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Blow Room Calculations
Published in Ashok R. Khare, Principles of Spinning, 2021
In Hunter & Cog mechanism, the gear wheel on C.R. (cog wheel) has 50 teeth. The lap length constant is 0.9 whereas the diameter of C.R. is 5 inches. Find the length and weight of this lap, if its weight per yard is 13.5 oz.Lap Length = Constant x Teeth on Cog Wheel= 0.9 × 50 = 45 yardsWeight of the Lap = (45 ×13.5) ÷ 16 = 37.96 lbs or 17.21 kgNote: For bringing the knock-off, only the teeth of the cog wheel carried by calendar roller are important in deciding the length of the lap. By varying the teeth on this wheel, both the length and hence the lap weight can be changed. The value of the other wheel is usually a few teeth higher or lower than cog wheel; or else, the combination of the wheels should be such that their L.C.M. is the product of number of teeth on both. In short, the L.C.M. for the wheels shown in the (fig. 144/145) = T1 x T2 where either T1 or T2 is a prime number.
Applications of Electron Beam Radiation
Published in Jiri George Drobny, Radiation Technology for Polymers, 2020
Figure 9.13 depicts the process of producing heat-shrinkable polyethylene tubing and the use of the tubing to cover a wire joint. In step I, the tubing is extruded and irradiated to obtain a gel fraction of 40%. In step II, the irradiated tubing is heated up to 140°C (285°F) and expanded by the use of vacuum or pressure to about twice its original diameter, holding its length constant. Steps III and IV show the use of heat-shrinkable tubing to cover a joint of two wires. The tubing is centered over the joint and heated by a hot air gun to a temperature above the crystalline melting point of polyethylene. The sleeve shrinks and becomes a form-fitting cover for the joint.92
Spontaneous and Stimulated Emission in the Microcavity Laser
Published in Hiroyuki Yokoyama, Ujihara Kikuo, Spontaneous Emission and Laser Oscillation in Microcavities, 2020
Note that both the threshold population inversion nth;(=γ / βAoc;) and the threshold pumping rate (i,e., input power) decrease with increasing β. This is related to the decrease in the mode volume. For a confocal or concentric cavity, in which the laser medium is located at the focal point, increasing (3 corresponds to an increase in the mirror size and thus a decrease in the beam diameter (keeping the cavity length constant).
Numerical investigations on turbulent jet ignition with gasoline as an auxiliary fuel in rapid compression machines
Published in Combustion Science and Technology, 2023
Zeyuan Zheng, Lei Wang, Jiaying Pan, Mingzhang Pan, Haiqiao Wei
The grid size can significantly affect the accuracy of RANS calculation as a coarser grid size may result in larger numerical errors (Pope 2000). In this work, an acceptable level of mesh resolution was adopted, and the AMR was employed during combustion processes. Figure 3 shows the spray pattern of experiments and spray penetration at an injection pressure of 22.5 MPa and an injection pulse width of 0.8 ms. Herein the breakup length constant (Cbl), breakup time constant (B1), and size constant (CRT) are Cbl = 1, B1 = 7 and CRT = 0.1, respectively. The concept of liquid fuel mass fraction is introduced to calculate spray penetration. It assumes that with the exit of fuel spray as the center of a sphere and the radius of the sphere is defined as the spray penetration distance when 95% liquid fuel is located in the sphere. The typical range for simulations is 0.90 ~ 0.95 and herein 0.95 is adopted as it shows the best performance in the current work. It is noted that a slight difference in spray width can be observed between experiments and simulations, which is mainly ascribed to the data post-processing of fuel particle density. Globally, the numerical results agree well with the optical experiments in terms of spray pattern and spray penetration.
An experimental study on uplift behaviour of granular anchor pile in stabilized expansive soil
Published in International Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2021
Abhishek Sharma, Ravi Kumar Sharma
Figures 7 and 8 show the different curves for pull-out loading versus upward movement for varying diameter of GAP, keeping its length constant. From Figures 7 and 8, it has been observed that the ultimate pull-out load increased on increasing the diameter of the GAP. For 200 mm length of GAP, on increasing the diameter of GAP from 20 to 30 and 40 mm, the ultimate pull-out load increases from 1184 to 1340 and 1621 N, respectively; for 300 mm length of GAP, as the diameter of GAP is increased from 30 to 45 and 60 mm, the ultimate pull-out load increases from 1587 to 1830 and 2141 N, respectively. This showed a percentage increase of 13.17% and 36.90% on ultimate pull-out load for diameter changed from 20 to 30 and 40 mm, keeping GAP length 200 mm. Similarly, for 300 mm GAP length, on increasing the diameter from 30 to 45 and 60 mm, a percentage increase of 15.31% and 34.90% on ultimate pull-out load, respectively, is observed.
Laboratory study on wood accumulation probability at bridge piers
Published in Journal of Hydraulic Research, 2020
Isabella Schalko, Lukas Schmocker, Volker Weitbrecht, Robert M. Boes
Figure 9d and e illustrate p versus vo for dP = 0.01, 0.025 and 0.05 m. The effect of dP was investigated by keeping the ratios of pier diameter to log length constant with dP/LL = 0.125 (Fig. 9d) versus dP/LL = 0.250 (Fig. 9e), resulting in tested LL varying from 0.08 to 0.40 m. Note that for dP = 0.01 m only dP/LL = 0.125 was investigated, as the required LL = 0.04 m for dP/LL = 0.250 was very unstable in the flow and the log transport not comparable to other tested LL. For dP/LL = 0.250, p is on average ≈4.6% higher for dP = 0.05 m compared to dP = 0.025 m. The differences in p between dP = 0.05 m and dP = 0.025 m increase for dP/LL = 0.125 on average by 8.4%. The resulting p for dP = 0.010 m with dP/LL = 0.125 is 20–40.8% lower compared to the other two dP. During the model tests, shorter logs were transported more unstably in the flow and hit the bridge pier with a slight eccentricity. The eccentricity in relation to LL is higher for shorter logs, which reduces p. In addition, LL poses a stronger effect on p (see also Fig. 8a) compared to dP. Comparing Fig. 9d with Fig. 9e, p increases with decreasing ratio dP/LL.