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Beneficial Utility and Perspective of Nanomaterials Toward Biosensing
Published in Jyoti Ranjan Rout, Rout George Kerry, Abinash Dutta, Biotechnological Advances for Microbiology, Molecular Biology, and Nanotechnology, 2022
Ravindra Pratap Singh, Kshitij R.B. Singh
Nanocomposite materials are used in general automotive and industrial applications and revolutionizing the world of materials. It has high impact in developing a replacement generation of composites with increased practicality and a good vary of applications. Nanostructured nanocomposites are used in nanobiosensors to detect the analyte of interest in biological, chemical, and environmental nature of the sample (Singh et al., 2012 a, 2012b, 2012c, 2010, 2014; Tiwari et al., 2012 a, 2012b, 2012c; Yadav et al., 2012). Arya et al. (2006) reported ChOx/FNAB/ODT/Au nanocomposite film to estimate cholesterol by SPR technique. Nowadays, monitoring of toxicants, contaminants, or pollutants in the different source of the sample is very important to save human health and ecosystems from the risk posed to them. In these contexts, the development and application of biosensor arrays using aptamers for environmental detection are highlighted (Singh et al., 2008). Singh et al. (2009 a) reported Au/APTES/GDA/GST nano-composite film to detect captan in contaminated water. Captan is a known harmful chemical and potential carcinogen to a water ecosystem. Singh and Choi (2009) reported biosensors based on polyaniline, polypyrrole, PT when blend with metal, ceramic to form nanocomposites for wide applications to detect toxicants in environmental samples. Singh et al. (2009 b) reported CAT/PANi/ITO nanocomposite film to detect H2O2 and azide.
Dislodgeable Foliar Residues of Pesticides in Agricultural, Landscape, and Greenhouse Environments
Published in Donald J. Ecobichon, Occupational Hazards of Pesticide Exposure, 2020
Gerald R. Stephenson, Gwen M. Ritcey
Although not acutely toxic like the OP insecticides, captan has been the subject of considerable toxicological concern because of its effects as a mutagen or teratogen in test animals. In response to these concerns, Winterlin et al. (1984) monitored DFRs of captan and its metabolites on leaf disks as well as on gloves or patches worn by strawberry harvesting crews. In addition, they monitored the air for vapors. Because captan is at least moderately volatile (Table 3-1), recovery ratios for captan vapors were more dependent on time after treatment than on the dissipation rates for residues on the foliage (Table 3-4). DFRs on various parts of the body were much more variable than DFRs on gloves (Table 3-5). These results indicate that these exposures may be very dependent on picking styles such as bending at the waist versus crawling along the rows, whereas hand exposure could be quite consistent. However, more detailed studies would be needed to confirm this. No members of the harvesting crew were provided with a respirator; thus it was not possible to compare exposure via DFRs versus those by inhalation of captan vapors. However, captan residues were detected on the pads of the respirator worn by the mixer-loader. Although there were no detectable residues in urine samples from the mixer-loader, there were detectable residues of captan metabolites in the urine of the harvesters.
Published in Philip H. Howard, Edward M. Michalenko, William F. Jarvis, Dipak K. Basu, Gloria W. Sage, William M. Meylan, Julie A. Beauman, D. Anthony Gray, Handbook of Environmental FATE and EXPOSURE DATA, 2017
Philip H. Howard, Edward M. Michalenko, William F. Jarvis, Dipak K. Basu, Gloria W. Sage, William M. Meylan, Julie A. Beauman, D. Anthony Gray
Summary: Captan is a fungicide used to control many fruit diseases, ornamental and vegetable crops. Captan released to soil is not expected to leach extensively, but evaporation from near the surface of soils may be significant. Since captan readily hydrolyzes in water, it will probably also hydrolyze in soil depending upon the pH. Captan half-lives in moist soil range from 1 to 12 days. Captan released to water will have a moderate tendency to sorb to suspended sediments, biota and sediments, and a low to medium tendency to bioconcentrate (BCF=36-900). Volatilization may be significant from shallow rivers and streams but will be slower from lakes and ponds. The primary degradative process for captan in water will be hydrolysis. Hydrolysis half-lives will be on the order of hours. Information about the importance of biodegradation as a competing process to hydrolysis was not found. Direct photolysis of captan is not important. An estimated atmospheric half-life for captan based upon vapor phase reaction with hydroxyl radicals is about one hour. Captan may also be present in the atmosphere sorbed to particulate matter. Captan has been found in food composites at concentrations up to 0.178 ppm. Average daily intake of captan in the US diet in 1979 was 0.005 mg/kg body wt/day. While the most widespread captan exposure to the general population probably occurs through contaminated food and drink, small number of people may be exposed to higher concentrations than general population. People who mix and apply captan, work in captan storage facilities, treat seeds with captan, or pick fruit that was treated with captan may receive dermal and inhalation exposure to captan at higher doses.
Agricultural pesticide residues in water from a karstic aquifer in Yucatan, Mexico, pose a risk to children’s health
Published in International Journal of Environmental Health Research, 2022
Javier Perera-Rios, Elizabeth Ruiz-Suarez, Pedro de Jesús Bastidas-Bastidas, Fernando May-Euán, Gloria Uicab-Pool, José Belisario Leyva-Morales, Enrique Reyes-Novelo, Norma Pérez-Herrera
Based on Mexican regulations (NOM-127-SSA1-1994) (DOF, 2000) establishing permissible limits for water quality for human use and consumption, as well as WHO reference values ([WHO] World Health Organization 2011), aldrin interval concentrations reached values higher than maximum permissible levels of the pesticides than were observed in a high range of < LOD-0.1266 µg/L, with mean concentration in an interval from 0.0166 to 0.0669 µg/L (Table 1). Heptachlor interval concentrations reached values higher than maximum permissible levels according to NOM-127-SSA1-1994 ([DOF] Diario Oficial de la Federación 2000). We observed in extremes of <LOD – 0.0780 µg/L, with mean concentration in an interval from 0.03-0-05 µg/L; in contrast, heptachlor is not permitted by [EPA] Environmental Protection Agency (2018) for human use and consumption. Also, 18 pesticides were present in levels <LOD; these pesticide residues were captan, p,p’-DDE, dieldrin, endrin, endrin ketone, endrin aldehyde, α-endosulfan, β-endosulfan, heptachlor epoxide, cis-chlordane, trans-chlordane, α-BHC, δ-BHC lindane, methyl parathion, γ-cyhalothrin, fipronil, and pymetrozine.
Glove permeation of chemicals: The state of the art of current practice, Part 1: Basics and the permeation standards
Published in Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, 2019
A dextrous robot hand whole glove system that used an inner cotton glove solid collection medium plus glove inner surface wiping was reported in 2008.[44] The system at 35 °C was used to assess the permeability of disposable nitrile gloves when exposed to an aqueous emulsion of the pesticide captan at its highest recommended field spraying concentration.[44] No significant difference in CP at the end of 8 hr was observed between non-clenching and clenching hands. However, clenching caused some gloves to tear, and, as all permeation test methods measure the sum of penetration, degradation, and permeation, the tear resulted in a massive influx of challenge liquid into the cotton glove collection medium. The solid collection medium was potentially useful for solids and non-volatile liquids but was not amenable to continuous monitoring or intermittent sampling.
Sorption Capacity of Pesticides on Soil in a Predominant Apple Cultivation Area
Published in Soil and Sediment Contamination: An International Journal, 2020
All the glassware were rinsed with distilled water, after drying again rinse with acetone and dried in an oven at around 350ºC prior to use. Pesticide reference standards (99.99% purity) of chlorpyrifos, cypermethrin, captan, ethion, methyl parathion, and dicofol were procured from Merck, Germany. Stock solutions of pesticides were prepared by dissolving each pesticide in 10 mL of pure solvent (9 mL n-hexane and 1 mL of acetone). Intermediate pesticide solutions were prepared by diluting the stock solution with hexane. Working standard solution of 1 µg/mL or less was freshly prepared in hexane solution. Total ion chromatogram (TIC) of the six pesticide standards of concentration of 0.03 µg/mL is shown in Figure 2.