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Importance of Bacterial Biofilm in Bioremediation
Published in Pankaj Chowdhary, Abhay Raj, Contaminants and Clean Technologies, 2020
Rishi Pramod Babu, Soumya Pandit, Namita Khanna, Pankaj Chowdhary, Abhilasha Singh Mathuriya, Elvis Fosso-Kankeu
Based on the kinds of pollutants, both acceptor and donor may be involved in mediating the degradation process. Many redox reactions also limit the trace elements found in the polluted sites. A change in the oxidation potential of metals is related to the change in toxicity or solubility, which is evident when uranium and chromium are taken into consideration. In the presence of heavy metals, the transformation of sulfate to sulfide changes the solubility and mediates the immobilization and elimination of sulfate from wastewater by sulfur-reducing bacteria (Liu et al., 2017).
Iron and Sulfur Bacteria
Published in Maria Csuros, Csaba Csuros, Klara Ver, Microbiological Examination of Water and Wastewater, 2018
Maria Csuros, Csaba Csuros, Klara Ver
Sulfur bacteria in water and wastewater are sulfur-reducing bacteria, such as Desulfovibrio and the single-celled aerobic sulfur oxidizer, Thiobacillus. Sulfur-reducing bacteria contribute greatly to the tuberculation and galvanic corrosion of water mains and to the taste and odor problem of water. Thiobacillus genus produce sulfuric acid (H2SO4), which destroy concrete sewers and causes corrosion problems of metals.
Impact of corn stover particle size and C/N ratio on reactor performance in solid-state anaerobic co-digestion with dairy manure
Published in Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, 2020
A.A. Ajayi-Banji, S. Rahman, S. Sunoj, C. Igathinathane
Aside methane concentration, hydrogen sulfide (H2S) concentration was also measured. High H2S concentration implies active sulfur-reducing bacteria activities, being the by-product of the bacteria (Kushkevych et al. 2017). In general, the bacteria compete with methanogens for nutrient. The observed rise in hydrogen sulfide production between the first and second week of the experiment for treatments DMCS24S and DMCS24L (Figure 7) explains why the corresponding methane concentration in these treatments (DMCS24S and DMCS24L) was low within this period (Figure 6). As sulfur-reducing bacteria was competing with methanogens for nutrient (hydrogen). However, after the decline in H2S production, particularly after the 5th week (Figure 7), methane concentration in these treatments (DMCS24S and DMCS24L) had reached about 45% and was relatively stable until the end of the experiment (Figure 6). Nevertheless, a consistently low methane concentration from treatments DMCS28L and DMCS32L was likely to be attributed to VFA accumulation.
Hypolimnetic oxygenation 1: win–win solution for massive salmonid mortalities in a reservoir tailwater hatchery on the Mokelumne River, California
Published in Lake and Reservoir Management, 2019
In aquatic ecosystems, sulfur-reducing bacteria produce H2S as a dissolved gas by reducing sulfate when oxygen and nitrate have been depleted (Dunette et al. 1985; Horne and Goldman 1994). Anoxic water (near zero DO) in the hypolimnion is characteristic of many eutrophic lakes, but the high-quality water supply from the Sierra Nevada Mountains was assumed to yield an oligo- to mesotrophic state for Camanche Reservoir. After the fish kills, it was obvious that the reservoir was eutrophic with anoxic sediments.