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Energy and Changes in the Environment
Published in Michael Frank Hordeski, Hydrogen & Fuel Cells: Advances in Transportation and Power, 2020
Creating carbon sinks includes planting new forests, which the Kyoto climate treaty encourages. In China, the government has planted tens of millions of acres of trees since the 1970s. This was done to control floods and erosion, but one result has been to soak up almost half a billion tons of carbon.
Fuels and the Environment
Published in Michael Frank Hordeski, Alternative Fuels—The Future of Hydrogen, 2020
Creating carbon sinks includes planting new forests, which the Kyoto climate treaty encourages. In China, the government has planted tens of millions of acres of trees since the 1970s. This was done to control floods and erosion, but one result has been to soak up almost half a billion tons of carbon. Young trees are hungry for carbon before they mature, so one technique is to keep a forest young by regular thinning. U.S. forests have increased by more than 40% in the last 50 years, from 600 billion to nearly 860 billion. Standing timber is increasing at a rate of almost 1% per year in the country. Reforestation can be used as a carbon bank to capture carbon from the atmosphere, but the decay or burning of harvested trees decades later would add some carbon.
Voluntary carbon offset schemes in the airline industry
Published in Frank Fichert, Peter Forsyth, Hans-Martin Niemeier, Aviation and Climate Change, 2020
Andreas Knorr, Alexander Eisenkopf
A carbon sink is a condition, or a reservoir, such as trees or the oceans, which store more CO2 than they release, resulting in a net reduction of CO2. The process of uptaking and storing carbon is called carbon sequestration.
Bamboo as a sustainable construction material for residential buildings in the cold and severe cold regions of China
Published in Architectural Engineering and Design Management, 2023
Bolun Zhao, Yang Yu, Yitong Xu, Haibo Guo
Carbon sinks are a process or mechanism that reduces the concentration of GHG by absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere through measures such as afforestation and re-vegetation (Brienen et al., 2020). Bamboo forests have a high rate of carbon sequestration and bamboo is considered to be one of the most suitable afforestation species for reducing carbon dioxide concentration and mitigating climate change (Yen & Lee, 2011). More than one thousand species of bamboo in the world are woody, growing naturally in the tropical and subtropical regions of Asia, Africa, America, and Oceania (Manandhar, Kim, & Kim, 2019). About 70% of the carbon in bamboo is stored in underground rhizomes (Düking, Gielis, & Liese, 2011), so bamboo has a higher carbon sequestration potential than ordinary trees or other bio-based materials. One study indicates that Moso bamboo forests in China can store 5.1 t/ha of carbon per year, which is estimated to be 33% more than in tropical rainforests (Yuen, Fung, & Ziegler, 2017). Another study pointed out that Moso has an annual carbon stock of 6.0–7.6 t/ha, which is 3.7 times higher than that of Pinus taeda. A research study estimated that the average carbon stock of the Moso bamboo forest is 105–180 t/ha, a value much higher than the average for other forest types in China (39 t/ha) (Gan et al., 2022).
How can carbon be stored in the built environment? A review of potential options
Published in Architectural Science Review, 2023
Matti Kuittinen, Caya Zernicke, Simon Slabik, Annette Hafner
According to the glossary of GHG inventories (IPCC 2006), captured and stored carbon is referred to as a carbon pool. Examples of carbon pools are living biomass (above and below-ground), dead organic matter (including wood and litter), and soils. ‘The quantity of carbon contained in a “pool”, meaning a reservoir or system which has the capacity to accumulate or release carbon’ (FAO 2004) is called carbon stock. The impact of changes in the carbon stock on GHG mitigation for climate protection is often referred to as carbon sink, although it could also act as a net source of emissions. To estimate the carbon stock magnitude of selected pools, inventory can be applied as well as flux data methods. The latter are based on information on the magnitude of carbon inflow to a pool as well as its carbon outflows (Rüter 2017).
A decision support system for Taiwan’s forest resource management using Remote Sensing Big Data
Published in Enterprise Information Systems, 2021
Ruei-Yuan Wang, Pao-an Lin, Jui-Yuan Chu, Yi-Huang Tao, Hsiao-Chi Ling
Forests are the second-largest carbon storage present in the biosphere behind the oceans, and plants help to mitigate climate change, storing carbon in biomass and soils as well as reducing atmospheric carbon dioxide loads. Forests can also be dedicated to the mitigation of climate change utilising carbon sequestration, carbon substitution and carbon conservation (Halme, Pellikka, and Mottus 2019). Thus, carbon sink forests play a tremendous role that can fix atmospheric carbon dioxide, and mitigate the GHG effect and global warming. Further, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) had pointed out that forests can make a very important contribution to the low-cost strategy of global mitigation portfolio, and also offer synergies with adaptation and sustainability in the fourth assessment report in 2007. Hence, they are the focus of the various public and private policies and plans governing their management. Briefly, forest monitoring activities play a critical role in determining forest management and policy decisions. Accordingly, IPCC raises a proposal to integrate the source of Remote Sensing (RS) and ecological models (Penman et al. 2004), which would estimate the need for a convention on climate change.