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Some Effects of the Environment on Emotions and their Relationships to Cardiovascular Diseases
Published in J. Rose, Human Stress and the Environment, 2021
The arterial lesions associated with spontaneous silent ischemia suggest that lipid-engorged foam cells rupture and expose surface endothelial collagen, a nidus for deposition of platelets and fibrin to form microthrombi that elaborate vasoactive substances and initiate vasoconstriction. Focal vasoconstriction causes endothelial fragmentation and desquamation, and platelet microthrombi adhere to subendothelial tissues and release vasoconstrictor mediators.141 The local stimulus is a breach of endothelium and, when a crack, rupture or ulceration occurs in an atherosclerotic plaque, increased platelet accumulation leads to more severe vasoconstriction and thrombosis142 and, in patients with coronary vasospasm, to acute myocardial infarction.141 In patients with coronary disease, anger may stimulate SNS activity that can trigger a fissure or rupture of an atherosclerotic plaque, the primary cause of acute transmural myocardial infarction, and which also plays an important role in crescendo angina and sudden cardiac death.143
Natural Biopolymeric Nanoformulations for Brain Drug Delivery
Published in Raj K. Keservani, Anil K. Sharma, Rajesh K. Kesharwani, Nanocarriers for Brain Targeting, 2019
Josef Jampílek, Katarina Král’ová
HIV-derived Tat peptide and PEG-grafted onto gelatin-siloxane NPs were found to escape the capture by the reticuloendothelial system, cross the BBB and reach the CNS of mice indicating that they could serve as a new type of non-viral vector for the delivery of a drug or therapeutic DNA to the brain (Tian et al., 2012a). An in vivo experiment using a double-hemorrhage rat model showed that the Tat peptide-decorated gelatin-siloxane NPs used for the delivery of calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) transgene caused enhanced vasodilatory CGRP expression in cerebrospinal fluid and thus could be applied for treatment of cerebral vasospasm after subarachnoid hemorrhage (Tian et al., 2013). Also, spherical PEG-gelatin-siloxane NPs conjugated with the SynB peptide with an average diameter of 150-200 nm showed more efficient brain capillary endothelial cell uptake and improved crossing of the BBB compared to similar NPs without conjugated SynB peptide (Tian et al., 2012b). Pang et al. (2016) reported that neural precursor cells generated from induced pluripotent stem cells with gelatin sponge-electrospun PLGA/PEG nanofibers could promote functional recovery after spinal cord injury.
Clinical Effects of Pollution
Published in William J. Rea, Kalpana D. Patel, Reversibility of Chronic Disease and Hypersensitivity, Volume 5, 2017
William J. Rea, Kalpana D. Patel
Occlusion, when it occurs, is preceded by recurrent vasospasm with resultant transient ischemia. Although a few specific named clinical entities such as Takayasu disease and a giant cell arteritis have been delineated, there appears to be another category of inflammation. This is with usually monocytic infiltration, which results in occlusion in some patients but produces only severe vasospasm in most patients. The large-vessel involvement appears to be a part of a spectrum of environmentally triggered vascular disease characterized by acneiform lesions, spontaneous bruising and/or purpura, petechia, and peripheral and periorbital edema in addition to the vascular spasm. This inflammatory syndrome usually occurs within the first 40 years of life but can occur any time. Earlier publications by senior author Rea589 have shown a direct cause–effect relationship between a similar inflammation of the veins and small arteries and incitants in the patient's environment. Unfortunately, in this series, because of the size of blood vessels involved, biopsies could only be done at the time of amputation or on the cutaneous manifestations, which accompany some patients with this syndrome. Therefore, the complete pathology remains unclear.
A review on the treatment of intimal hyperplasia with perivascular medical devices: role of mechanical factors and drug release kinetics
Published in Expert Review of Medical Devices, 2023
Ankur J. Raval, Jigisha K. Parikh, Meghal A. Desai
IH is an immune response to endothelial denudation, which is expected post-vascularization procedures. The activation intensity of the vascular cells is proportionally linked to the extent of endothelial injury. Such acute trauma triggers inflammation, smooth muscle migration and proliferation, massive extracellular matrix generation, and thrombus formation [16]. Moreover, factors like chronic trauma [17], hemodynamics [18], vasospasm [19], and ischemia [20] are often associated (alone or in combination) with vein graft intimal hyperplasia initiation and progression. Over the years, this process of narrowing the blood vessel has been the subject of extensive research. However, its pathophysiology is still poorly understood.
Cryoballoon ablation beyond pulmonary vein isolation in the setting of persistent atrial fibrillation
Published in Expert Review of Medical Devices, 2022
Vincenzo Miraglia, Antonio Bisignani, Luigi Pannone, Saverio Iacopino, Gian-Battista Chierchia, Carlo de Asmundis
Furthermore, the vasospasm of the circumflex coronary artery after LAA isolation has been described, without any symptoms or ischemia signs; this occurrence, although quite rare (4% of the cases in the study by Yorgun et al.), requires a close monitoring of the electrocardiographic tracing during the LAA isolation for an immediate recognition of changes; the vasospasm was responsive to high dose nitrate administration without consequences. For this reason, some centers routinely perform a circumflex coronary artery angiography before CB application in LAA, to assess its anatomical proximity [31]; LAA isolation might be associated with increased risk of perforation.
Visfatin gene expression and oxidative stress in pregnancy induced hypertension
Published in Egyptian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 2018
Hanan M.A. El-Taweel, Nevein A. Salah, Amal K. Selem, A.A. El-Refaeey, A.F. Abdel-Aziz
Lipid peroxidation has the main originator factor for oxidative stress and the etiopathogeneiss of preeclampsia [45]. In this result, there was increased in malondialdhyde level in hypertensive pregnant women groups when compared with normotensive pregnant women group. Products of lipid peroxidation are the candidate factors that mediate disturbance of the maternal vascular endothelium and may inhibit prostacyclin synthesis and also stimulate smooth muscle contraction that lead to widespread vasospasm, a prominent feature of preeclampsia [1].