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Designing for Head and Neck Anatomy
Published in Karen L. LaBat, Karen S. Ryan, Human Body, 2019
Air travels to and from the nose and mouth via the larynx and trachea to the lungs and back (Figures 3.10 and 3.13). Cartilage of the two airway components helps shape, protect, and support the front of the neck. The larynx, or voice box, is the upper part of the semi-rigid cylindrical airway running the length of the anterior neck. The large thyroid cartilage forms a wall around the larynx. A portion of this cartilage, the laryngeal prominence, projects anteriorly and is commonly called the Adam’s apple. This anthropometric landmark varies in size person-to-person and is more noticeable in men because its growth is stimulated with exposure to testosterone, a predominately male hormone. Ligaments and muscles hold the laryngeal cartilage framework, including the thyroid cartilage, in place.
Speech Production and Perception
Published in Philipos C. Loizou, Speech Enhancement, 2013
The larynx, composed of muscles, ligaments, and cartilages, controls the function of the vocal folds (or vocal cords). The vocal folds are two masses of ligament and muscle stretching from the posterior to the anterior of the larynx. The glottis is the opening between the two folds. The posterior ends of the folds are attached to two arytenoid cartilages that move laterally along with the cricoid cartilage (Figure 3.3).
Toxic Responses of the Lung
Published in Stephen K. Hall, Joana Chakraborty, Randall J. Ruch, Chemical Exposure and Toxic Responses, 2020
The larynx serves as a passageway for air between the pharynx and the trachea. It is lined with ciliated mucous membrane and the cilia move particles upward to the pharynx. The unique structure of the larynx enables it to function somewhat like a valve on guard duty at the entrance to the trachea, controlling air flow and preventing anything but air from entering the lower air passages.
The impact of aerosol box on tracheal intubation during the COVID‐19 pandemic: a systematic review
Published in Expert Review of Medical Devices, 2022
Trias Mahmudiono, Saurabh Singhal, Anas Amer Mohammad, Virgilio E Failoc-Rojas, Maria Jade Catalan Opulencia, Angel Santillán Haro, Yasir Salam Karim, Nizom Qurbonov, Walid Kamal Abdelbasset, Ahmed B. Mahdi, Yasser Fakri Mustafa
There are sparse data regarding the impact of the aerosol box on intubation time. Some studies have shown that the use of aerosol box leads to an increase in intubation time, and this is statistically significant [24,25,30,31,35,36,39,42]. However, there were a number of studies reporting no significant differences in the time to intubation with and without the aerosol box [32,38,40]. The findings of other systematic reviews dedicated to the intubation box showed that intubation time was significantly longer when using the aerosol box [20,55,60]. Moreover, it was reported that intubation time was relatively shorter when intubation was carried out by more experienced proceduralists using the video laryngoscopy [60]. Of note, the video laryngoscopy is a helpful tool in difficult airway management that facilitates the tracheal intubation maneuver by visualizing the patient’s larynx through a fiber-optic camera integral to a laryngoscope blade to indirectly display it on a monitor [61]. Several studies have widely reported the superiority of video laryngoscopy compared to direct laryngoscopy for glottic visualization, particularly in cases of difficult tracheal intubation [62–64]; as the video laryngoscopes are the recommended devices to perform tracheal intubation according to the different guidelines [65–68].
Simulated volume loss in the base of tongue in a virtual swallowing model
Published in Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering: Imaging & Visualization, 2019
Jing Wang, Andrew Kenneth Ho, Georgina Papadopoulos-Nydam, Jana Rieger, Yoko Inamoto, Sidney Fels, Eiichi Saitoh, Chuanbin Guo, Daniel Aalto
Airway protection mechanisms and compensatory strategies were left out from the model. Airway protection mechanisms (Medda et al. 2003; Steele et al. 2011) include vocal fold adduction, epiglottic inversion and antero-superior displacement of the larynx. Any of the above mechanisms may be impaired by surgery and chemoradiaton therapy. Other factors like muscular propulsion, oropharyngeal pressure (Steele and Cichero 2014; Park et al. 2016), asymmetric surgical intervention also have been related to swallowing impairments. There is evidence showing that patients employ compensatory strategies during swallowing after anatomical and physiological changes. For example, patients with dysphagia increased oral and pharyngeal pressure duration as a compensatory strategy to initiate and maintain bolus transit in the context of reduced BOT pressure and pharyngeal pressure (Pauloski et al. 2009). Increased anterior movement of posterior pharyngeal wall is quite frequently observed in BOT cancer patients after surgical intervention to compensate impaired volume and function of BOT. These compensatory strategies were not included in the present simulation study. Loss of volume would be conflated with loss of muscle function in real patients after they are treated with surgery, radiation or chemo therapy. This calls into question the isolation of BOT volume variable. Importantly, the simulated scenario could potentially arise as a result of insufficient tongue movement as opposed to the volume loss. Within the chosen simulation framework, the surface mesh movement driving the bolus would not necessarily differ substantially between tongue volume loss and insufficient tongue movement cases. In addition, in this virtual simulation, loss of muscle function was not involved and considered since that would have required are more sophisticated model where organs and muscles can independently move and where the control actions can be simulated.
Detection of Vocal Cord Ulcer Using Advanced 3D ST Volumetric Segmentation Net Architecture
Published in IETE Journal of Research, 2022
Antony Sophia N, G.Wiselin Jiji
Vocal cord ulcer develops in persons who use their voice forcefully in teaching, singing, and preaching in front of the crowd. In general, the vocal cord [3] has two bands of elastic muscles between the larynx. The larynx helps the person breathe properly and produce sound. It has two folds, one on either side, one fold is a vocal ligament, and the other fold is called vocalis muscles. Vocal cord ulcer can be detected in the Larynx region in any fold.