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Effect of Process Parameters on Cutting Forces and Osteonecrosis for Orthopedic Bone Drilling Applications
Published in Chander Prakash, Sunpreet Singh, J. Paulo Davim, Characterization, Testing, Measurement, and Metrology, 2020
Atul Babbar, Vivek Jain, Dheeraj Gupta, Chander Prakash, Sunpreet Singh, Ankit Sharma
A bone fracture occurs due to different reasons such as injury, ageing, or diseases. Bone drilling is a frequently used method for the treatment of bone fractures in which a bone is drilled to create a space for the insertion of screws, plates, and wires, etc. Rehabilitation of various orthopedic surgeries involves restoring the affected bone parts to their position and restraining them until complete healing [3]. For all that, sometimes we need to drill the bones and fasten the screws for easy and quick healing of the bones. This orthopedic drilling is very much similar to mechanical drilling process, which results in the reactive forces and increased temperature of surrounding bone material, which can cause the osteonecrosis in some of the cases and affects the reliability of surgery [4]. A fractured bone is a severe problem faced by a human from the starting of human life on this planet. Self-healing of the bone is a time-consuming process, and sometimes, the bone fixes on the wrong position. So, the allocation of fractured bone at the desired position is a tough task, and in this task, two basic approaches are taken into account: a conventional approach and a direct approach.
Segmentation and Analysis of CT Images for Bone Fracture Detection and Labeling
Published in K.C. Santosh, Sameer Antani, D.S. Guru, Nilanjan Dey, Medical Imaging, 2019
Darshan D. Ruikar, K.C. Santosh, Ravindra S. Hegadi
A fracture is a broken bone. Fracture occurs when an outside force is applied. If the force is too high, the bones will break [8]. The severity of a fracture usually depends on the force that caused the break. In mostorthopedic traumatic cases or accidents, the joint area is more likely to fracture than the shaft, i.e. epiphysis is more prone to fracture than diaphysis. The epiphyses of two or more bones come together at the joint area; the layer of cortical tissues (which provides strength) is fragile. That is the main reason behind the fact that the entire housing of the joint area is more vulnerable to fracture. In case of fracture at the joint area, the fracture lines are not crisp and appear very fuzzy. Contrary to this, a shaft, i.e. the middle part of the bone, is less fracture prone. Breakage happens only when massive outside force is applied directly on it. In the case of fracture, fracture lines are crisp,and the identification of individual fracture pieces is easier because there is a higher presence of cortical tissues at the shaft. Sample CT images containing fractures at the joint and shaft areasareshown in Figure 7.3(a) and (b) respectively. Most often greenstick, transverse, oblique, spiral, or segmental fractures may appear at the shaft. Avulsed or comminuted fractures may appear at the nearby joint area.
Applications of Biomaterials in Hard Tissue Replacement
Published in Yaser Dahman, Biomaterials Science and Technology, 2019
A bone fracture is a medical condition in which a bone becomes cracked, burst or bisected as a result of physical trauma. Bone fracture can also occur due to certain medical conditions that weaken bones, such as osteoporosis or certain types of cancer. A broken bone is not always defined as a fracture, especially since a fracture is not always defined as a broken bone. A broken bone is defined as a complete rupture of the bone, as opposed to a fracture covering any type of crack or rupture in the bone. Fatigue and impact loads are the most common reasons for bone fracture. Figure 11.3 shows the types of bone fracture.
Design approaches and challenges for biodegradable bone implants: a review
Published in Expert Review of Medical Devices, 2021
It can be seen that even the maximum possible thickness of plate has its limitations with respect to biodegradation rate to completely degrade within the time frame. The healing process of fractured bone usually takes 3–6 months and can be divided into three distinct stages: the inflammatory phase, repairing phase, and remodeling phase [120]. This indicates that the minimum possible complete degradation time must neither be less than 9 months, nor more than 15 months, as the biodegradable implant takes a minimum period of 3 months and maximum period of 9 months for total degradation after complete healing. The implant thickness should obviously be adjusted accordingly. Adequate support will be needed at least up to the repairing phase so that the bone is in a position to partially support itself on account of some of the joints acquiring due strength and alignment, the implant stepping in to provide partial support [121,122].
Fracture of geometric bone models. Multiscale simulation issues
Published in Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering: Imaging & Visualization, 2022
Francisco Daniel Pérez Cano, Adrián Luque Luque, Juan José Jiménez Delgado
A fracture can be defined as a phenomenon resulting in the breakage of a solid object as a result of a blow, force or traction exceeding its limit of elasticity. A fracture provides a great deal of information about the properties of a material and its relationship to other elements. The fracture of an osseous model also implies that the fragments have been obtained through a physical simulation applied to a heterogeneous material such as bone. This material is composed of a series of hierarchical structures that influence the entire fracturing process.
A compact representation of the bone fracture area. Application to fractured bones of clinical cases
Published in Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering: Imaging & Visualization, 2022
Adrián Luque, J. Roberto Jiménez-Pérez, Francisco Daniel Pérez Cano, Juan José Jiménez Delgado
In this study, we have proposed an approach to extract fracture zones from CT scans to replicate them on different 3D bone models. Starting with a CT scan, a segmentation and a fracture identification of a bone was done. Then the resulting point cloud was cleaned and processed in order to define a fracture surface. Finally, different representations or templates have been obtained.