Morozov, A. R. Davoyan, I. M. Moiseenko, A. Satou, T. Otsuji, V. V. Popov
Recent advances in the areas of nanophotonics, plasmonics, and metamaterials open promising possibilities for high-speed, broadband, and power-saving electromagnetic signal processing. Further progress in these directions could be based on merging and unifying principles of electronics and integrated optics, and employing recently emerging electronic technologies. Terahertz (THz) plasmonics that incorporates the advantages of both highspeed electronic semiconductor technology and subwavelength nanophotonics may bring optics and electronics together for designing highly functional THz devices. Recently, ideas of graphene plasmonics have been actively discussed, and a number of important graphene-based THz integrated optoelectronic devices have been proposed theoretically and demonstrated experimentally (see, e.g., review papers, Refs. [1, 2], and references therein).
Fundamentals of Plasmonics
Published in Hongxing Xu, Nanophotonics, 2017
Lianming Tong, Hong Wei, Hongxing Xu
The studies about the fundamentals of SPs have made great progress in recent years. Plasmon-generated hot electrons attract much attention, as they may play important roles in photochemical and photovoltaic processes [65]. But more effort is needed to reveal how the hot electrons are involved in those processes. Quantum plasmonics is another hot topic, which mainly includes studies on the quantum treatments of the theoretical descriptions for SPs and the quantum properties of SPs. When the size of metal nanoparticles decreases to a few nanometers, or the distance between two coupling nanostructures becomes less than 1 nm, the nonlocality of the metal’s dielectric response and the electron tunneling will make the SPR frequency and the field enhancement largely deviate from the values predicted by the classical electrodynamics [66–70]. A quantum-corrected model is developed to deal with the coupling across subnanometer gaps [71]. The quantum properties of single quantized SPs, for example, wave-particle duality entanglement, and quantum interference, are investigated in the context of quantum nanophotonic circuits [72–75], which can also be assigned to the waveguiding and circuitry part in Fig. 1.7. These studies combine plasmonics and quantum optics and open the prospects of using quantum optical techniques to investigate and manipulate single SPs. The spinorbit interactions of light can be largely enhanced in plasmonic nanostructures. This effect can be explored for novel spinorbit optical phenomena and new functionalities in nanophotonic devices and circuits by coupling the spin and orbital degrees of freedom of photons [76,77]. The research on this topic is attracting growing interest. In recent years, investigations on new plasmonic materials, for example, graphene [78], have become prosperous. The development of graphene plasmonics pushes the frequency of plasmons from visible and near infrared to mid infrared and expands the realms of plasmonics.
A Graphene based bimetallic plasmonic waveguide to increase photorefractive effect
Published in Waves in Random and Complex Media, 2021
On the other hand, the development of graphene has opened up exciting new fields in graphene plasmonics and nonlinear optics [17,18]. Graphene's unique two-dimensional band structure provides extraordinary linear and nonlinear optical properties, which have led to extreme optical confinement in graphene plasmonics and ultrahigh nonlinear optical coefficients, respectively. The synergy between Graphene's linear and nonlinear optical properties gave rise to nonlinear graphene plasmonics, which greatly increases graphene-based nonlinear device performance beyond a billion-fold. These properties lead to technological applications that require device miniaturization, low power consumption, and a broad range of operating wavelengths approaching the far-infrared, such as optical computing, medical instrumentation, and security applications. Among the possible applications of plasmonics, also plasmonic cancer ablation therapy [19,20] and plasmon-enhanced desalination [21,22] are reported. In this paper, a nonlinear effect, photorefractive, is investigated in graphene-based plasmonic waveguide. It is shown that the proposed plasmonic waveguide, including graphene, has the photorefractive gain much more than other plasmonic waveguides.