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Images in Radiology: Concepts of Image Acquisition and the Nature of Images
Published in Mitul Kumar Ahirwal, Narendra D. Londhe, Anil Kumar, Artificial Intelligence Applications for Health Care, 2022
Nowadays, the CAD/AI-governed post-processing tools are available in the workstation supplied with the scanner that can determine calcium scoring (to see the overall calcium deposits in the branches of the three coronary arteries), auto analysis of the coronary arterial narrowing, etc. Coronary CT angiography is one of the good noninvasive techniques of assessing the status of the coronary arteries in a certain group of patients. The cardiac CT is also useful in chamber assessment in various other intracardiac pathologies or even to delineate the abnormalities of congenital heart disease.
CAD of Cardiovascular Diseases
Published in de Azevedo-Marques Paulo Mazzoncini, Mencattini Arianna, Salmeri Marcello, Rangayyan Rangaraj M., Medical Image Analysis and Informatics: Computer-Aided Diagnosis and Therapy, 2018
Marco A. Gutierrez, Marina S. Rebelo, Ramon A. Moreno, Anderson G. Santiago, Maysa M. G. Macedo
The high quality spatial resolution of coronary CT angiography allows the detection of the coronary tree and quantification of coronary artery stenoses. Since the adequate interpretation of coronary CT angiography requires considerable experience, the development of automatic computer-aided algorithms that can accelerate the learning curve and also provide an initial interpretation of a study is highly desirable (Dankerl et al. 2014; Goldenberg et al. 2012).
The role of cardiac computed tomography in pre-participation screening of mature athletes
Published in European Journal of Sport Science, 2022
Georgios A. Christou, Asterios P. Deligiannis, Evangelia J. Kouidi
On the other hand, coronary CT angiography is generally not recommended for assessment of cardiovascular risk in asymptomatic adults without prior cardiac testing (Greenland et al., 2010; Taylor et al., 2010). According to the clinical guidelines of the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, coronary CT angiography is recommended as first line investigation of individuals presenting with either angina or nonanginal chest pain and abnormal ECG (Moss, Williams, Newby, & Nicol, 2017; Timmis & Roobottom, 2017). ESC guidelines recommend coronary CT angiography to be performed for the evaluation of individuals with equivocal or non-diagnostic results of other noninvasive tests (Leipsic et al., 2014). Consistently, ACC/AHA guidelines recommend coronary CT angiography as a next step in the diagnostic management of individuals with prior exercise ECG and intermediate Duke treadmill score or discordant results of exercise ECG and stress imaging tests or equivocal result of a stress imaging test (Taylor et al., 2010). The usefulness of statin treatment to reduce the incidence of cardiovascular events has been demonstrated in individuals with nonobstructive CAD identified by cardiac CT (Cho et al., 2018).