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Published in Valerio Voliani, Nanomaterials and Neoplasms, 2021
Joseph M. Caster, Artish N. Patel, Tian Zhang, Andrew Wang
Amikacin is a potent aminoglycoside antibiotic which is useful for the treatment of multidrug resistant Gram-negative bacteria as well as resistant strains of Mycobacterium tuberculosis [60, 61]. Like other aminoglycosides, significant toxicities include renal and neurologic toxicity. Amikacin is also limited by a relatively short half-life of 2–3 h [62]. Amikacin is generally reserved for the treatment of severe infections and requires frequent blood level monitoring. Arikayce is a liposomal formulation of amikacin designed as an inhaled medication for the treatment of drug resistant pseudomonal infections in patients with CF. Arikayce significantly improved the drug half-life and in a phase II trial, there was no notable difference in toxicity between the liposomal drug treatment and placebo [63]. The FDA has granted fast track designation to Arikace based on the results of a noninferiority phase 3 trial of 302 CF patients with chronic pseudamonal infections randomized to Arikace or inhaled tobramycin.
Fabrications of Graphene Based Nanocomposites for Electrochemical Sensing of Drug Molecules
Published in Mahmood Aliofkhazraei, Advances in Nanostructured Composites, 2019
Tien Song Hiep Pham, Peter J. Mahon, Aimin Yu
Also, it has been reported that antibiotics generally exhibit activity against different types of bacteria but their adverse effects can be a serious problem to the health of patients. For instance, levofloxacin, moxifloxacin, and ciprofloxacin cause nausea, headache, trouble sleeping; dizziness, sudden pain, psychotic reactions, swelling; and tearing, permanent nerve damage, respectively (Thapliyal et al. 2015). In several cases, the side effects of drugs result in serious health threats. Particularly, amikacin causes acute kidney injury, damage to the nervous system leading to permanent hearing loss, and balance problems (Modongo et al. 2014, Downes et al. 2015). Hence, developing methods for the sensitive detection of trace amount of drugs in different experimental and practical conditions has become extremely important in recent times.
Inhalation Drug Products Containing Nanomaterials
Published in Anthony J. Hickey, Sandro R.P. da Rocha, Pharmaceutical Inhalation Aerosol Technology, 2019
Sandro R.P. da Rocha, Rodrigo S. Heyder, Elizabeth R. Bielski, Ailin Guo, Martina Steinmaurer, Joshua J. Reineke
Amikacin is an aminoglycoside antibiotic used for the treatment of multidrug resistant gram-negative bacteria (Pseudomonas aeruginosa associated with cystic fibrosis) and resistant strains of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Caster et al. 2017, Elhissi 2017). It irreversibly binds to 30S subunit of bacterial ribosomes blocking protein synthesis (Ehsan and Clancy 2015). It is generally reserved for severe infections, can induce severe renal and neurologic toxicity, requiring frequent blood monitoring, and has a relatively short half-life (Caster et al. 2017, Elhissi 2017). The LAI (Arikace™, Arikayce) was designed with the hope to address these limitations.
Wastewater as a Non-conventional Resource: Impact of Trace Metals and Bacteria on Soil, Plants, and Human Health
Published in Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal, 2020
Safaa M. Ezzat, Reham M. Elkorashey
The informal use of raw wastewater for irrigation is occasionally an obligatory action by farmers in arid and semi-arid regions to defeat water scarcity. This study concluded a potential risk represented by accumulation of some trace metals in both soil and leafy crops either those consumed by humans or as fodders for animals as a result of using raw wastewater in irrigation. The bacterial contamination of fecal origin was recognizable and was coupled by incidence of MAR bacteria through the food chain. The study suggested some preventive actions for risk management including: implementation of low cost and simple treatment methods suitable for rural areas such as small sedimentation ponds and slow sand filters, holding irrigation for 5–15 days before harvest to inactivate pathogens, avoiding spray or sprinkler irrigation to minimize contact between edible parts and wastewater. At household level crops should be washed with tap water supplemented with citric acid, 10% acetic acid, lemon extract, sodium carbonate (NaCO3), reddish extract or hydrogen peroxide to reduce trace metal residues. The study also suggested ofloxacin, amoxycillin/clavulanate, and amikacin as antibiotics of high potency against reported bacteria in case of infection or disease outbreak. Future extensive and detailed studies should be addressed to investigate the promoting factors affecting translocation and accumulation of trace metals in various plant parts, as well as proliferation of microbial pathogens on crops in relation to environmental conditions and climate changes. Collectively, proper management of wastewater irrigation is urgently required under official authorities and within guidelines frame of FAO/WHO to ensure successful, safe, and sustainable reuse.