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Published in Philip A. Laplante, Comprehensive Dictionary of Electrical Engineering, 2018
echo width analog telephony to cancel echoes from signals that traverse the entire round-trip connection, and in full-duplex voiceband modems, where the echo is due to leakage through the near-end hybrid. echo width in a 2-D scattering problem, the width needed to capture the exact amount of incident power, that when the scattering body is replaced by a cylinder, and the cylinder radiates the captured power, the amount of power received at a specified point is the same as that received if the scattering body is not replaced. Echo width is the 2-D analog of radar cross section in 3-D. The units of echo width are meters. Eckert, John Presper (1919-1995) Born: Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania Best known as one of the designers of ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator And Calculator), an early computer. Like many computer pioneers during World War II, Eckert was looking for more efficient ways of calculating trajectory tables for artillery and ranging systems for radar. Eckert graduated from the University of Pennsylvania and remained there to work with John Mauchly. Eckert and Mauchly later formed a company and continued to develop and refine their machine. Eckert eventually sold the company to what would become the Sperry Rand Corporation. Here he produced UNIVAC I (Universal Automatic Computer), one of the first commercially successful computers. The chief improvement of this machine over its predecessors was in its use of a stored memory. ECL ecliptic See emitter-coupled logic. plane of earth's orbit around the sun. edge coupled microstrip lines the microstrip lines that have the same ground plane and are on the same dielectric substrate and are parallel to each other. The coupling is mainly due to the fringing fields at the edges of the lines. edge detection the location of edges in an image by computer. See Canny operator, gradient buying power from one or more of the other systems in the interconnection group. ectopic beat a heart beat that originates from other than the normal site. eddy current a circulating current in magnetic materials that is produced as a result of timevarying flux passing through a metallic magnetic material. eddy current brake a braking device in which energy is dissipated as heat by generating eddy currents. eddy current drive a magnetic drive coupled by eddy currents induced in an electrically conducting member by a rotating permanent magnet, resulting in a torque that is linearly proportional to the slip speed. eddy current loss the energy wasted in sustaining undesirable eddy currents in an electrical conductor. EDFA See erbium doped fiber amplifier.
A robust algorithm for heart rate variability time series artefact correction using novel beat classification
Published in Journal of Medical Engineering & Technology, 2019
Jukka A. Lipponen, Mika P. Tarvainen
Ectopic beats can typically be detected by visual inspection of ECG or by automatically detecting missing P-waves or abnormal QRS complex morphology, this is however often time consuming or is not always applicable for example due to poor signal quality. In addition, most heart rate monitors and other wearable technology devices detect heartbeats automatically and store only the HRV time series for later use. Such wearable devices are used in conditions where frequent motion artefacts and higher incidence of ectopic events is expected. For example, when monitoring HRV during sports activities or even normal daily activities, the number of artefacts is typically high compared to controlled laboratory measurements. Thus, there is a clear need for scientifically validated, robust and automatic algorithms, which can reliably detect and correct extra, missed and misaligned beat detections as well as ectopic beats. Such algorithms should be able to run inside the wearable devices or in external analysis software.