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Artificial Intelligence-enabled Automated Medical Prediction and Diagnosis in Trauma Patients
Published in Richard Jiang, Li Zhang, Hua-Liang Wei, Danny Crookes, Paul Chazot, Recent Advances in AI-enabled Automated Medical Diagnosis, 2022
Lianyong Li, Changqing Zhong, Gang Wang, Wei Wu, Yuzhu Guo, Zheng Zhang, Bo Yang, Xiaotong Lou, Ke Li, Fleming Yang
Lyu et al. [22] used deep learning in chest CT-assisted diagnosis system to evaluate 403 patients with emergency chest trauma. The sensitivity and specificity of the assisted diagnosis system for detecting pneumothorax, pleural effusion/blood, and rib fracture were 96.6% and 97.6%, 80.0% and 99.7%, 99.2% and 83.9% respectively. The sensitivity of detecting lung contusion was 97.7%. The assisted diagnosis system and manual imaging diagnosis have high consistency in the diagnosis of chest injury. Missed diagnosis of two cases of pneumothorax, three cases of pleural effusion/blood, nine cases of rib fractures, and six cases of other fractures in traditional approach were all detected by the deep learning-assisted diagnosis system. The author concluded that the deep learning chest CT diagnosis system can effectively assist in the detection of chest CT injuries in emergency trauma patients, and it is expected to optimize the diagnosis and treatment process of emergency trauma patients. Weikert et al. [40] also found that CT scan based on deep learning has a sensitivity of 87.4% and a specificity of 91.5% in detecting rib fractures.
Bronchiolitis obliterans organizing pneumonia induced by drugs or radiotherapy
Published in Philippe Camus, Edward C Rosenow, Drug-induced and Iatrogenic Respiratory Disease, 2010
In another report, a 67-year-old man with severe rheumatoid arthritis for 8 years had taken 10 mg of methotrexate weekly for 8 months when he developed fatigue, weight loss and an unproductive cough.16 The chest X-ray showed normal lungs; however, 1 month later, he developed acute-onset right-sided chest pain after an episode of cough. Now, the chest radiograph showed a right upper lobe triangular consolidation in the axillary area with air bronchograms and an 8th posterior rib fracture. Transbronchial biopsy showed interalveolar septa infiltrated by mononuclear cells along with plugs of granulation tissue within bronchioles consistent with BOOP. The rib biopsy showed a rheumatoid nodule. Eight months later the patient had improved symptoms and the lung consolidation had partially resolved while continuing the methotrexate.
Breast Thermography
Published in James Stewart Campbell, M. Nathaniel Mead, Human Medical Thermography, 2023
James Stewart Campbell, M. Nathaniel Mead
Trauma to the breast may occur from assault or accidents, such as domestic abuse, airbag deployment, or a large dog jumping up with paws placed on the breast area. Significant trauma to the breast may result in abrasion, ecchymosis, bruising (including hematoma), and laceration. Ecchymoses and superficial bruises may not show up thermally, unlike inflammation caused by soft tissue damage. A large hematoma may appear cool. With the patient's consent, visual photographs should be taken to document the trauma. Breast screening thermography should be repeated once the trauma has healed – 1 month for a simple ecchymosis, six or more months following an underlying rib fracture.
Effect of geometrical and mechanical parameters of ribs submitted to high velocity impact. A numerical investigation
Published in Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 2022
Thoracic injuries happen frequently in various frameworks of impact biomechanics such as automotive industries, sports and high-velocity ballistic impacts, second fatal injury behind head injury [1–5]. Rib fractures are common in thoracic injuries that can lead to life-threatening injuries, such as bone fragments of ribs perforating the lung pleural surface, lung parenchyma, liver or heart, which may result in pneumothorax, hemothorax or death [6, 7]. Specifically, the elderly who are more likely to encounter rib fractures, they need longer recovery time or even face higher mortality owe to the decreased thoracic injury tolerance [8, 9]. In consequence, it is of importance to investigate the dynamic responses of ribs under dynamic loadings, which can help understand the mechanisms of rib fractures and corresponding injury criterion.
Living and dying on the edge of the Empire: a bioarchaeological examination of Otago’s early European settlers
Published in Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand, 2022
Hallie Ruth Buckley, Phillip Roberts, Rebecca Kinaston, Peter Petchey, Charlotte King, Kate Domett, Anne Marie Snoddy, Elizabeth Matisoo-Smith
Rib fractures are most commonly associated with blunt force trauma to the chest and in modern times are often caused by motor vehicle accidents (Wedel and Galloway 2014). A nineteenth century equivalent could be injury associated with horse drawn vehicles and horseback riding (Brickley and Buteux 2006). There are numerous newspaper accounts in this period of either from being thrown from a horse, kicked by a horse, or people being killed and injured in cart accidents (either being run over by them or thrown from them). Other causes of trauma to the chest are work related, assault, and interpersonal violence, especially domestic violence (Wedel and Galloway 2014). The clinical implications of rib fractures are usually overlooked in bioarchaeology as mundane, however, they signify an inability to work for some weeks at the very least, and in more extreme circumstances, life-threatening injury to organs or vessels (Brickley 2006).
Functional outcomes of motor vehicle crash thoracic injuries in pediatric and adult occupants
Published in Traffic Injury Prevention, 2018
Samantha L. Schoell, Ashley A. Weaver, Jennifer W. Talton, Ryan T. Barnard, Gretchen Baker, Joel D. Stitzel, Mark R. Zonfrillo
Individual thoracic injuries were grouped into 8 groups based on structure of injury and injury type to increase sample sizes and highlight differences across general injury groups. Overall, older adults had higher associated disability for the majority of the injury groups, with pediatric patients having higher associated disability for flail chest injuries and with middle-aged adults having higher associated disability for pneumomediastinum injuries. With rib fractures being the most frequent AIS 3+ chest injury in MVCs and the decrease in injury tolerance due to structural and material changes with age, older adults exhibiting higher disability risk falls in line with the given trends (Kent et al. 2005; Leport et al. 2011). Rib fractures can also result in hemothorax, pneumothorax, and lung contusions and can lead to further disability. Blunt thoracic aortic injuries, though not heavily prevalent, have been shown to lead to high rates of morbidity and mortality due to the inability of patients to undergo aortic repair (Arthurs et al. 2009). Similar to the findings in this study, the most prevalent disability associated with patients with blunt thoracic aortic injuries was locomotion.