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Musculoskeletal system
Published in David A Lisle, Imaging for Students, 2012
Multiple large muscles attach to the pelvic bones. Sudden applied stress to the muscle insertion may result in avulsion, i.e. separation of the bony attachment. Commonly avulsed muscle insertion sites include: Anterior inferior iliac spine: rectus femorisAnterior superior iliac spine: sartoriusIschial tuberosity: hamstrings (Fig. 8.7)Lesser trochanter: iliopsoasGreater trochanter: gluteus medius and minimis.
Direct Anterior Approach to the Hip Joint
Published in K. Mohan Iyer, Hip Joint in Adults: Advances and Developments, 2018
We mark the operated hip to show the anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS), the interval between the sartorius and rectus femoris anteriorly and the TFL posteriorly, and the proximal femur. The incision starts 2 cm distal and posterior to the ASIS, and it continues obliquely distally and posteriorly over the TFL for 8-10 cm but can be shorter, if desired. The incision is extensile, if necessary (Fig. 17.4).
Effects of backrest and seat-pan inclination of tractor seat on biomechanical characteristics of lumbar, abdomen, leg and spine
Published in Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 2023
Qichao Wang, Yihuan Huo, Zheng Xu, Wenjie Zhang, Yujun Shang, Hongmei Xu
In this study, the muscles with high activities, including gluteus maximus, semitendinosus, Rectus femoris, iliopsoas, vastus lateralis and sartorius, were analyzed, and those muscles with low activities or small muscle tissues were not taken into account. Gluteus maximus has a wide and thick quadrilateral shape, and mainly drives the extension and external rotation of the thigh. Semitendinosus is located at the back of the thigh and helps the extension of the hip joint and bending of the knee joint. Rectus femoris is located in the front of the thigh, whose main function is to extend the knee joint and bend the thigh. Iliopsoas is composed of psoas major muscle and iliacus, which is mainly responsible for the external rotation of the thigh and forward flexion of the pelvis and trunk. The sartorius is flat and banded, and is one of the longest in the leg muscles, starting from the anterior superior iliac spine, passing through the inner side of the knee joint, and finally to the inner side of the upper end of the tibia. The main function of sartorius is for the bending of the hip and knee.