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Body Systems: The Basics
Published in Karen L. LaBat, Karen S. Ryan, Human Body, 2019
The adult skeleton consists of 206 linked bones that give the body both stability and the ability to move. Parts of the skeleton are impact-resistant structures that encase and protect vital organs. For example, the skull (the bones of the head) surrounds and safeguards the brain. The rib cage shields the heart and lungs. The bony pelvis contains the intestines and bladder. In women the bony pelvis forms a “cradle” for the unborn child. The female bony pelvis is broader than the male’s to facilitate birth. While the skull (without the jaw), ribs, and pelvis have relatively little motion, the bones of the spine (backbone) and limbs (arms and legs) are essential to mobility. The spine or vertebral column protects the spinal cord; much like the skull protects the brain. With its segmented structure, the vertebral column allows us to survey the surrounding environment and reposition the head and the body. In adults, there are 33 individual vertebrae (bony segments of the vertebral column) named by the body region where they are found; the upper 25 are movable (Moore, Agur, & Dalley, 2011).
Influence of morphology and material properties on the range of motion of the costovertebral joint – a probabilistic finite element analysis
Published in Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 2018
Benedikt Schlager, Frank Niemeyer, Christian Liebsch, Fabio Galbusera, Julius Boettinger, Daniel Vogele, Hans-Joachim Wilke
The rib cage plays an important role in human trunk biomechanics, such as respiration (Agostoni et al. 1967; Wilson et al. 1987; Cappello and De Troyer 2004), protection and support of the viscera, as well as in the stabilization of the spine (Andriacchi et al. 1974; Oda et al. 1996; Brasiliense et al. 2011; Liebsch et al. 2016, 2017). The main mechanical links between the rib cage and the thoracic spine are the costovertebral joints (CVJ), which provide an articular connection between a rib and its adjacent vertebrae. In consideration of the functions of the ribcage, the costovertebral joint provides a stable link between a rib and the adjacent vertebra with the ability to transmit high loads to the spine, while at the same time offering enough flexibility for respiration.