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Energy Efficiency and Conservation
Published in Swapan Kumar Dutta, Jitendra Saxena, Binoy Krishna Choudhury, Energy Efficiency and Conservation in Metal Industries, 2023
The input raw material for producing primary steel is pig iron, which is produced in blast furnaces using iron ore, dolomite, coke and (injected) coal as raw materials, which is as energy intensive as production of coke from coal in a coke-oven plant. The primary steel is produced by reduction of iron ore and it is a high energy–consuming process. It also produces blast furnace gas, which is used for heating (similar to coke oven gas) and also, electricity if top gas pressure recovery turbines are installed and slag, which is used as a building material. Steel is produced by BOFs and open hearth furnaces (OHFs). BOFs are more rapid in comparison with OHFs because of its high productivity and lower capital cost. In BOFs, the steel quality can further be improved by ladle refining processes used in the steel mill. Electric arc furnaces are used for melting and refining of sponge iron and scrap. DRI is produced by reduction of ores below melting point with different properties.
Transport (III)
Published in Gerald Manners, The Geography of Energy, 2019
The relevance of these principles can be demonstrated by reference to a specific case. In 1968, approximately 35% of British gas was still manufactured in gas works; a further third was produced as a by-product of coke ovens and blast furnaces, and the rest was made up of North Sea and imported natural gas, colliery methane, liquefied petroleum gas and other petroleum gases. The principal consumer of coke oven gas has always been the steel industry itself, in which the gas is used at various stages of its production process, such as in the melting shops and the re-heating furnaces. But by linking coke oven gas supplies with the town gas distribution systems—as on the continent of Europe (Manners, 1961)—the much more diverse public supply markets came also to be served from the middle 1950s onwards. Over 16% of the gas distributed by the nationalized gas industry through its regional grids in 1956-57 was from coke ovens, and in that financial year the Wales, Northern and East Midlands Gas Boards purchased 80%, 62% and 61% respectively of their gas from this source. This distribution strongly reflects the major coke and steel producing areas of the country (Beaver, 1951). At one time blast furnace gas was usually wasted; but it has come increasingly to be used extensively both for under-firing the coke ovens and in some of the furnaces of the steel industry, and for the generation of electricity. Its low calorific value results in its inability to bear high transport costs, which in turn means that it must be used near to its source. Consequently, blast furnace gas is invariably consumed on or adjacent to iron and steelworks.
Energy use in industry, analysis and management of energy use
Published in Kornelis Blok, Evert Nieuwlaar, Introduction to Energy Analysis, 2020
Kornelis Blok, Evert Nieuwlaar
The so-called pig iron leaves the blast furnace in liquid form at the bottom. The carbon monoxide that is formed at the bottom is gradually converted to CO2, but not completely (check how this evolves through the blast furnace). An important by-product is thus the blast furnace gas: a mixture of gases (mainly N2, CO and CO2) that still has substantial energy content due to the presence of about 25 vol% CO.
Coke and Blast Furnace Gases: Ecological and Economic Benefits of Use in Heating Furnaces
Published in Combustion Science and Technology, 2019
Coke oven gas (COG) is one of the most important by-products of coking coal, and its yield depends on the quality of coking coal and coking time. Raw COG, due to the presence of undesirable components such as tar, ammonia, benzene hydrocarbons or hydrogen sulfide, requires multistage purification. From 1 tonne of coking coal, approximately 310–360 m3 of purified gas is obtained, with the following composition: 53–60% H2, 23–28% CH4, 1.6–4% CnHm, 5–10% CO, 1–4% CO2, 3–8% N2, 0.2–0.8% O2. The purified gas also contains traces of naphthalene – 0.04 to 0.4 g/m3, benzole – 3 g/m3, ammonia – 0.03 g/m3, hydrogen sulfide – 0.5 g/m3. It is a medium-calorific gas with a calorific value of 16–20 MJ/m3 (Diemer et al., 2004; Razzaq et al., 2013; Sridhar and Mohaideen, 2012). Blast furnace gas (BFG) is the main by-product produced during the blast furnace process. The composition of BFG can be very diverse. The properties of the blast furnace charge and the injection of auxiliary fuel into the blast furnace affect the concentration of the main components in BFG. BFG contains about 18–38% CO, 1.4–7% H2, 48–61% N2, 5–23% CO2, small amounts of sulfur and cyanide compounds and large amounts of dust. In the blast furnace process, about 2000–4500 m3 of gas is produced per tonne of pig iron. A low calorific gas with a calorific value of 3.5–5.0 MJ/m3 is created. In comparison to natural gas (NG), it has a much lower adiabatic flame temperature of 1400°C. BFG after purification and enrichment with COG or NG, which have a higher calorific value, is often used as an alternative fuel, mainly due to its high production and necessity of utilization. The gas that has been purified from carbon dioxide contains 30–32% CO, 2–4% H2, 60–68% N2 as well as up to 2% CO2 (Hou et al., 2011; Lampert et al., 2010; Pugh et al., 2013; Uribe-Soto et al., 2015).