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Designing for Upper Torso and Arm Anatomy
Published in Karen L. LaBat, Karen S. Ryan, Human Body, 2019
The nipple is surrounded by lobes of mammary gland tissue. Adipose tissue fills the spaces between the lobes. Lactiferous ducts (milk ducts) from the mammary tissue expand into cavities beneath the nipple (Pandya & Moore, 2011). On the surface of the breast, the nipple is surrounded by the circular, more densely pigmented zone, the areola. Sensory nerves in the skin of the areola are sensitive to cold, touch, and sexual arousal. The skin wrinkles and the nipple becomes erect in response to these stimuli. Cooper’s suspensory ligaments, specialized connective tissue structures, pass through the breast tissue to loosely attach the breast to the dermis of the skin over the breast tissue and to underlying muscle. Support bras and sports bras are designed to restrict breast movement on the chest, to limit stress to these ligaments.
Breast imaging
Published in David A Lisle, Imaging for Students, 2012
Causes of nipple discharge include hormonal factors, infection, benign papilloma of a mammary duct, mammary duct ectasia and malignancy. Radiological investigation is particularly indicated for investigation of nipple discharge where various clinical factors indicate a greater likelihood of malignancy: Age over 60Discharge is unilateral, from a single ductSerous or bloodstained dischargePalpable mass.
Breast imaging
Published in A Stewart Whitley, Jan Dodgeon, Angela Meadows, Jane Cullingworth, Ken Holmes, Marcus Jackson, Graham Hoadley, Randeep Kumar Kulshrestha, Clark’s Procedures in Diagnostic Imaging: A System-Based Approach, 2020
A Stewart Whitley, Jan Dodgeon, Angela Meadows, Jane Cullingworth, Ken Holmes, Marcus Jackson, Graham Hoadley, Randeep Kumar Kulshrestha
The breast (mammary gland) is one of the accessory organs of the female reproductive system (Fig. 12.2b). The adult breasts comprise two rounded eminences situated on the anterior and lateral walls of the chest, lying superficially to the pectoral muscles and separated from them by areolar tissue and fascia. They extend from the second to the sixth ribs and from the lateral border of the sternum to the mid-axillary line. The supero-lateral part is prolonged upwards and laterally towards the axilla to form the axillary tail. The nipple is a conical projection just below the centre of the breast, corresponding approximately to the fourth/fifth intercostal space.
Docetaxel-loaded redox-sensitive nanoparticles self-assembling from poly(caprolactone) conjugates with disulfide-linked poly(ethylene glycol)
Published in Journal of Biomaterials Science, Polymer Edition, 2022
Yongli Shi, Chunyan Li, Mingbo Yang, Xiaofei Pan, Jie Hu
Breast cancer, often referred to as the ‘pink killer’, is the most common malignancy in women [1,2]. In recent years, it has become the most sever threat to women's health [3]. Like other tumors, the occurrence of breast cancer is caused by the unlimited proliferation of gland epithelial cells with the action of several cancer-causing chemicals. The earlier performances of breast cancer are breast lumps [4], nipple discharge [5], axillary lymph node enlargement and other symptoms. However, at the late stage, the invasion and metastasis of tumor cells will result in the cancerization of many other organs, which directly threatens to the patients’ lives. Globally, 2 million new cases of breast cancers are diagnosed in 2018, accounting for 11.6% of the total number of new cancers [6]. In Western Europe, North America and other developed countries, the breast cancer ranks the top of all female tumors [7]. In other words, one in seven American women will develop breast cancer, and this risk increases with the growth of age. Study finds that the breast cancer has the top incidence rate and the second highest mortality in the female malignant neoplasms [6]. In recent years, the morbidity of breast cancer in China is also growing fast [8]. It has become a serious disease which threatens women's health and lives.
Bra preferences of breast cancer survivors treated with mastectomy and prosthetic reconstruction
Published in International Journal of Fashion Design, Technology and Education, 2020
Susanne M. Wroblewski, Maureen S. MacGillivray, Chin-I. Cheng
When reconstruction is considered, a woman must evaluate the available options and determine the process that would be most compatible with her desired outcome. Prosthetic reconstruction options can include direct or tissue expander processes with saline or silicone-filled implants (Mentor Guide to Reconstruction, 2018; Steligo, 2017). Depending on the degree of invasiveness of the surgery and whether or not the diagnosis requires post-surgical radiation, the reconstruction can be scheduled to occur immediately or after mastectomy recovery is complete (Miller et al., 2017). There are also combinations of autologous and prosthetic implants using tissue from the buttocks, lower abdomen and the upper back (Breast Reconstruction after Mastectomy, 2017; Cordeiro, 2008; Steligo, 2017). These surgeries can lead to the formation of scar tissue in different areas that impact bra selection criteria. Nipples can be created from skin flaps near the site, formed from grafted tissue (Nipple reconstruction, 2019; Sisti et al., 2016). Tattoos can be used to enhance reconstructed nipple colour or to depict a two or three-dimensional nipple where none exists (Lee & Sheckter, 2018; Nipple reconstruction, 2019). Existence and style of nipples, whether they are erect or flat, and whether they are similar from left to right, impact how bra cups fit the individual.