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Kinetic Model for Extraction of Betulinic Acid By Batch Extraction From Leaves of Syzygium Cumini (Jamun)
Published in Bharat A. Bhanvase, Rajendra P. Ugwekar, Raju B. Mankar, Novel Water Treatment and Separation Methods, 2017
S. V. Admane, S. G. Gaikwad, S. M. Chavan
Pentacyclic triterpenoid compound, known as betulinic acid, possesses various medicinal as well as biological properties such as anti-HIV activity and hypoglycemic, anti-bacterial, and anti-diarrheal effects.3 The growth of Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria is inhibited by methanol and water extract of 5. cumini. The growth and colony-forming ability of all human melanoma cell lines are suppressed by betulinic acid. The derivatives of betulinic acid such as betulin, lupeol 3-oxo-23-hydroxybetulinic acid, and 23-hydroxybetulinic acid are also used as medicinal applications.4 The percent of betulinic acid is present approximately about 2.1% in the leaves of 5. cumini. Betulinic acid extracted from the leaves of Vitex negundo and Tanzanian tree shows anti-bacterial activity against Bacillus subtilis and anti-malarial activity against Plasmodium falciparum, respectively. Recently betulinic acid is used for the medicines of diabetes, cancer cells, and HIV. Betulinic acid is generally water soluble but it also shows solubility with some alcohols such as methanol and ethanol. But it is more soluble in methanol than ethanol.
A Brief History of Terpenoids
Published in Dijendra Nath Roy, Terpenoids Against Human Diseases, 2019
Milena Campelo Freitas de Lima, Larissa Sousa da Silva, Larissa Silveira Moreira Wiedemann, Valdir F. da Veiga
Betulinic acid is a derivative from betulin, initially observed in Betula pendula and related species. Together with ursolic and oleanolic acids, these acids have increased economic importance in chemotherapy as chemopreventives and antimicrobials, with several structural derivatives showing activity in cancer and HIV (Yogeeswari and Sriram, 2005; Silva et al., 2014; Santos et al., 2016).
Toxicological, chemopreventive, and cytotoxic potentialities of rare vegetal species and supporting findings for the Brazilian Unified Health System (SUS)
Published in Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A, 2020
Jurandy do Nascimento Silva, Nayana Bruna Nery Monção, Ruth Raquel Soares de Farias, Antonia Maria das Graças Lopes Citó, Mariana Helena Chaves, Mônica Regina Silva de Araújo, Daisy Jereissati Barbosa Lima, Claudia Pessoa, Alessandro de Lima, Edigênia Cavalcante da Cruz Araújo, Gardenia Carmen Gadelha Militão, Marcília Pinheiro da Costa, Raffaele Capasso, Paulo Michel Pinheiro Ferreira
The stem bark dichloromethane fraction from Mimosa caesalpiniifolia (synonym: Mimosa caesalpiniaefolia) did not produce hemolysis and exhibited significant potential as a cytotoxic agent including when compared to betulinic acid for SF-295 and HL-60 cells, although both substances initiated similar outcomes for colon and ovarian carcinoma cells. Such comparable activity may be attributed partially to the abundance of betulinic acid in the dichloromethane fraction indicated by HPLC, in agreement with previous findings showing terpenoids in different parts of the plant (Monção et al. 2015, 2014). Betulinic acid is a naturally occurring pentacyclic triterpenoid and exerts in vitro and in vivo antiproliferative action against several histological types of cancers, including ovarian, lung and uterine cervix carcinomas, melanoma, head and neck, brain and neuroectodermal tumors and against leukemias (Fulda 2008; Fulda and Debatin 2000; Fulda et al. 1997, 1999; Pisha et al. 1995; Thurnher et al. 2003; Zuco et al. 2002). Interestingly, co-treatment with betulinic acid and anticancer drugs more effectively induced apoptosis in different tumor cell lines [neuroblastoma (SHEP), medulloblastoma (Daoy, p53 mutant), glioblastoma (A172), melanoma (Mel JuSo)]. It would appear that betulinic acid acts as sensitizer in chemotherapy-based combination regimens which may be a novel strategy to enhance the efficacy of anticancer therapy (Fulda and Debatin 2005).