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The effect of an exercise regime on Lumbar Spine Curve
Published in Steve Haake, The Engineering of Sport, 2020
Hossein M. Alizadeh, Janette Standring
To increase the capacity of the muscles to produce the adequate tension necessary for maintaining the pelvis the De Lorme and Watkines approach was followed to improve abdominal and hip extensor muscle strength (Galley and Forset 1987). This is because, in lordosis people the abdominal muscles, especially external oblique and hip extensor are in lengthened position (Kendall et al 1983). This study was concerned with weakness of those muscles which are attached to the pelvis and their weakness may cause exceeded anterior pelvic tilt. The heavy progressive resisted exercise was performed to increase the strength of the program was used to strengthen weakened muscles. Fleck and Kramen (1987), cited by Brown (1991), state that novices with little or no pre-training have a greater significant strength gain at higher repetitions than an athlete”.
Designing for Mid-Torso Anatomy
Published in Karen L. LaBat, Karen S. Ryan, Human Body, 2019
Locating the WC immediately above the iliac crests may be useful for some products like low-rise jeans and some men’s pants. Wearable products like “fanny” packs, ammunition belts, and tool belts are often positioned on or slightly above the iliac crests. Wang et al. (2003) state that locating the iliac crests is technically difficult, depending on pelvic structure and posture. Clearly defining the landmark location and developing precise directions for palpating and marking is important. Position of the pelvis, sometimes called pelvic tilt, affects iliac crest location. Read more about pelvic tilt related to product fit later in this chapter.
The Body as a Mechanical System
Published in R. S. Bridger, Introduction to Human Factors and Ergonomics, 2017
Many muscles attached to the pelvis can be considered as guy ropes or stays, which fixate the pelvis onto the heads of the femora. These muscles can exert torques on the pelvis, which cause change in pelvic tilt (even though this is not their main function). The hamstring, gluteal, iliopsoas, erectores spinae muscles, and other muscles together with the ligaments of the hip joint are part of the lumbo-pelvic system. The tilt of the pelvis in the anterior/posterior plane depends on equilibrium of the torques exerted by the antagonistic muscles in the system.
Effects of running biomechanics on the occurrence of iliotibial band syndrome in male runners during an eight-week running programme—a prospective study
Published in Sports Biomechanics, 2021
Peixin Shen, Dewei Mao, Cui Zhang, Wei Sun, Qipeng Song
The increased anterior pelvic tilt may be due to weakness in the core muscle, particularly the rectus abdominis. The trunk moves relative to the pelvis to achieve balance. The ITBS group moved their trunk in a vertical direction for compensation. Thus, a greater trunk inclination angle of the ITBS group was observed in trial 2 than in trial 1. In another interpretation, this increased anterior pelvic tilt angle may be due to the tightness of the hip flexor musculature, such as iliopsoas and tensor fasciae latae, or the surrounding anterior hip capsular and ligamentous structures (Schache et al., 2000). The ITB is a sheet of connective tissue that includes the fascia of the gluteus maximus, gluteus medius and tensor fascia (Miller, Lowry, Meardon, & Gillette, 2007). In the current study, the ITBS group did not feel tension in the ITB in time, thereby leading to an increase in the anterior pelvic tilt angle. However, no frontal plane pelvic angle differences were observed between the two groups, which is consistent with the results of a previous study, in which the contralateral pelvic drop moves the thigh and pelvis medially close, thereby increasing hip adduction (Foch et al., 2015) and leading to increased strain in the ITB. In conclusion, excessive trunk posture and pelvic activity during running may be ITBS risk factors.
Training-induced changes in anterior pelvic tilt: potential implications for hamstring strain injuries management
Published in Journal of Sports Sciences, 2021
Jurdan Mendiguchia, Angel Gonzalez De la Flor, Alberto Mendez-Villanueva, Jean-Benoît Morin, Pascal Edouard, Mirian Aranzazu Garrues
Due to limited and controversial literature available to date, no overall evidence for the effect of non-surgical treatment in reducing static anterior pelvic tilt has been found and more research in the area was advocated (Falk Brekke et al., 2020). To our knowledge, this study is the first study showing changes in pelvic kinematics during gait after a multimodal (i.e., manual therapy, mobility, lumbopelvic control and strength) training intervention specifically directed to correct and decrease APT. The intervention programme was based on the postulate that adjacent anatomical joints (e.g., thoracic region) and muscular imbalances around the lumbopelvic area influence the pelvic position and lumbar lordosis (Buchtelová et al., 2013). Each element of the programme aimed to decrease both APT and associated lumbar lordosis. In this regard, different authors have noted, for instance, a consistent reduction in hip peak extension associated with compensatory increases in APT leading to smaller step length and decreased gait velocity (Buchtelová et al., 2013; Kerrigan et al., 1998). However, it has been shown that a simple supervised hip flexor stretching programme is able to reverse these kinematic and spatio-temporal variables during gait (Watt et al., 2011). At the same time, limited range of motion in hip extension has been suggested to decrease hip extensor activity, and therefore limit the posterior pelvic tilt function of this muscle group (Mills et al., 2015). Therefore, and in order to decrease the potential impact on the elongation of the contralateral femoral biceps during sprinting (through the pelvis motion) and preserve the activation of the hip extensors during the late swing phase, flexibility of the hip flexors seems fundamental and indispensable in any programme aimed at improving hip extension and controlling pelvis motion.
Effect of the type of brace on head to pelvis sagittal alignment of adolescents with Scheuermann’s kyphosis
Published in Assistive Technology, 2022
Mohsen Azar, Taher Babaee, Mojtaba Kamyab, Hassan Ghandhari
In this study, all radiographic parameters were measured using Surgimap software version The usefulness of this digital technique for measuring the values of spinal parameters has been assessed by Lafage et al. (Lafage et al., 2015). Their results showed that Surgimap software has an excellent validity and good to excellent interrater and intrarater reliability. In this study, two authors who had a minimum 5 years of experience in management of adolescents with spine deformities evaluated the radiographic images. These authors were blinded to their measurements. To assess the intra-observer agreement, two measurements performed by the same author in an interval of 2-week. We measured the radiographic parameters of interest (Figure 3) according to the following details: C0-C2 lordosis: the angle between the McGregor line and the lower end of the second cervical vertebra based on Cobb method (Ling et al., 2018). C2-C7 lordosis: the angle between the lower parts of the second and seventh cervical vertebrae based on Cobb method (Ling et al., 2018). Cervical sagittal vertical axis (cSVA): the distance between the vertical line drawn from the center of the second cervical vertebra to the upper-posterior corner of the seventh cervical vertebra (Ling et al., 2018). T1 slope: the angle between the tangent line to the upper end of the thoracic vertebra and the horizontal line (Ling et al., 2018). Thoracic inlet angle (TIA): an angle formed by a line perpendicular to the superior endplate of T1 and a line connecting the center of the T1 upper end plate and the upper end of the sternum (Ang et al., 2021). T1-T12 kyphosis: the angle between the tangent line on the upper end of the first thoracic vertebra and the tangent line on the lower part of the 12th thoracic vertebra measured by Cobb method (Mac-Thiong et al., 2011). L1-S1 lordosis: the angle between the tangent line on the upper end of the first lumbar vertebra and the tangent line on the lower part of the first sacrum vertebra measured by Cobb method (Mac-Thiong et al., 2011). Sagittal vertical axis (SVA): the distance between the vertical line drawn from the center of the 7th cervical vertebra to the upper-posterior corner of sacral plate (Mac-Thiong et al., 2011). Pelvic incidence (PI): the angle between the vertical line perpendicular on the sacral plate and the line that enters the middle of the sacral plate and the axis of the femoral heads (Vrtovec et al., 2012). Sacral slope (SS): the angle between the tangent line to the sacral plate and the horizontal line (Vrtovec et al., 2012). Pelvic tilt (PT): the angle between the vertical line and the line that enters the center of the femoral heads from the middle of the sacral plate (Vrtovec et al., 2012). T1 spinopelvic inclination (T1SPi): the angle between the vertical plumb line and the line drawn from the vertebral body center of T1 and the center of the bicoxofemoral axis (Lafage et al., 2009). Neck tilt (NT): the angle formed by a vertical line drawn in the upper end of the sternum and a line connecting the center of the T1 upper end plate and the upper end of the sternum (Lee et al., 2012).